Tuesday, March 24, 2020

I Will Punch You In The Face

     Things are starting to fall back into place in the house. It's still not the same, and probably will never be, but it's settling down. My mom visited with the therapist today, and she mentioned how strong my mom was, and that she was going to focus her energy on weening my mom away from the walker in the house. She said that it could be more of a hinderance and fall risk, since it is all new to her rather than an aid. She did say she would reevaluate that idea later on if it seemed like the walker was a definite need. Getting my mom to eat is still a challenge, but I've managed to get her to eat a full breakfast and lunch, and at least half of dinner. Still very small portions, seem too much for her in the evening. I do my best to load her up calorie wise in those first to meals, and focus on more nutrient dense foods in the evening. I did get some of the worst possible advice from the nurse that came yesterday to see her. We will only get one more visit from the nurse, but this advice was just plain bad. I mentioned the difficulty in getting my mom to eat, and how she had lost even more weight while in the facility, and she said to feed her lots of peanut butter, bananas, and ice cream. My mom does get plenty of peanut butter, but I refuse to make it every meal. Peanut butter has anti-nutrients that actually block nutrient absorption, so it can thicken the meat on you, but it will leave you very unhealthy if that is all you are getting. Bananas are pure sugar. She mentioned how good it was for healthy skin, which is just plain wrong as well. This was after commenting how good my mom's skin was. That is due to the diet a generally feed her. I've studied a lot about nutritional health, and what certain foods do and don't do. Trust me, bananas as a healthy fattening tool, is not a good thing. Ice cream was just ridiculous. I could feed my ice cream and she would be just happy doing that, but once again, pure sugar. Sugar will destroy your skin as well as a slew of other things within the body. I of course have a keto ice cream that has no sugar in it, but I keep it to nightly dessert. She also told me how this oncologist told her how she fattened up cancer patients, by feeding them anything they wanted. Listen, that is great if they are terminal, and you just want to comfort their final days, but if you want to try and turn things around, that is the worst possible thing you can do. Cancer feeds off of sugar. The absence of sugar in the body actually diminishes cancer cells. If I am ever unfortunate enough to get cancer, I will surely being doing a protocol of no sugar, and lots of intermittent fasting. I won't go into the ins and outs of that, but studies have shown great results for cancer patients utilizing these two eating habits.

      Speaking of eating habits, mine have been very odd lately. In an effort to preserve food during this whole isolation and quarantine, I have been fasting more, and sticking with 2mad and omad for the most part. This has lead to me losing more weight without even trying. I can tell you the numbers, since I did them this morning. I've been missing my weigh ins lately, since I really don't see much of a need for them much anymore. I weight in at 147, which is a 4.5 lbs loss from my last official weight. The worry of that would be that I'm losing muscle with all that fasting I've been doing. That is where the other two measurements come into the mix. My weight to height ratio is out of this world now. I've destroyed the .48 measurement that I was craving. I pulled a .477, by losing an entire half inch on the measurement. I checked body fat with the calipers, which of course aren't as accurate as I would like, but that's all I have. I'm still hitting that 14.9, which I'm labeling as in the 15% area. Even though it's reading the same, the appearance is quite a bit different, with much more definition in my midsection. I still need to add more muscle, and that will come. Today was the first day that had a semblance of normalcy for working out. I still have a nagging cough, but this is something that has always happened when I've gotten colds or flus. I get a persistent cough that is triggered my an irritation in my throat whenever I eat or drink. Colder foods and fluids are worse than warmer ones. That's where I am now, but it doesn't affect my physical ability anymore. The muscle will start packing on soon.

     Ok, garden time. I've failed at the broccoli, but it isn't all my fault. The natural environment has gotten in the way. I noticed this morning that my broccoli had buds on it, and sure enough, they bloomed. That is a bad thing. The hotter temperatures are what did them in. Broccoli likes it to be in the 60's and 70's, and it was of course a much hotter winter here in Florida than ever before. That has spurred the florets to flower. The good news, is that I can harvest the seeds from the flowers and try again in the fall. The bad news is, that the flowers make the florets unpalatable. It's a bit of a bummer, but they are pretty little flowers, so there is that.

     I'm not real sure if I'm going to try and harvest the seeds though. I may just let them run their course and pull them and plant more peppers. I have much better luck with peppers and tomatoes. I already have new tomatoes on the new plants. It's an exciting time in the garden, despite the few failures. You have to take the good with the bad, and that's how I'm taking it.

     Let's get to this virus now. I'm hearing rumblings that the self isolation is going to be lifted around Easter, which no expert agrees is the right time. They all say much more time is needed to beat this virus, so please stay at home, and don't listen to the people saying that sacrifices of loved ones lives need to be made. If you choose to leave the house and spread this virus, please, contact me, I'll give you my address, and since you are going to kill my mom and myself, I want you to come to my house so I can punch you directly in the face. I want to get my shot in before you take me out entirely. Don't be selfish, and save yourself the black eye or bloody nose, and just stay home and listen to the medical experts on all matters pertaining to this virus. I thank you in advance for not having to hurt my hand on your face.

     Alright, Favorite Song Of The Week time, and this one goes back to one of my all time favorite bands. It's really just one guy, but it's a band in name. This was the first industrial song that I ever heard, and gave me a love for the genre of music, and began my whole goth phase. This is by none other than Nine Inch Nails, and the genius talent of Trent Reznor. I give you one of the greatest songs of all time. Here is Nine Inch Nails and "Head Like A Hole".

      Yes, Trent has changed quite a bit since that debut album, but haven't we all? Remember to stay at home and stay safe. Peace in and goodnight.

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