Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Despite It All, Today Wasn't So Bad

     Alright, let's get this going. The last couple of days have been extremely hard. My moms dementia has hit new levels, with her talking to imaginary people constantly, and even arguing with them quite often. I'm talking full blown yelling matches. It's truly maddening, and yesterday I was at my wits end. There was also the fact that she kept waking up, so I didn't sleep well at all. this is also on top of me doing a 36 hour fast, so I was wound tight like a tether. I managed to get through it, and today was a little better, but the conversation are grating. She does this weird whisper talking for the most of it, and it may be one of the most annoying sounds ever. Yesterday I simply went out into the garage at one point and worked on those can stands. It was the most relaxing part of my day. I didn't get the chance to work on them today, but I managed to get ahead of schedule with them, so if I work on them tomorrow with the same vigor, I should get back ahead of the game.

     The plan for tomorrow is to cut them apart. I did all the drilling and shaping work while it was as one board. That made it easier to manipulate and hold in place. That also decreased the time spent to about a third of what it took last time. So like I said, I have to cut them apart, sand them down lightly, then do the routing, and then do a finishing sanding on them. Then it is all about assembly. If I can assemble them tomorrow. I will only have to stain and polyurethane them, and then I'm done. I will contact the buyer and we will figure out how he is going to get the money to me, so I can send these out. I did them slightly different other than keeping it all together until I cut. I drilled the dowel rod holes all the way through. There was a reason for this. It gives them more stability, and I had this really cool knot hole in one that was sitting right were a dowel rod hole needed to be. I had to drill that hole from the bottom up, and hopefully nail the position. I think I did.

     It's the middle stand. You will notice the knot hole first, and then if you look closely, you will see the rod hole right next to it. I'm pretty thrilled with how these are coming out. The first ones I did, were technically all test pieces, and I didn't really care about perfection, but these have to be done right, since someone is actually paying for them. I'm toying with the idea of glueing a rubberized mat to the bottom of them, but I'm not sure. It's really not necessary, since the ones I have, don't slide around on any surface. If everything goes right, these will be done on Friday.

     I had to go against my normal routine today, but it was for a good reason. I had to make a third and fourth trip out this week. It was my mom's doctors appointment. She was once again in great health, despite the fact that she lost another 5 lbs due to not eating. That is another struggle I didn't mention above. She did it everything today though, which was kind of shocking. She is usually trying to feed the imaginary people next to her. Don't get me started on that. I also had to go out and get her prescriptions once they were filled. I did notice more people wearing masks which was a great sign of people doing what they are supposed to do, to get rid of this virus.

     Let's get to the fast. It went well, I woke up this morning feeling amazing. I did my waist measurement to see if there was a difference in carb vs. keto waist. There was, and it was rather dramatic. There was an inch and a half difference in the circumference around my waist at the bellybutton. If that doesn't tell you that carbs are useless, then I don't know what does. Ok, maybe useless is a bit over the top, but you can see that going high carb has a major result on your body. I'm still a half inch above my lowest measurement and I'm hoping to be back down to that in two weeks. I will measure again on Friday morning to see how things are going, and if they are heading in the right direction. I'm sure they will be. Todays feedings were outstanding, and I made my favorite meal for dinner, with a twist. I made cheeseburgers, with bacon wrapped asparagus. Now the twist isn't that twisty. I have put peppers on my cheeseburgers before, but this is the first time I got to put a scotch bonnet on them, and it was pretty freaking good. I do so love the taste and heat of a scotch bonnet, and on a burger with some aged sharp cheddar and diced tomatoes, was out of this world good. Yeah I was lacking a good amount of greens, but this was a refeed day. I'll get the greens in bigtime tomorrow. Here is my favorite meal.

     Yes, that was the bulk of my calories for the day, but that is 900 calories and only 5 carbs. The asparagus will help out my gut bacteria, which technically you shouldn't eat coming right off a fast, because it enhances the strongest of the gut bacteria (good bacteria or bad, which ever there is more of), but I already know that my gut bacteria is outstanding, so I'm all good. Plus, everything I did earlier in the day was to promote the good gut bacteria. Yeah, I had a few peppers in the middle of the day, and just a little while ago. Did I ever mention that peppers promote a strong stomach lining and put the good gut bacteria? Yeah, peppers are a powerhouse.

     Ok, I'm going to leave you with my Favorite Thing of the Week. Now this video is one you have probably seen, but I'm almost sure you've never seen it like this. My buddy and me got in a conversation and as a twist on what I said, I sent the double rainbow guy video to him. He responded by saying to watch it at half speed. I did not let me down at all, and that is why it's my Favorite thing of the week. So, when you watch this video, go to the little gear icon in the lower right corner and change the playback speed, to 0.5. You will not regret it. Let's face it, right now, we need things like this little fun video that is enhanced by slowing it down.

     I'm out of here. Remember to stay safe, stay home, and peace in and goodnight.

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