Sunday, April 30, 2017

Find The Beauty In The World.

     It was an uneventful weekend, which is a good thing, but leads to not having much to write about. I woke up on Friday with nothing planned or anything to do. I didn't head out until later in the day, so that I could stop off and get lunch, but I ended up not doing it. I decided instead to make my own lunch/early dinner, and make it much healthier. When I make my steak on my "fast" day during the week, I actually make two of them. The first one I had with the broccoli, and this one, I just simply reheated and made some rice to go along with it. I know, my life is overly exciting.

     Saturday was much of the same, but I ended up going shopping at the local hardware store for a few things that I needed for the Ultimate Motorcycle Garage. I'm still working on it, slowly but surely. I bought a new utility knife with blades, and a couple of pairs of locking pliers. They are quite essential to any garage, and I only had one old rusty pair sitting around. I also picked up a rubber mallet, for those times when I need to bang on Saki but don't want to damage anything. There are a bunch of things that I will eventually need, and one of them is a motorcycle lift. I have my eye on one at Harbor Freight. It is on sale right now for $100 dollars off, and I would buy it, but I don't have enough things cleared out of the garage to have a place to put it. I'm going to have to wait on it, but that was the plan anyway. That will probably be the final piece of the puzzle anyway. With the front end stand in place, I have everything I need to do some proper maintenance on Saki. The lift wold just make things much easier, because I could raise the entire bike to a level that I wouldn't have to duck down and bend over, or slide under. That will happen, but at a later time. Right now it is more important to get rid of things that I don't need, and get things in that I do need.

     Once I clear the things I don't need, the first big thing to get in the garage is a workbench. I have one already picked out from Harbor Freight. The have a nice small bench that has a couple of drawers for storage of tools, as well as a peg board to hang things from, plus it has power outlets and and LED light on it. It's perfect for what I need, and is real cheap at $99 dollars. Once that is taken care of, I need to get some lounge type seating for me in there, and I'm going to go with a fan until I can get an air conditioning unit in there. It will be cheaper, and still cool me off while I'm working in the garage, especially when I have the door closed. The AC unit will come into play once I start fine tuning things in there and getting the media center up and running.

     Yesterday, while perusing the ol' Youtubes, I came across a channel for a female motovlogger. I'mm always on the lookout for female riders that vlog, mainly because I want to see the female point of view, and I also want to see more women riders out there. This one that I came across was unique. She is doing her mototvlogging while riding bikes around the world. The first one I watched was her going on her first ride with her new bike in Oman, which is in the Arabian Peninsula. This new bike was one that she wasn't all the familiar with. It was taller than what she normally rides, and is made for on and off road riding. Pack a bike like that down with equipment to travel for a couple of weeks, and it makes the bike even more unstable. That being said, she was doing a great job until she hit the dirt roads. That is when she had to do some riding that was a little above her skill level. She ended up dropping the bike. Since this is an adventure bike, it is very heavy, add all the equipment to it, and it is even more so. She couldn't lift the bike up. She had to run back down the hill and get to the village that she had just left to get help. She had to wait for the daily prayer until there were people to help her. A couple of men drove her back up the hill and when then arrived, there was an SUV waiting by the bike. Her initial reaction was that they had hit her bike, or that they were taking her gear that she had to leave behind with the bike. She was wrong on both accounts. The gentleman that stopped, turned on her lights so that no one would hit her bike, and then he stood guard over her things. There is a lesson here, and I'm going to get to it, but first I want to share her channel trailer with you.

     Her name is Rosie Gabrielle and she is a freelance photographer and world traveler. The emotion in that trailer is real. I watched a few of her videos and she is a truthful person. She wants the world to be a better place, and she is showing you the beauty that is everywhere. The lesson from above, is not to judge people. Meet them, and learn from them. You might find that you have so much in common with them, because in the end, we all just want to live in peace.

      Here is the other thing I got from watching her channel. This is what I want my channel to be like. That is the idea behind the Adventure Time Series. I want to show the things that are out there. The culture around this and other areas. I want to learn and have you learn along with me. I want to show you that there is more out there than you realize. I'm finding this out for myself every time I go on a new adventure. I learned quite a bit at the Navy SEAL Museum, and I hope that I passed some of that on to you. When I can get that channel up and running, I'm hoping to share more of that experience with you. The Instagram Story helps a bit, but that is fleeting and goes away after 24 hours, the channel would be a permanent fixture. There is so much in this world to see, and I want to take you along for the ride to what I can see.

