Thursday, April 9, 2020

Despite Everything Being Wrong, You Can Have A Good Day

     Ok, I need to start with a gripe tonight, and it's only because this is the only way to get this out of my system. My mom's newest thing is to come out of her room and immediate start saying that she hasn't had anything to eat for days, and that she wants food. I have taken slight advantage of this by giving her food when she wants it, but the problem with that, is that she only picks at it, takes a couple of bites and then says she full, or that it's gross and she doesn't like it. If I ask her about it, she will say that she wasn't hungry, it was the other girl, and that it's her that doesn't like it. Thats when I have to take the food back out and start all over again. A few times I was able to just bring the same stuff back out. When it's a snack type item I can get away with that, but if it's something that breaks down after an hour, it's a no go, so I feel like we are wasting more food, and I don't like that at all. When it is just after she ate, I will tell her that the kitchen is closed until, insert which ever meal is next. That usually leads to a tantrum, that I pretty much just let her throw. I have no idea how to get her out of that. She usually settles down by the time she goes back to her room and then come out ten minutes later saying that she is hungry again. It's frustrating to say the least, but I'm dealing with it.

    I already have my Favorite Song of the Week for next week. It came out today, and it lifted me up like you wouldn't believe. No, I'm not telling you what it is, you'll just have to wait until Tuesday. With that new song coming out today, nothing can really get me down. Sometimes you just have to let the little things carry you, and that's what I did today.

     I gotta share my dinner with you tonight. I had a steak with brussel  sprouts and tomatoes, but I cooked the steak a little different, and it came out perfect. I'm talking melt in your mouth like butter perfect.

     Ok, here's what I did. I seasoned the steak with salt and pepper. Before all that, I sat some butter out for a few hours, letting it soften up, then I mixed in some fresh pressed garlic. I heated up a skillet to high heat and right before I put the steak on to cook. I spread the garlic butter on the heat side down. It seared it to perfection in 5 minutes. I spread the garlic butter on the top side, and flipped it for another 5 minutes. The scent was divine, with that fresh garlic heating up on that steak. I took it off and then let it sit for another 5 minutes, while the brussel sprouts roasted in the oven. It was perfectly pink inside, and like I said, melted in your mouth. I highly recommend taking the time to cook a steak this way. It was incredible. If you doubt the pinkness. I have proof.

     It was so good.

     I can hear my mom starting to walk out her again, which means I'm going to get the "We need food". Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that she speaks of herself in the plural sense now. She is talking about the girls that are with her at all times, except for when they disappear on her and she starts yelling for them asking where they are at. It's a very odd time here in the house, and the quarantine only makes it worse.

     Here is the end of the conversation that we just had. "I'm hungry. I'm hungry too. I can't believe this place, the hell with that. I'm going to tell those people what this place is doing, by starving us. Me too." Then she wandered off out of earshot. I can only har mumbling as she goes back other room. Let me tell you again, how I hope that you never have to deal with anything like this. I truly believe that it is sugar and alcohol that is a big contributor in this disease, so do what you can to limit your consumption of these two items, so that it doesn't happen to you. That's my soapbox rant, which wan't really a rant, more of a cautionary tale.

     I got to garden photos. The first one is the worlds smallest sunflower. I don't even know how this one bloomed, but it did. It was a random stem that is half laying on the ground and the other half going straight up. It is maybe 6 inches tall at the most, but it managed to bloom, so here you go, the worlds smallest sunflower.

     I do like the look of the chocolate cherry, but I'm disappointed in how they have grown so far, but it's probably my fault. I can't be lucky with everything.

    The second photo is of the Aji Ayuyo peppers. I have a couple of them that are ripening, and it's impressive as they go through the color change, from purple cream, to full red.

     When that one ripens, I'm going to pull it, and one of the purple ones, just to see what the differences are. A lot of peppers that go through multiple color changes have different heat levels and flavors at each turn, so it will be fun to see what if any difference there are. Its a cool looking pepper to. They are about the size of an almond, so not real big. I can't remember what the heat level is, but I think it's medium heat, somewhere around a cayenne pepper. I'll let you know. Oh, I'm going to be picking a few peppers tomorrow. The Buena Muluta ( Me and my buddy thinks it's just a cayenne) has about 6 ripe pods on it. I have two Bulgarian carrots, a couple of Jimez Pueblos, and those Rainforest, which I'm really looking forward to. There are still a few more different peppers that are ripening up. The El Rito is taking forever, but two more pods have started the change. I do have a Scotch Bonnet that is ripe, but I'm going to wait until a few more ripen up. I'm waiting on the Colorado, which has a dozen pods on it. Oh, I forgot, I have two small Fish peppers that are ripe. I've been waiting for that one too. It's supposed to be pretty good. These are so small though. Anyway, I got a lot of peppers to try over the weekend.

     Ok, I'm going to finish watching SWAT, which I recorded the other night, then maybe get in another episode of ST Discovery in. Peace in and goodnight.

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