Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Can Gardening Wake Me Up

     I'm tired. The last week has me completely exhausted. I haven't woken up before 5:30 in about a week. I know that still sounds early, but I like to wake up around 4 or 4:30, and get a lot of my cardio and meditation and other self care things done early, and when I wake up at 6, I can't get it all done. There is also the fact that those early morning hours are incredibly peaceful so I really enjoy that time alone. This could be my body telling me that it's worn down, but I don't have that normal rundown feeling. It's weird.

     I just saw a report, that leads me to believe even more that my illness in February, was Covid-19. It had to do with an association with rashes. In the final days of having high fevers and chills, I developed a very bad measles like rash on my back and, well basically my entire torso. It sucked, and I didn't really think much of it, until today when I saw that news report. They are finally opening a testing center near by, but I don't know if they have antibody testing, which is the only test that would tell me if I did have it, and the one place that is doing it, is charging $100 for the test. I think that is ridiculous considering that if I test positive for antibodies, I can donate plasma to help save other peoples lives, and I would think that government on, at the state level at the very least would want that. It would also benefit friends of mine, that are the source of my illness. It would ease their minds a little. Saying that, don't get me wrong, there is no proof that if you had the virus, that you will not get it again. There is no proof of immunity as of yet. Even though I believe that I may have had it, I'm treating it as if I either have it, or haven't had it yet. That keeps everyone safe.

     I'm seeing more and more people failing to do just the bare minimum to save other people from this virus, and I do believe that things are going to ramp back up again soon. It sucks, because I've been isolated since February. I was doing it long before other people because I did get sick and I didn't want anyone else to catch what ever it was I had. The good news on that is, that I didn't get anyone else sick. I did my part then, and I continue to do so. Since I still consider myself at risk, it's all up to other people to do their part to keep me safe, and they just aren't doing it.

     Oh, I got some fun pictures. I got my shipment from Butcher Box today, and it came early. That means that the dry ice they pack it in was rather large. I got a bucket full of water and had a little morning fun.

     I only wish it came with a large block in the evening, so I could play around with some lights. Maybe even get some cool shots with the Canon. I did shoot some cool slow motion videos of it, but I'm not going to bother sharing them, since the last video I tried to post, never uploaded on here. Yes I did disinfect everything before putting it away in the freezer. I'm living that sterile life yo.

     I did get to do one really enjoyable thing today. I picked up soil. I know, that doesn't sound all that enjoyable, but when you like gardening as much as I do, that's pretty exciting. My local nursery changed things around to up the safety level. They have an online store, where you order what you want, and then you schedule when you want to pick it up. They have their parking lot marked out to slots, and they email you the slot your stuff is in, and you drive up and just load it in the car. I didn't have to walk around, or get a cart to carry everything, I just popped the trunk and then away I went. Tomorrow is going to be some serious planting day.

     I'm sure I mentioned how much I love that wagon, but I'm going to do it again. I love that wagon. I'm sure I need more soil than that, and I would normally have a couple of bags of manure to stretch it out, but I'm not making two trips to get things together, so the soil will do. This is really good soil though, and the manure isn't necessary, I just use dit as filler.

     That's about all I have for tonight, with the exception of Favorite Song of the Week. This is one that I was reminded of from and Instagram story of a friend of mine. It's an old song (1996) and the band hasn't made and album since 2002. This whole album was phenomenal. I'm only going to share their hit with you tonight, but I implore you to look up the album Becoming X by the Sneaker Pimps. Here is this weeks Favorite Song of the Week. Sneaker Pimps, with "6 Underground".

     Their sound was so smooth and funky, and put me in a good place despite being tired. Peace in and goodnight.

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