     I know I should stop there, because that was rather dramatic, but I do have one last thing to tell you tonight. Remember when I said, that I felt I was setting up for another big weight loss? I was right. I dropped another 3 pounds this week. Still not where I want to be, but heading in the right direction, and the mirror is agreeing to it. This is all still part of a first phase. I get my nutrition locked down, and when I het the plateau that is coming, I enact phase two. Phase two takes more of a physical demand. I start adding things to my workouts to shock the system. I won't go into all the boring details here, but this is working, and I'm loving, not only the way I'm looking, but also the way I'm feeling. I still haven't had a drink of alcohol, although I did really think about it for the first time on Friday night. I started saying to myself that I could go and just have two, but I know myself all too well, and two turns into 5 real easy, so I didn't go.

     That's all I have for now. I'm going to make the prediction now, that I will be off on Friday, and if that is so, I think I will head over to Universal again. My bill paying day is Friday, so I will do all that Thursday night, and get it over with, so that I'm free and clear for another month. Peace in and goodnight.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Saki Can Fly.

     Ok, so this is one of those rare times when I write the title first. That title would lead you to believe that Saki has taken wing, but there is a little exaggeration going on there. Saki is in fact, floating in the air tonight, with the assistance of the rear wheel stand, and the brand new Pitbull front wheel stand. I finally broke down and bought it. I will eventually get a matching Pitbull rear wheel stand, but the one my ukulele teacher gave me, will do just fine for now. More on my ukulele teacher later. I took a couple of pictures of Saki up in the air, so you can get an idea of what I'm talking about.

The first one is of course the front view, so you can see the new stand in all of it's glory. The second is so you can see that both tires are off the ground. This is going to help me out with a lot of things when I work on Saki, and even when I air up the tires. Before this, I would have to roll Saki back and forth to get the front tire valve in the right spot so that I could get to it, and it's still not that easy. I have a giant front disk brake on there, and it isn't all that easy to get around.

     It actually took me a little longer than it should have to figure out how to get Saki up on the new stand. It turns out, that there was a small rubber bushing or stopper, that I had to pull out o the triple tree in order to put the adapter for the stand in. From now on though, it will be a much simpler process.

     I mentioned earlier this week, that my ukulele teacher wanted me to start working on the guitar. This week was the first time I was going to be getting in a little full scale six string action. Since I didn't have to carry the ukuleles with me, I was able to ride Saki to my lesson. My teacher wanted to see everything I had done to the bike in person. He has a slightly older model, but hasn't really done much to it, so I think he was looking for some ideas. When he was finished with the lesson that is right before mine, he came out, and asked if the bike was outside. I said yes, and he ran out the door to go look at it. I think he fell in love. He showed me a picture of his bike, and it is very similar to Saki, so he could do pretty much everything I have done, and make it look very much the same. His paint scheme is slightly different, but it's still the red and black. I think it is even the same candy persimmon that Saki is, so all the levers and things that I've gotten would work with his as well. Talking about this just reminded me, that I was supposed to email him a link to my levers. I think I'll do that right now while it is on my mind.

     Ok, I got that out of the way. After he looked over the bike, we went in, and started grinding on the ax. That's super cool guitarist lingo to say that we played guitars. He asked me if I wanted to keep the lingo an terminology real, or to translate as it relates to ukulele. I wanted to keep it real, and besides, it would all translate once I dropped below the fifth fret. That is where I tenor ukulele scale starts. If I was to capo the fifth fret of a guitar it would be nearly the same as playing a ukulele, as long as I kept to the top 4 strings. If you have never played guitar, this is going to sound very strange to you. As you are looking at a guitar in someone's hands, the top four strings are the bottom four strings. Sounds strange right? I still haven't really figured out why it is that way, nor have I asked, but if I had to take a wild guess at it, I would say it is that way, because when the player looks down at their own strings, it is all reversed. The top is the bottom, and the bottom is the top. Even as I typed that, it didn't make any sense to me, so I'm sure that you are more confused as ever. Here is something easy though. That same capoed guitar, is exactly the same as my guilele. Except for the fact that it is much longer and heavier. What does all of this lead to? Well I'll tell you. It leads to me starting to do research on buying an electric guitar. Don't worry, I'm going to tie all of this into the Ultimate Motorcycle Garage. Remember that media area I was talking about? That is where the guitar and amp could be. I could serenade Saki.

