Sunday, March 15, 2020

Stop Being A Douche

     My eating has been way off the charts this past week, due to the elderberry syrup I've been taking, and it shows. I should be taking my final dose tonight and then I'll be done with that. It's a glucose syrup, so it's pure sugar so that it gets into my blood stream faster, but with it having 8 grams of carbs per serving, I'm way over my carb allotment for the day. I will be so glad when things are back to normal. I will be able to eat normal, workout, sleep, and all that other good stuff. I've been sleeping a lot. I know I said this was a cold, but I do think it's something more. I'm down to a throat tickled and cough, with some minor body aches, and an occasional mild fever. It's acting a lot like a flu, but it isn't following the standard course of the flu.

     Enough about that, lets go on a little rant. If you are one of the people that is still going out to bars and restaurants right now, cause you need a stress relief from this whole "virus thing" grow up. I've been basically living in seclusion for 9+ months now. It can be done, and you won't miss anything. If you need a drink that bad, have it at home. You aren't just risking your life, you are risking everyone's life around you. Do you just simply not care about those around you? And for all the hoarders, cut it out. Even in the direst of situations in other countries the things that managed to stay open were, hospitals, pharmacies, and grocery stores. You'll be able to get your freaking toilet paper. Oh, and what underlying problem do you have that you need months worth of toilet paper to last you. Eat healthier.

     Ok, rant over. Just wanted to get that off my chest. Listen I get it, I know that this is the first time people are actually cooking food for themselves and others in a long time. That is one of the benefits of my lifestyle. I make clean healthy dinners every night. It is possible, and yes, it's going to be work. Trust me, you will get through this.

     What to do with your time? Well there are a lot of things. First, what interests you? That should be your first choice. If you like to read, then do that. Art, do that. Working out, this is a great time to go on YouTube and find calisthenics videos to do bodyweight workouts. Don't let your current environment hold you from being all that you can be. Take advantage of what can be the most "you" time you may get in your entire life. See if you can learn that thing you've always wanted to learn. There is no reason why you couldn't.

     I'm also going to recommend Hunters on Amazon Prime. I just started watching it today, and would be right now, if I wanted to skip writing this and miss The Walking Dead, but I gotta have something to do for the next couple of days while I'm still getting over this "cold". Which also reminds, and I can't believe I buried the lead on this one. The moms is coming home on Wednesday. They wanted to keep her longer, but I talked them down to this Wednesday. I know they have a good protocol in order for entry into the building, but mistakes happen, and it takes one person sliding past the screening process to infect everyone in that building. She is walking 100 feet with her walker now, but there is also the fact that she hasn't seen or heard a family member in 4 days now, and it has to be causing her dementia to go into overload.

     I only have one picture from the garden today. My first sunflower is starting to bloom, and It's super cool. I've never seen a sunflower bloom, so this is all new and exciting to me.

     This is still undersized and stands only a little over 3 feet tall. I'm hoping the bloom doesn't stunt it's growth. This particular variety is supposed to be up to 10 feet tall, and the head of the flower is around 14 inches. It's going to be big.

      I'm calling it a night. I'm actually staying up late tonight, because of TWD. I've been hitting the sack around 8 o'clock lately, so trying up til 10 is probably going to really do me in. I've also been sleeping until 8 as well. I wish I could say it was uninterrupted sleep, but that would be a fantasy. Lately I've been making it to 3-4 o'clock before being awoken by cough or the bathroom, so that is a good sign. The first few nights, I was up every hour on the hour. It was excruciating. Peace in and goodnight.

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