Thursday, March 5, 2020

Today Was A Good Day

     I had a rather rough night last night. Between Morty and just my own head, I was awake every hour within the night. I finally got out of bed at 6:30, feeling pretty miserable. Things changed during the day though. I'll get to all that, and my short review of Birds of Prey which I forgot on Tuesday.

     Things began taking a turn during my meditation, which was in the light of day, which bothered me, but that's what I get for rising as the sun instead of before it. That relaxing feeling that falls over me during my meditation definitely was a game changer today. I decided last night that I would just waltz into a 24 hour fast, but mid-morning a called an audible on the play so that could taste a new pepper.

     That is the Jemez Pueblo, which is actually supposed to be about twice that size. Since the plant is still small, that is the reason for the small sized pods. I decided to try that small one on the right. I didn't bother looking up what it was supposed to taste like, cause I didn't want to be influenced by what I read. I did remember that it is supposed to be around 5000 on the SHU, which puts it a little more mild than a jalapeño. I bit the end off first, so that I could get all the flavor and none of the heat, but it had a little sting to it. It was very sweet, and as I ate the rest of it, the flavor came to me. It was very much fruit flavored, like fruit punch. It did pack a little bite to it, but it was very mild. The real surprising part of it, was how long that mild burn lasted. I still had some heat 20 minutes after eating it. It was quite enjoyable. I highly recommend getting you some Jemez Pueblos if you ever get the chance. Not exactly the kind of pepper you come across everyday, so you'll have to hope you know a pepperhead like me, that can give you one.

     That was another step on what is a really good day. I've always had this need to change my appearance in some way. When I was younger that would be cutting my hair differently. There was one semester in high school that I didn't wear my hair the same way. I started out the semester with long hair that fell to the middle of my back, by the end, It didn't even reach the nape of my neck. When my hair went away, I turned to growing the facial hair differently. That lead to my 3 year beard growing phase, and then shaving it off entirely without warning. Since then, nothing has seemed to thrill me with changing my appearance, until of course, I was able to lose wait and complete change my appearance. This brought out my need to be different again. That need brought back some old tricks I used to do back in my goth days. Back then I wore black nail polish, lipstick and what not. It wasn't all the time, and it was just something to be different, and to feel different. Well the nail polish is back, but this time, I'm going with some color. Right now, my nails are a bold purple, which have been quite the hit with the ladies. I've gotten several compliments on the color. Which is a bit odd for me. I didn't do it for anyone other than myself. I'm selfish that way, but I do appreciate the compliments. This past week I found another old trick, but refined it, and I'm loving the subtle change. Back in the early days, it wasn't subtle at all, and was very pronounced, and it was more of an antisocial thing more than an attention thing. I wanted people to think I was weird and leave me alone. Oh yeah, I do realize I haven't tole you what it is, and I'm not going to. Not yet anyway. I posted this picture today on Instagram. I know, no social media, how do you do that? I can post it from photos in my phone without actually going on Instagram. Technology is amazing. Back to the picture. I posted this photo with the caption. It took nearly 49 years, but I'm finally beginning to be happy with who I am. I've gotten a few wonderful comments, and sadly I can't respond to them, unit I go back on social media next week. I'm still thinking about taking an extra week away from Facebook. The picture doesn't mention the subtle change I've made to my appearance, but you now know that there is something different. I want you to see if you can figure out what it is. Here is the picture, let me know what you think it is in the comments, and I'll reveal all on Sunday.

     Of course, the whole day wasn't good, but I didn't let the small stuff bring me down. I visited my mom, and she was doing really well, and very alert, despite me having to wake her up. Her new roommate on the other hand, is a pill. Since the second I got there, it could have began sooner, she was calling out for Amanda. I think Amanda is someone she used to live with, but she doesn't realize that she doesn't live there anymore. When my mom would respond to her, she would just yell "Amanda" louder. My mom took it in stride, and tried to be helpful to her, but she is a bit gone, far more than my mom is.

     On the way home, I planned on hitting up the grocery store, and then Lowe's for some polyurethane to finish off the pepper can stands. That was when I realized I forgot to bring my wallet, so none of that was going to happen. I was hitting the grocery store, to get some meat to make for dinner to break my fast with, yeah I know I technically broke it with the pepper, but I looked at the benefits of the pepper and weighed them against the possible damage it could have caused of actually breaking the fast. That left me with only one option for breaking my fast. Oh, the reason I needed fresh meat, is because I didn't plan properly and all the meat is frozen or in the process of thawing. Little pro tip. Let me thaw complete before cooking or it will be very very tough. I ended up breaking my 24 hour fast with my breakfast salad and a little protein magic. Sunwarrior, just released a new protein shake with greens. They only have it in a trial size right now, so it's really cheap. I mixed that with the Warrior Blend, to boost my protein intake. That shake mixed with the 2 cups of leafy greens I have in my salad, put me on the high end of my greens consumption for the week, so it was a win win. Eat healthy people, it feels so good.

     Oh, before I go. I potted the rest of the peppers, minus a couple that aren't ready to pot yet, and this is what the pepper area looks like now.

     As you can see, I decided to repot the Bulgarian Carrot, despite the peppers not being ready. I figured I would chance it at this point, since I now have a decent idea of what I'm doing. The big bag next to it, is the Aji Colorado that I planted from a seed, from a pepper that my buddy game me. I remember it being pretty good, but not exactly how it tasted. There are a couple of small pods on it right now, and a few flowers, so I'll be tasting it again real soon. I didn't bother counting today. I'll save it for tomorrow, but I believe there are around 50 varieties of peppers there. I will need to space them out as they grow, but for now, that's as good a place as any.

     That's it, I'm out of here now. Peace in and goodnight.

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