     Yes, even I know that it's starting to get a bit weird at this point. Enough about all that though. As I predicted, I'm off tomorrow. I have no plans for this weekend, so I think I'm going to start that whole reading of books thing. I'll start by finishing that one book, and starting the second one, so that when the third one comes along, I will be kind of ready for it. Let the reading begin.

     I have made a final decision on the next adventure, which by the way, I have decided to all the Adventure Time Series. Well, it will start with that, and then there will be another part which says where I went. I'm coming up with this stuff, so that when I finally start doing a motovlog, I can spin this into that very easy. I'll just use the same title for both, and save myself the brain melt of trying to come up with multiple titles. I still have to work out all the details of the ride and what not, but on May 28th you will see the next installment of the Adventure Time Series, or whenever you get around to reading it. Technically it will be ready around 10-11 PM on that Sunday night. You may have noticed, that I haven't said where I'm going on this next adventure. That is because I'm not going to say. I'm going to let the suspense build and you will find out the location when you read it, or if you watch the Instagram Story that I post on May 27. That's cheating though and you would never do that.

     Well, I need to get up and do some reading tomorrow, so I better get to sleep. Peace in and goodnight.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Hard Times

     I've given up on anyone giving me a preference for what they want to see next in the adventure series. I'll announce on Thursday which one will be, or maybe I won't, Maybe I'll just wait until May 28th to write about it, and you will find out then. Either way, you will know on Thursday which way it is going to be.

      I forgot to tell you, that I have a preliminary photoshoot for Saki coming up on May 6th. The photographer wants to get some shots to get an idea of what he can do with his model when she shows up on the 20th. He wants to hit the area around the same time we will be shooting a few weeks after, so that the light will be similar. That is of course assuming that the weather will be exactly the same. I'll of course let you know how it all goes, and I'll even get some shots myself so that I can share them on here. I'm still not sure if he is going to share any of his photos with me or not. We will have to talk about that when we meet up on the 6th.

    I already get the feeling that I will be off again this Friday. I've already planned for this, in the way of my finances and all that good stuff. What I haven't planned is what to do. I know that I said that I was going to take advantage of my Universal pass, but I just can't go every week, that would be rather cost ineffective. I don't have to spend money when I go, unless I want something to eat. I can always hit the water fountains for water, but the fuel cost in going over every week isn't something I want to spend. So, I'll sit out this week, but in the meantime, what to do. I of course will ride Saki, but other than that, I can't think of much. I have been thinking about getting back to reading more, and I have several books lined up that I just haven't made the time for. Maybe this Friday will be a good time to start making that time. I just found out yesterday that I will have a new book in a series that I am reading coming, I believe next week, so I need to get reading, because I am one book behind on that.
I need to immerse myself in those worlds of fantasy again. I know that I do that with the Audible books when I am at work, but it really isn't the same as holding a book in your hand, and just falling into it. Go pick up a good book and give it a try, you'll understand what I'm taking about.

     If you couldn't tell, I really didn't have any set plan for what to write tonight. I honestly hadn't given it much thought during the day, with the exception of one thing. That would be Favorite Song of the Week. I picked it out early this morning. I heard this song only a few days ago, and it falls in line with a good FSOTW. It's from a band that has been around for a little while, and has gone though some big changes over the years, but the core is still there, and I think they are writing better songs now, than they did early on. A stunning red-head with an amazing voice leads the helm, and is the real driving force behind the band, if it wasn't for Haylee Williams, I don't know if the band would still be around. That's only conjecture on my part, but I do believe it. They have a new album coming out, which you can pre-order if you so desire, with a new single that they released about a week ago or so. That is the video I'm going to play for you today. Now before you try to correct me on Haylee's hair color, because of the video, I just want you to know, that you are wrong. Let's just leave it at that.  Here is Paramore with "Hard Times".

