Thursday, April 30, 2020

Self Care And Self Aware

     Let's get this thing started tonight. Once again, despite all the bad things that are going on, I'm having a real good day. Mentally speaking anyway. I feel good, and that has me even thinking I look good. I'm not going out and saying I'm a model or anything like that, but for a 49 year old man with all kinds of issues, I think I look pretty good. That being said, I took pictures. Yeah, I know it's a few days ahead of schedule, but what the heck. It's a good day so lets have some fun. The first one is what I decided to make my Facebook avatar, but once it went up, I decided I need to change it. Let's go in order, and I'll explain after.

     This one was done for the sake of art, and then I once I saw it on the profile, I had to make it darker by going black and white. I think it worked, since a family member told me it was disturbing. I did add a disturbing caption, but that was all part of the fun. The color photo was part of an instagram post talking about how much I'm liking me right now. That was the second photo, the first one was this one.

     The whole idea behind these is that self care has gotten me to a much better place despite my current situation. No matter how bad things get, I will always have me, and I better start loving the me that I am, and I can now truly say, that I'm beginning to love that person. If you re wondering if I'm wearing eyeliner, I am, as well as eye shadow. Oddly enough, I have found that I feel much better when I do my eyes up. I'm nowhere near any good at it, yet, but I'll get there, and I may even go more bold. No, this isn't desire to be female, it's just a very different way of expressing myself, and not caring what anyone things about it. I've found the in order to be successful at self care, you have to be a little selfish, and put more focus on yourself. That's what I'm doing, and that leads to the ideals of not caring what anyone else thinks about me or my appearance. I have to live with it, and i'm pretty darn happy with it, and that's all that matters.

     Ok, on to more self serving shots. I'm a little over a week and a half back on full time keto, and that could also be a reason that I'm feeling so good. Long gone is the carb bloat, and feelings of aggravation. Yeah I didn't tell you about that. I was highly volatile on carbs. everything was getting to me. The smallest sound would cause a rage in my head. That is gone. It is also a lesson learned from all of this. Even though I was very aware of that rage going on, I didn't attribute it to my diet, I just chalked it up to all the stressful things going on in my life. I can see now that it was clearly the diet.

     Now for the body shots. I took a few photos just to show you what my body is looking like right now going from carbs to keto. I don't think it looks much different, but to my eyes, there is a huge difference. Here they are.

     Ok, that is the last side profile clothed photo vs, the one I took today. Not much of a difference in a appearance there, and I wanted to start you with that, cause they aren't as revolting as the shirt off shots. Get ready for those now.

     There you have it. The last one was of course the obnoxious overindulgent shot. I still have those sore areas that I have to work; back, chest, legs, legs, legs. Yeah, I've decided that when I can get back into a gym the legs are going to be hit really hard, but with new knowledge. That's right, I've been doing a ton of research on different ways to hit the legs without weight, so I'm definitely going to transfer that over to using weight. I'll hit those weak areas, and extenuate the stronger areas, that just grow, grow, grow. Which reminds me, I did weigh in today, which is only a day early, but I was curious since I've been feeling really lean and just overall better. I was a little shocked when I stood on the scale. I always do it first thing in the morning, so it's the "true" weight. If you remember, my final carb weight was 154.4 lbs. I quickly went down to 151.2, when I first went back into keto. I weighed in this morning at 153.8 lbs. I was blown away. I was expecting with the way I was feeling that I would be in the high 140's, but that was not to be. I checked my body fat measurement, and it was a slight tick lower. I'm still calling it at 15%, but it did move in the lower percentage direction. That could be just the pinch of skin I got or maybe less water retention in my skin, so I'm not holding it as a fat loss, but the fact that it did move, and my weight is much higher then I expected it to be, I'm seeing it as a glowing success. I'm still holding off final reading of the measurements until after 30 days, so I can see if the carb affect boosted me into something, but it is interesting reading the numbers right now.

     Time for garden news. Before we get into the backyard produce. I got a show you the little friend I found out there today.

      This little dude, that wasn't so little was hanging out on the fire pit after the rains stopped today. Oh yeah, we got a good bit of rain today, which I'm hoping is going to make the garden explode with new growth.

     Now onto the good stuff. I harvested a few peppers this morning so I could eat some for dinner and have them ready for the pizza tomorrow. Here is the morning peppers I picked.

     The orange is the Bulgarian Carrot, which I'm not all that found of. The 4 red ones are the Aji Colorado, with the Sugar Rush Peach right in the middle of them, and the small stubby yellow one is a Lemon Spice Jalapeño. So far those are all runts, but it did taste good. I had it in my dinner tonight.

     The afternoon peppers are another Lemon Spice that I missed in the morning, and a Jalapeño Chernobyl.

     Believe it of not, that chernobyl is a runt as well. It's just nuder 6 inches long, and it is said to get up to a foot long. It looked real funny on the plant. It was half the size of the plant itself. I have no idea how that plant held that monster on there and not fall over. It did only produce the one pepper so far, and I have no idea how it tastes. The description says that it's mild heat, so I won't get that heat rush from it, but they also say that it has good flavor. I think I'm going to make it into a giant bacon wrapped popper, and throw that Lemon Spice in with the cheese. I'll do that tomorrow as a tittle side dish with the pizza. I'm really hoping that it's really good.

     I did get to try a new pepper that was really good, and that was the Purple UFO. It had a nice cotton candy type of sweetness. Not CC flavor, but that burst of sweetness that you are hit when you have CC, then almost immediately, you are hit with the heat. It's not as strong as Habanero, but it packs a little punch. It is a tongue attacker, and it goes for some time. Oh, the picture.

      As you an see, it's not Purple, but that is only when it's ripe. It gets it's name from the fact that the pods are purple almost the entire time they are growing. They only go red when they ripen. I still need to try a purple one to see how the flavor is different. I tried a unripe Scarlet Chili today, and it didn't have much flavor at all, but had an aftertaste that was almost like cantaloupe. It was a bit weird. It will be interesting to see what the UFO tastes like before it's ripe. I'm going to go get one as soon as I'm done writing this. I'll let you know how it is on Sunday.

     I will leave you with one last shot of the garden. I did use up all the soil I bought and got the bags filled that my buddy gave me, but I still have so much more that needs to go to a bigger home. I did manage to take care of all the small pots that were grossly overdue for a new home, so just about everything that needs to be in a gallon pot or larger are in them. Next month I'll get some more soil and get back at it. This picture is of the garden right outside the door, and I love this shot, not because you can see how the garden is looking now, but Morty and Baby Girl were able to get in the shot as well. Peace in and goodnight.

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