Thursday, April 23, 2020

I'm Getting My Heat Tolerance Back

     Just a quick observation before we get started. If this country doesn't come out of this virus healthier overall, you all wasted your money on the gym and gardening equipment that I want. I've been looking for kettlebells, and they are either sold out, or way over priced at this time. I'm only looking for a 50 lbs kettlebell, that should be anywhere from $60-$90. The only ones I can find are over $200. That is just ridiculous. I'm also looking for grow bags, they are sold out everywhere, and not scheduled back in stock until the middle of next month. So, what I'm saying, is you all bought all the fitness gear and growing gear, so you better be using it.

     It's going to rain here for the next two days, so my garden is going to be doing amazing afterwards. That's what always seems to happen. No matter how much I water on a daily basis, it just doesn't compare to a good rainy day. My plants tend to double in size in some cases, and it's so exciting to watch them grow. I have a bunch of peppers that are ripening, but most of them are mild, and I need to get my heat game back up. The illness that I had ruined my tolerance level. I did eat a few peppers today trying them out for the first time, or renewing my memory of one of them.

     Those are more fish peppers and a few of the Colorado. If you remember, those Colorado are grown from seeds from a pod that my buddy gave me, so the cycle is now complete, and it was so good. I ate the two smallest of them, just to get the flavor and test the heat. Both brought a little heat. I'm saving the bigger ones for pizza Friday. I do love a good spicy kick to my pizzas. I do have to put them only on half the pizza, so I can get my moms slices without them. I tell her that they are on there though, so she thinks she is getting the heat. Her heat level is very low now, and she can't even stomach a jalapeño, so I play pretend with her, and she gets real proud of herself and how she can handle hot peppers.

     Oh, I do have a picture of two different Scarlet chilis, because there are so cool looking. I just ate a second one a few minutes ago. I needed to go outside to check on the plants while I was writing this. They are supposed to have medium heat, but so far they have had none. They are a really nice fruity flavor though, so that is a plus.

     Seriously though, aren't those cool looking. That striping is because of the variegation in the leaves and calyx. It flows all the way down into the pepper. You can kind of see it on the pepper on the right. Look at where the pepper attaches to the stem, and you can see some white up there. That is the variegation. It's a neat little defect in the plant. It doesn't ruin it in any way, it just makes the whole plant look really cool. I know you saw the fish pepper plant with it's green and white leaves. This one has leaves that go from green to red to purple. You can kind of see that in the same picture as well. Real pretty plant.

     I can't tell you how much better I've felt physically over the past few days, being full-time keto again. There is no bloat in my belly, and I've already noticed a significant change in my appearance. No photos yet though. I'm saving those for the two week mark. That's when I will now for sure that the carbs are complete out of my system and all my glycogen stores are gone. It should take less time then that, but I want to make sure. After those two weeks, I remain full on low fat keto for another 16 days at the minimum. I may have a small garbage snack at the end, but not much more than that. No full cheat meal or day. I had a fill of those during the carb cycling.

    Oh, I just realize I took a picture of the pepper I just ate and you can really see the variegation on it. This is a closer look at the pepper on the left side. That's the one I ate.

     It's so cool looking. I think that is it for me today. I'll be back on Sunday with more news. I don't expect the next two days to go smoothly, since we will be relegated to stay inside because of the weather. There is usually a small amount to outside time that breaks up the day for my mom, but rainy weather will keep that from happening. It will more than likely spawn more imaginary friends. Oh, she did lose one of them and fired the rest, but somehow they came back. It's really weird in the house right now. Peace in and goodnight.

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