     That was fun. Well, I'm off to bed, so that I can start my "fast" day off right. By not eating in the morning and then regretting this whole idea by 8 in the morning when I am stating to think about taking my lunch break and realizing that I have nothing to eat. Well, I have some dice pineapple for my lunch, but that really isn't enough at all. As a matter of fact, it is only 70 calories in all, and that is all I will have until I eat dinner around 4 or so. I will have a steak and broccoli at that point, which will add another, I think 350 calories. Probably less. That will be it for the day. I will survive, I've done it for a few weeks now. I did weigh in today, and it would seem like a setback, because I weighed in at the same weight as last week, but that is not how I look at it. Water weight fluctuates all over the place, and that is what I am probably looking at today. I could be setting up for another big loss here soon. I will have to start doing a few more things soon, to start shocking my system. I won't add another "fast" day though, that would just be too much. Two days is plenty. I will just have to freak out my circadian clock, by doing things a little different for a while. It's an easy trick to pull off, just do things opposite of when you would normally do them. If you were to say, walk in the evening, you would just simply change it to walking first thing in the morning when you wake up. Little things like that can make a huge difference to your body. Anyway, back to that whole going to sleep thing. Peace in and goodnight.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Universal And Other Adventures.

     This was a good weekend. I hit Universal on Friday, and had a great time, even though I was alone. I didn't take any pictures with characters, for the simple reason that I thought it was too weird, even for me. Wait, I did get one picture with a "character", We looked oddly similar, so it was fitting. We could be related in some way. This was at the end of the day, and I was bored while eating, so I figured this was a good picture to take. This was part of my Instagram Story that I did for the day. I hope that you got a chance to see it. If you didn't, you are out of luck, because it is gone. A little something before we get into the park itself.

     I hit the bank in the morning before heading over to Orlando. I walked in in a tank top and shorts, and the bank teller looked at me, and paused. Then she smiled and asked why I wasn't on the motorcycle. I told her I was heading to Universal for the day, and the bike would have to wait. She said she was shocked and couldn't remember not seeing my in my "biker jacket". This all makes me think that I truly have made an impression on her. This was all while I was still in line. She was working the drive-thru, so I didn't make to her window. Should I ask her out? I'm still wary of the whole thing. Things like this never work out for me, so I am giving pause when thinking about asking her to go out for dinner or something.

     After that, it was off to Universal, which has it's own exit now. Made it real convenient to get too. There wasn't a huge crowd of people, but there were some high school groups roaming around, which clogged things up a bit, but was still way more manageable than any normal day there. I rode the new Jimmy Fallon ride first. It's called Race Through New Your featuring Jimmy Fallon. The line was really short, and I made it into the "Lobby" in 5 minutes. Once you are in, you get a ticket and then go to the staging area where you watch a small video feature form The Tonight Show. It is mostly the skit he does as a high school girl called the Ew Show or something like that. When the lights turn the color of your ticket, you are allowed to enter the ride. The ride is very similar to Shrek 4D, in that you sit in theater seating. In this one, you are the audience of The Tonight Show, but you have to imagine that you are in a vehicle called the Tonight Rider. You do have to put a seatbelt on, and you are locked down with it. The entire seating area moves around as if you are driving in the Tonight Rider, as you travel through New York City at break neck speeds. Then all of a sudden you get launched into outer space and onto the moon. I know, that has nothing to do with New York, but it worked for the ride. You end the ride racing through the halls of The Tonight Show studio, and you, well I'll leave the final ending to you to go see for yourself. The ride was much better than I thought it was going to be for a simulator. Usually those types of rides beat the snot out of you, and leave you with a headache. This one, although herky jerky, was rather smooth, and left you feeling satisfied. It was a fun ride. If I had to wait a half hour, I'd say that was the limit of time that you would want to wait to ride it. Any more than that, and it might not be as enjoyable.

