Sunday, March 29, 2020

Things Are Going To Get Worse

     Dementia sucks. I'm sure you already know that, but the moms has taken a turn for the worse. She is no longer the forget 5 year old mental aged person that asks questions over and over. Now she is the child mentality that battles everything, and is talking to herself constantly. I'm talking full conversations, that I can't translate. I understand the words she is saying, but I have no idea what they are about, because they always pick up middle of the conversation. She has also started turning towards the nasty side of things, and yelling and accusing. The first time was during breakfast a few days ago. She argued that she had eaten everything and when I walked over and pointed out what was on the plate, she yelled that someone else already ate it and spit it back on her plate. That wasn't the case at all, but that is where she is at most of the time now. She has also decided that she wants to nap and sleep all day. Today was a bit different, I was able to keep her up, because she had to wait to see her grandson. He was going to hang out in the backyard on the other side of the garden, so he could visit with her. This also gave me a chance to get her out into the sun for a change. That is also something that she doesn't want to do anymore. No going outside. Her most common reason, is that it's too cold out there. If I tell her that it isn't, she usually laughs like she knows I'm lying about the weather, just to get her to go out and trick her or something. I honestly don't wish anyone to go through this with a family member. I can no longer feed her the way I was, because she doesn't want to eat most of the time, so I think because of the way they fed her out the facility, and even though I'm feeding her very healthy meals, they aren't the same for boosting her mental capacity, and it is sending her further down the rabbit hole. Remember people, sugar is the enemy. I'm not saying get rid of it all tougher, but try to limit sugar consumption to maybe once every couple of days. Once a week would be even better.

     Ok, a couple of garden moments. This first one is a very small Chocolate Cherry Sunflower blooming. I wish it were full size, so you could really see how magnificent this flower really is, but these have struggled to grow to their full 6 foot size. This one is only about a foot and a half tall. The one in the front yard is about a foot taller, but it is starting to bloom as well. It will be slightly larger than this. I think it might be due to the uncommonly hot weather we are getting here. It's throwing everything off.

     That is just the early stage of the bloom, so it will get a little better, but it's still going to be undersized. The two next pictures are of scotch bonnets growing. The first one is this really cool looking pod, that I hope continues on with this shape. If it does, I'll get seeds from it and plant them in hopes that I can get a whole plant of this shape, just like the ones I'm growing now, are the from another pod from the same plant with a cool shape. The second picture is on the very same plant, which is the original scotch bonnet that I planted last fall. It is so odd, that these are on the very same plant. This one is on the pointy side, and really gnarly looking, with that spiky flesh. I won't get seeds from this one, but it will be fun to eat.

     Pretty cool huh? This is only two on the plant, there are others with all kinds of different shapes, but those two stand out the most.

     I forgot to tell you about a movie I watched on Disney +. It's called Star Girl, and it stars Grace Vanderwal. She was the young woman that played ukulele and wrote her owns songs winning America's Got Talent a few years ago. It's a real enjoyable family friendly movie, that is worth a watch if you are looking for something fun that is a little more family oriented than Tiger King. Yeah,  I watched that too, and it's a train wreck. I will not recommend that for the family, but it is also worth a watch.

     I'm 4 episodes in on Picard, and it's everything I hoped it would be. It is so good seeing my favorite Starfleet captain back on the screen. It almost has me wanting to keep the service for when the next seasons comes out, but with this virus going around, there is no telling when a new season actually will come out. Production on all new shows for everything has basically been halted until this is all over, so get ready for lots of reruns. I am going to give the other Star Trek show a try, it has a former member of The Walking Dead as the captain, so I'm very interested in seeing it for her. If you watched TWD, she was Sasha, the one that committed suicide so that she could bite Negan's face off when he opened the coffin she was in. Epic scene in that show for sure.

     Lots of artist are putting out tons of free stuff. NIN put out two albums for free, Jake Shimabukuro just released a download of one of his concerts. J.R. Richards released a free track for people, and I know there are others out there that I don't even know about. The artists of the world will keep us sane during all of this, so appreciate them for what they give. This is also were I get on my high horse and tell you to stay home again. Florida is about to explode with cases, due to things not being shut down, and the people here thinking that since they are off work, they can treat it like a vacation and just hang out on the beach all day. I have to run errands tomorrow, and I've been spending the greater part of the last few days figuring out just how I'm going to go about the day keeping things sanitized and myself free of the virus. I have a plan, it's not foolproof, but what it is if you don't have a full hazmat suit. I'll figure it all out, and stay as far away from people as I can.

     I'm out for the night, going to watch an episode or two of Picard and then prepare for The Walking Dead. Oh yeah, they have already announced that they can't finish their season finale, and that it will be a one off episode later during the year, so their current season will finish one episode early, which will be next Sunday. Just a little information for the brain. Stay home and stay safe. Peace in and goodnight.

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