Tuesday, March 17, 2020

We Are In For A Big Surprise

     Tomorrow if finally the day that the moms comes home. I didn't get a call changing the time yet, so it still stands at noon. I'll be expecting a call tomorrow, but if none come before 10:30, I'm heading out the door. The house is ready for her, and so are the dogs.

     My energy levels are still on the low side, but I'm getting there. Today was just a throat tickle and occasional cough. I did make a run to the grocery store, which was almost pointless. The good news is, that the stuff I wanted no one was going for. I know you would be thinking that I would be going for meat, eggs, cheese, cause I'm keto, but you couldn't be further from the truth on that. I get the majority of my meat from Butcher Box, and I pick up some extra stuff in a month or so supply around the same time. I still have a few weeks of meat left. I grab a carton of eggs when I see them on sale, so I have a month's worth of eggs already, and I rarely use cheese, so that is covered as well. Good thing too, cause those areas were slim pickings in the grocery store, as well as all dairy, bread, and frozen food sections. Of course the paper products aisle was completely empty at this point. Once again. Keto, so bathroom visits aren't anywhere near as often as you normal people. I have probably 2-3 months supply of TP in one 8 pack. I don't need hundreds of freaking rolls to get through this. What I was more in need of was, nuts, and veggies, and berries. Guess what the store had an abundance of? Just those things. People are passing over the fruits, veggies and nuts, for all those processed comfort foods. I guess being vegan doesn't count when you have to stay home and make your own meals. I was able to have my pick of berries, and get all my leafy greens and cruciferous veggies. I don't think I will have any worries during this whole thing about getting my nutrient dense foods.

     Here is what I predict within a year. There will be a population boom, and a massive obesity problem the hits this country like a tsunami. Right now, people are wanting to stay in shape, because they think that is the one thing they can control, but it's difficult to keep the energy up to do at home bodyweight workouts. Eventually the effects of the comfort foods that they are eating to calm their nerves will take its toll on them, and they will get lazier and lazier. They will develop bad eating habits in a short period of time due to the "convenience" and "ease" of making these bad for you  meals. That will lead to more stress, and the other thing we Americans love to do when under stress besides eat, is have sex, which will lead to that population boom. This country is going to be one giant mess when this is all over, mark my words.

     It's time for Favorite Song of the Week, and like I said a few weeks ago, I'm going back to my goth days. This was one of the first industrial bands that I fell in love with. They were full of angst and self hatred, which was all me. There was also the fact that they took a ton of their elements from old school hip hop and R&B, which as you know was part of the world my musical tastes came from with my love of funk and disco. This too me, was just a newer grittier version of all that. It railed against the establishment and screamed out that I wouldn't conform to "normal". I will tell you know that this band isn't for everyone, but this is really good stuff, and if you give it a try, you'll start to hear why I liked it so much. Here is Skinny Puppy with their hit song "Dig It".

     Next week I'll share with you the not only, the first industrial band I ever heard, but the first song I heard as well. Still to this day, it's one of my all time favorite songs and albums. I'm out, I'll give you the welcome home update on Thursday, so that you can see how the moms has settled in. Peace in and goodnight.

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