      This day was about hitting some of my favorites as well as rides that I've never gotten to ride, for one reason or the other. I hit The Mummy, Grningot's, The Simpson's, and the Hogwart's Express twice. The video that goes on out the windows is different depending on whether you are going to Hogsmeads or Diagon Alley. It's really great and relaxing. I was going to ride The Hulk, but I had to put all my stuff in a locker and I didn't feel like doing that.  I also achieved my goal, and got my socks, and a couple of other things. They had two different pair of socks, so I got both of them, a Hufflepuff Team Quidditch Captain shirt, and a Death Eaters tank top, became who doesn't need a Death Eaters Tank top. Yeah I spent a little more money than I had planned too, but these will make for good Universal going outfits whenever I go back. I do think that I'm going to make the most of my days off when they happen and go to the park as long as my pass is valid. I haven't decided whether I'm going to renew or not. I do really like it over there, but it isn't a necessity. I'm not sure how much time is left on my pass, but I believe that it is soon, so I will have to make that decision then. I did find out, that in order to use my pass for the new water park, that they just built, called Volcano Bay, you have to upgrade for the cost of $99. Not sure if I'm going to upgrade when and if I renew. That would just be one more thing that I go to alone.

     I have a few pictures of the park to share with you, so I'll just leave those here. I'll be back with you shortly.

 The first one is the entrance to Hogsmead, with of course Hogwarts right next to it. The bottom picture is what you seen once you enter Diagon Alley. Gringotts is at the end of the street with a large fire breathing dragon on top. I didn't get the fire breathing in the picture, I was on my way out when I remembered to get a picture, and it wasn't time for the display. I think it breathes fire every 15 minutes, or there about. It starts with a low rumbling, there is a pause of about 10 seconds then a loud roar, and the fire. It is quite thrilling to see, and even better than that, is all the people standing around the entire place, holding their phones up to get a picture at the right time.

     There was one last ride that I had to hit. It is more of a show than a ride, and it is one of my favorites. The Horror Make Up Show, is fun and fantastic, and I always try to see it. The script hasn't really changed in all the years they have been doing it, so I pretty much can do it word for word. As I started walking over the area that it was, I heard them making a "last call" for the Terminator ride. It was only 5 o'clock. Something was a foot. I started getting a little worried, that I wouldn't get to see my show. My worries were confirmed as I got closer. The park was closing for the day. I think they were having the Rock the Universe festival or whatever you call it. It's a series of concerts performed by Christian artists. They close the park and only leave the area open around the band shell. I was a little bummed and then I realized that I was going to have to drive home through rush hour traffic. h great.

     Somehow I managed to get home with little delay. This left me with plenty of time to change and go out for a ride on Saki. To get the day back in line, I needed to end with the perfect shot of Saki. Melvin was in charge of this, so if it doesn't look good, you can blame him. I did end up with two shots that I liked. One with the flash and one without. You can pick your favorite.

I don't have a favorite out of the two, because I li ke them both for different reasons. It was only short ride Friday night, but it felt good to be on Saki after walking around the park for the whole day.

     Saturday was for a more in-depth ride. I'm still trying to figure out the destination for the next adventure. Still would like your help on this. Which would you want to see more, KSC, or the McLarty Treasure museum? Anyway, If I choose the Space Center, I need to check out a route, so that was my main goal on Saturday. I went out on a road that I discovered a few weeks ago, and it will be a nice relaxing way to KSC. I will have to fudge with the route a bit more, but that will be a great last few miles to the Space Center. It runs parallel to the main road, but has overgrown trees that canopy the road, and a few areas that are just barren, and that means fun. I've asked a few friends if they want to go with me, and one of them has made their preference known, and that is going a long way to my decision. No, I'm not going to let you know their preference. You'll have to wait and see. I do plan on make my final decision by this weekend though, so you won't have to wait long.

     After seeing exactly where that road went, I needed to hit the twisties near the airport. I wanted to work on my body position when cornering, and that is the best place to do it. When I talk about body position, if you take a look at the picture to the left, you can see Valentino Rossi. Notice how he is hanging off the side of the bike and it is leaning over? Well that is what I'm talking about. I was working on getting that hang time. It's called knee dragging. I'm nowhere close to that lean angle, but I started feeling comfortable in the hang and the lean. In order to get that hang, you have to position yourself on the seat. With each turn, you need to move your butt to the side of the seat that you are turning on. You are basically sitting half on and half off the seat. It's a little sketchy at first, but after a few turns, you start getting the feel for it, and then it begins feeling far more natural than just sitting on the seat and leaning the bike over. There is a reason for doing this, and that is so that the center of gravity of the bike shifts, so that the bike doesn't have to lean over quite as far. Now I know that the picture above would lead you to believe that that isn't the reason, but trust me, it is. You have to realize that he is going about 75+ MPH in that turn. The faster you go, the more lean you have, so in the end, the more you can help the bike by letting it lean less, the better. If he didn't hang off the bike, and have that lean angle, he would have to take that corner much slower. I need a lot more practice, but it was definitely feeling good.

