Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Big Bird

     Ok, let's get Favorite Song of the Week out of the way first, and then we are going to talk about Big Bird. Yeah, you read that right, we are going to have a little discussion about Big Bird. Now, for Favorite Song of the Week. This is from one of my all time favorites, and I was so stoked when I saw a post about it the day before it came out. This band loves to do unannounced releases, and this was one of them. From Twenty One Pilots comes their newest song, "Level of Concern".

     As you can see, the video featured Tyler's wife Jenna and their newborn and Josh's wife Debbie Ryan. You may know her if you had a kid that watched the Disney Channel a couple years ago. She was in a show called Jessie. Anyway, this song came out at a time that I really needed a boost. These past few weeks have been exceedingly difficult with my mom. She has gone over the edge, and I believe she is starting to show signs of a multiple personality disorder. The talking to herself has gotten more intense to the point that she is having complete back and forth conversations, and often refers to herself as a different person. Sometimes she is the little girl that she is always trying to feed, while other times she is a younger adult woman, and other times she is an older lady. It's hard to figure out which one I'm talking to until she sort of reveals who she is. When I get it wrong a lot she begins screaming and yelling about how these people that work here don't care about her. I won't even get into what went on today. We were talking about the song. Anyway, this song being released when it was, was exactly what I needed to put a smile on my face, even if it was for a little while.

     Now for that Big Bird Discussion. I was watching one of the morning network news shows this morning, when the brought Big Bird on for an interview. This was another one of those things that just made me smile, and it reminded me of what a special character Big Bird always has been. He is the epitome of the gentle giant. I large bird that should strike fear into those who see it, but you end up smiling and feeling happy instead. Big Bird always looks to the positive not just in life, but in people as well. Think about it, his neighbor is Oscar the grouch, and he always has a hearty hello and a kind word for Oscar despite Oscar being his namesake. He was this way in the interview as well. Big Bird is truly the best of us, and what we should all strive to be. I know that sounds crazy, but stick with me on this. While we are in quarantine, we are clearly missing people, and we are trying to find new ways to interact in any way possible. Some are being creative and posting videos of doing different things like dancing or singing. All of this is in an effort to have some kind, even if it is through a random comment, relationship with people. When this is all over we will have a choice to make. Do we go back to normal, which let's face it, it wasn't all that great or, do we strive for something better? This is where we can learn from Big Bird. If we take on just a fraction of his personality and positivity towards other people we can have a better world. For example; when you see a person as you walk through a doorway, offer a smile and say hello. When you see someone running towards a door that you are going through, stop and hold it for them. Make your interactions count, and make them positive. I've seen a ton of videos talking about how smiles are infectious. Let's take that to the next level, and with that smile, add some true kindness as well. Normal sucked, and it was full of hatred, bigotry, racism, an so much more. Yeah there was good and kindness in the world, but it was enveloped by all those other things. Let's flip that on its head and make kindness that envelope, and let's make it smother all that bad stuff. Yes, I know this idealistic speech that may never come true, but aren't dreams made for trying to make them come true? Here is what I vow. From this day forward, I will try my best not only to be a better person, but show more kindness to this world and the inhabitants of it. I hope that you will do the same. This whole mantra of "We are all in this together", doesn't have to end when you can ago back outside. Let's make a better world. One that is full of joy, music, creativity, and kindness.

     I could talk about more of what is going on in my life, but instead I'm just going to leave you with a picture of my random wood pile and what I found in it today. It's a photograph that speaks volumes about what I just wrote above. Peace in and goodnight.

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