Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Future Baby

     I watched a long video today, that my buddy sent me, that made me feel much better about what I'm doing to avoid this virus. I'm not going to link the video, but I will summarize it. It's from a doctor in NYC that is on the front line there. It was talking about how easy it is to not catch the virus, if you do the right things. First thing is of course, wash your hands. He did add that when you open a door use Purell. I don't have that, so I'm sticking with my gloves and spray bottle of alcohol. Basically once I'm done with whatever activity I'm doing out in about, I spray everything down with alcohol including the gloves, take them off, and spray my hands down again. He also mentioned not touching your face. This is where I fail a bit. During this whole thing, I'm not wearing contacts, because the eyes are a sensitive area to contract the virus, that means I have to wear my glasses, which means that I'm constantly adjusting my glasses. I do keep it to using a knuckle to do it, so that it isn't a contact point where I've touched anything else, but it's still risky, and I don't touch my face until after I've sprayed down. Then biggest thing he mentioned is that you need prolonged contact to contract it, so just picking something up may not be enough to really transfer the virus, but still play it safe and sanitize after touching things. He did mention that a way to help you from touching your face was to wear a mask. I know, medical personnel really need the masks, but he says that it is actually a good practice to wear the non medically cleared masks. I have a friend making me a couple right now. They won't completely stop the virus, but they will help out greatly. It keeps moisture away from orifices which is key. The more you can keep from touching your face and keeping those orifices away from potential moisture, you will be safer.

     I may be a bit on the extreme side for wiping down door knobs after a delivery comes, and wiping down garbage and recycling bin handles before and after I wheel them down to the curb. I also wipe down the mailbox when I check the mail, and spray all the mail down and put it in quarantine for a minimum of a day in the garage. I'm doing every thing I can to not contract this virus and pass it on to my mother. Still, I see way too many people out and about. When I went to the grocery store yesterday, I saw far too many cars on the roads, and they were loaded with multiple people. The grocery store was rather mild and empty of people, so they were all going other places, which means that it was essential travel. Florida had a big jump today of over 1000 confirmed cases, and I saw an article yesterday from a local source where one hospital is seeing 1 new case every hour. These cases aren't being reported as confirmed, because there is no testing. They are simply telling the person that it is obvious that they have Covid-19 and then sending them home. That means Florida is vastly underreporting how many cases they actually have. If that holds true for every hospital in this county, that means there are over 500 cases a day. That article was written a few days ago, which means 1500 cases. Florida is only reporting just under 7000 cases statewide at this point, with the bulk of them in south Florida. Those numbers don't add up with reality. I told you the other day that Florida was about to explode with this, it may already have, but we don't have the tests, or the local government in place that is willing to do mass testing to prove the actual numbers. Once again, stay home people. The only way to stop this virus is to not be a part of the spreading of it.

     On to the garden. I did a bunch of repotting today. I used up the last of my grow bags, so I'm in need of more. I'll be ordering some in a few days. I can wait a while for now. I'm just about out of soil, so I couldn't fill the grow bags if I had them anyway. The nursery is open during this time and I could go and get some, but that would mean leaving my mom alone at home, and that is touch and go even for early morning grocery shopping. More on her and her constant talking to herself later. I do have one picture for you of the Aji Rainforest peppers. I finally have a couple of them starting to ripen and I'm really looking forward to tasting these. They have a unique look and a unique color when they are ripe. Most pictures show them as red, but it's a reddish orange, that is rathe pretty.

     I have 4 plant with ripening peppers right now, so I'm going to have some good tasting sessions coming up. None of them are superhots, so I doubt I'll make an videos for them. I will let you know how they taste though.

     Ok, now for the moms. She is doing great physically, even her physical therapist says so. She went for a pretty long walk with her yesterday, and they even stopped half way and did some leg exercises, but her mind, is not doing very good. When she isn't focused on a task, she is talking to herself. In her mind, she is talking to a group of women that are there with her for treatment. She also blames them for everything she does or doesn't do as well. It's incredibly frustrating, because the chatter back and forth with herself is endless. It usually has to do with going to bed or not knowing what she has to do. a normal conversation goes like this. "I want to go to bed. Me too. I think I'll go, are you coming with me? Yes. Ok, let's go." She stands up and starts to move. "Where did you go? Aren't you coming with me? What is wrong with you? Why aren't you saying anything to me right now? Answer me. ANSWER ME!". I tell her that no one is there, and that she can go to bed if she wants to. That's when she will tell me that she was right there, I don't know where she went. She was just there. I may end up losing my mind. It's not fun to be around someone that has gone insane, and dementia is part of that. Since I can't take her out, she is cooped up in the house. When I explain to her why, she understands it, but it's only for a few minutes, and then the questions begin again. I may try taking her for a drive just so she can get out of the house, but I can't stop anywhere, and let her get out and walk around, it's just too risky at this point. I'll just keep dealing with it. I have slacked on my meditation lately, so I really do need to get back to that, but I've been still sleeping somewhat late, lately, and that needs to change so that I can have that time I need for all my morning activities, including meditation. It will be a massive help in the long run, in keeping me sane.

     It's time for Favorite Song of the Week. This is a song that just came out today, and I found out about it because of a recommendation for a sort of vlog video from this band. I love them because of how weird they are. They are from South Africa, and they are a rap singing duo. They've been around for a while, but I don't think they've gotten the exposure that they deserve, because they put out some really good music, they are just weird, and as I said before, I love that about them. This is Die Antwoord with their brand new song that came out today "Future Baby".

     Oh yeah, their vlog video was about social distancing and staying in the house. So if they can do it, you can to. Peace in and goodnight.

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