     It was a great weekend. I got to do a bunch of things that I wanted to, and I didn't wait for other people to have to come along to do them. It was lonely, but good, and I know that I can do that any time that I want to now. Peace in and goodnight.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Don't Let That Stop You.

     My allergies have been killing me today. I still managed to get everything done that I needed to get done though. I'm off again tomorrow, and I have a plan. I got my Universal Annual Pass a year or so ago, and it's going to expire soon. All those people that said they were going to go to the park with me, have never shown up to go. That leaves me with an underutilized pass, so I'm going to start using it while I still can. Tomorrow is going to be Universal day. I'm just going to go and hangout there for much of the day. Ride a few rides, walk around and see the sights that there are to see. They have one new ride, I despise the commercial for it, but I'll give it a go to see what it's all about. It's the Jimmy Fallon ride. Here is the commercial just so you can suffer along with me.

I have no idea what that has to do with the ride, but if that is in the ride, I'm going to jump out of the car and hopefully kill myself. My luck though, is that it is one of those rides that stands still but makes you feel like you are moving. So I will only land flat on my face, and still have to sit through that horrible thing.

     They have the Simpson's ride there as well, and I've never ridden that, so that will be on my short list for the day as well. This will actually be a pretty good test for me. One of my favorite things to do when I went there in the past, was to go to Margaritaville around lunch time and have lunch with a couple of boat drinks. I still haven't had a drink in I think 15 weeks now, or maybe it's going to be 15 weeks on Saturday. I'm not really sure at this point, and I don't really want to take the time right now, to figure it out, so we will just call it 15 until further notice. Also on my short list, is to finally buy a pair of Hufflepuff socks. I was sorted into Gryffindor on the Pottermore website, but I chose Hufflepuff when I picked out my pass holder lanyard. Everyone wants to be in Gryffindor because of the movies, and I get that. It's nerdly cool that I got selected into that house on the site, but secretly, or maybe not so secretly, I want to be Hufflepuff. Hufflepuffs are caring and generous, and I like to think of myself that way, so even though I'm Gryffindor, in my heart, I'm Hufflepuff. That being said, I'm getting a pair of knee high Hufflepuff socks tomorrow, and that is final. I think I will spend a lot of time in Diagon Alley. It's just really fun. I'll get pictures and share them with you on Sunday.

     I'm thinking about one other thing to do while I'll I"m there. I have an idea to go around and see if I can get a picture with all of the characters that wander the park. That just seems to me like a  very weird, fun, and funny idea. I'll be by myself, so I'm going to have to get strangers to take the pictures for me. Hey, at worst, I get to meet a bunch of new people. If I do that, I'll share those pictures as well. Keep in mind, that I hate having my picture taken.

     I'm putting more and more thought into this motovlogging thing, and it is seeming to be a better and better idea. I watch quite a few motovloggers, and they post several times a week. I don't think I will ever do that, but once a month or so, would be about the frequency that I would do it, and I think I can make that happen once I get and figure out all the equipment. As I said before, it would be the adventures that I go on once a month to random places. I think it could be a lot of fun, and would really add to what I write up about it here. This could be a tandem thing. I can post the video up, and then embed it here with the write up about it. What do you think? Great idea or no? Which reminds me, you still haven't told me where you want me to go on the next adventure. KSC or McLarty Treasure Museum?

     In ukulele class tonight, we worked on Cyndi Lauper's Time After Time. We were getting the melody and all that good stuff in. My teacher wants me to jump up to guitar. It's a little intimidating to me. Even though I've basically been playing guitar on a smaller scale with the guilele. The thing that would work to my benefit is, that I wouldn't have to take anything into class with me. He has several electric guitars there that he would let me use. I could ride Saki to class, and that is very appealing to me. I think I will give it a go next week, so we will see. It will either destroy any confidence I have, or give me more. There is an added bonus to this as well. It would be one more instrument that I could play, and I am a strong believer in learning new things.

