Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Grow A Garden, It Makes You Happy

    I'm not going to bother talking about the moms tonight with the exception that it gets worse each day. I did have to go out today to pick up some samples of her medication which her doctor has dropped to a lower dosage again. That put me going out of the house twice this week and that is one too many times for me. I'm even avoiding going to places I would normally go, because I want my points of contact as low as possible. That means I'm forgoing the keto pizza's that I normally get. I'm sucking it up and eating non keto pizzas, but this week I got a cauliflower crust, which is less cauliflower and mostly rice flower, bad on keto. It's the compromise. It's just a crust, so I can put my own toppings on it, so at least they will be of a healthier variety.

     The workouts and meditation are going good, and I am feeling a little bit of the stress lessen today. That doesn't mean that it will stay that way, but at least today is good despite what has been going on in this house. I did want to share with you some garden pictures, cause those are relaxing, and I'm relaxed when I'm out there working in the garden. By the way, my tan is going to be awesome this year. Ok, first picture is of the Black Velvet Nasturtium. The color still isn't as deep and rich as I'd want it to be, but they are looking very pretty.

     That one's not even fully open there, but I love the deep rich red. It should be even darker in color based on description, but I'll take what I can get. The one in the backyard is a different color despite it being the same plant. It is more of a bright orange.

     Hard to believe those are from the same seed pack. The leaves are even a different color. They are a darker shade of green with a dark outline around each one. You can kind of see it in the picture. There is a purplish border around each leaf. Very strange.

     The next is Rainforest pepper. It has gotten a deep reddish orange color, so it may get even darker as it ripens. I'm going to pick them on Friday and give them a try to see just how they taste.

     I'm really looking forward to trying that one. Last garden photo for the night is of the Acoma Pueblo pepper. This is the only pod on this plant, and it has gotten huge. I finally have a pepper that has achieved the size that it is supposed to be based on the description.

     That one is supposed to be very mild, and is best for roasting. If it gets any bigger I may just do a single stuffed pepper on taco night and enjoy it. I'll see how it compares to poblanos. Oh, that reminds me, I nearly killed Pablo the poblano. I started a fire outside this week and the flames got a little too close to Pablo in his can. He doesn't look all that good, but he is hanging in there. It dried out a bunch of his leaves, but not all of the, so I believe he is going to make a full recovery. That plant was looking incredible despite that it is in a can.

     I did decide on just doing 20 hour fast until Thursday. It will give me autophagy, but no at the level that I had wanted, but it will also insure that I don't compromise my immune system considering that I am having to go out more this week than I want to. If I had a good 5 days where I wouldn't have to go out, I could have done the full 72 hours. You need a couple days after the fast to rebuild your immune system, when you are done, it will be much stronger than it was before, but you have to take a risk to do that, and with having to go out so much, I wasn't wanting to risk it. You gotta take the good with the bad, so I'll settle for a boost in the primary immune system and deal with the bigger boost in July, if we are out of this by then. Which reminds me, stay in your freaking house, there are far too many people out and about. Just because you aren't at work, doesn't mean you are on vacation, start acting like adults.

     Ok that rant is over. Speaking of the virus. I got my masks today, and they are even more awesome than I imagined they would be.

    These were all hand made by my buddy's wife. She did an amazing job and I love the variety in them. She is currently selling them on her Facebook page, and if she creates a shop for them, I'll get you a link. They are super comfortable and fit great. She makes them in adult and child sizes, and will try her best to do specialty orders, like adding a pocket for a filter, or wire for an even closer fit around the nose. I've seen a bunch of masks for sale lately on Instagram and Facebook, and they are all around $20. She is selling 3 for $25 or $10 each. I'm not sure, but I do think she has a 2 mask limit. This is more so that you will always have a mask available. You should wash these are disinfect them after each use, so while one is drying out from a wash, you will have another mask in the meantime. I'm particularly fond of the Jack & Sally make (Nightmare Before Christmas) and the Peppers of course.

     Ok, if you've been reading this for any length of time, you know that I have a spot in my heart for ABBA. I also have a warm regard for the ukulele, and that brings me to my Favorite Song of the Week, which also is my Favorite Thing of the Week. I do believe that is a first in FSOTW/FTOTW history. You can't watch this and not smile, plus its a great song. This the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain, with their social distancing version of ABBA's "Thank You for the Music".

     I mean come on. It's got a choir, ukuleles and cats. What more do you need for a perfect video. I really do hope that this brought as big a smile to your face as it did mine, because it is definitely a high point for me, and reminds me that I need to listen to more ABBA right now. They just lift you up. That's all for tonight, I'm going to sit back and watch a few episodes of Star Trek Discovery. That's the other new Star Trek show on that CBS All Access. I'm a couple episodes in and it's really good. I may just stick with this CBS All Access. Peace in and goodnight.

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