     I've always said to people, learn something new each day, and I've tried to do that. This would be one more thing that I've learned. This is really just a bad segway into talking about a little phrase that I heard someone say yesterday in a podcast. It was a former MMA fighter turned stuntman, turned actor, turned podcast host, turned comedian. He heard the phrase form and aloud stuntman at an awards show, and I really liked what it was. He said, "Never let your memories get bigger than your dreams.". See, I told you it was a bad segway, but it worked. It basically means to not live on your past accomplishments, always strive to do something new, and that goes right back to my, learn something new each day. It all comes around, and you didn't thing it was going to happen. This is also something that I talk about from time to time here. Don't give up on your dreams. Frank Baum didn't write the Wizard of Oz books until he was in his 40's. You are never out of time to do something new and exciting in your live. All you need to do, is find the thing that is holding you back, and break through that. That in itself, is learning something new. It all works hand in hand, so never let your memories get bigger than your dreams. Peace in and goodnight.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Nothing Compares 2 U.

     I'm exhausted tonight, so I'm going to make this as short as I can. I'll start off with  plea for your help. I really want your help in deciding the next adventure. Neither ride will be that far, but I can make them a little adventurous by taking alternate routes to these locations. The first choice is the Kennedy Space Center. This is the closest of the choices, and I haven't been there in years. This is a good reason for me to go. I can relive a little of my childhood, and maybe learn something new, while taking you along for the adventure. The second choice is just south of Sebastian Inlet. The McLarty Treasure Museum is something that I haven't been to. It a historic landmark of a Spanish Plate Fleet made a survivors and salvaging camp. I will definitely learn something new there and maybe if I'm slick enough to pull it off, I can get a picture from the bridge overlooking the ocean. If you click on either one of those links, you will learn a little about each one, so that you can make an informed decision. Let me know which one I should go to.

     I was just watching the RAYS game. I was starting to fall asleep, so I had to turn it off early, but there RAYS were up 5-1, going into the 8th inning. They are playing the Detroit Tigers. The Tigers players were wearing a patch on their right sleeves with Mr. I on it. This is in reference to their owner who died recently. I'm brining this up because I wanted you to know, just how good a guy Mike Ilitch was. He was the founder of Little Ceaser's Pizza. Not the best pizza that you can buy, but it's cheap when you are hungry, and the give you two pizzas for the price of one, Hence the "pizza pizza" slogan. Anyway, in 1994 Mr. Ilitch had heard that Rosa Parks was being evicted from her apartment because she couldn't afford the rent. He moved Mrs. Parks into a better area and paid her rent until she died in 2005. He didn't do this because he had to, he did it because he wanted to. Rosa Parks was a national hero in my eyes, and Mr. Ilitch helping her in her time of need, makes him one as well. We should all strive to be this type of altruistic. There is more that he has done, but I wanted to tell that story, since I was reminded of it tonight.

     Today was my weigh in. I weigh in on Tuesday and Saturday. Tuesday is my late in the day weight, while Saturday is my first thing in the morning true weight. I was a little shocked when I got on the scale tonight. I weighed in at only a half pound higher than Saturday. The normal difference from Tuesday to Saturday's weight is around 5 pounds. That means I will probably be in the 180's when I weigh in on Saturday. Outside of my Dairy Queen Blizzard night, and I really overdid it tonight for dinner, I have been sticking to my new dietary plan, and it is paying off. Now, I don't use the scale as the end all be all. It is only so that I can put a number to it. I want to get down around 175, but that means nothing, if I don't look the way I want to. I can see things taking shape the way I want them to as well, and that is the truth of how the weight loss is going. Tomorrow is my next "fast" day, so I will only take in about 750 calories or maybe a little less. On the other days (tonight being the exception) I eat rather clean, and have been getting cleaner with each passing week. Working out is important, but it will never be as important as nutrition. If you don't get your nutrition right, it won't matter what you do. If you plan on doing this, please take the time to learn about nutrition and do this right. Having your "fast" days, doesn't mean that you can eat anything you want the rest of the time. You have to have proper nutrition, and eat the right foods. There is also the chance that this won't work for you. I heard about this idea from someone else, and decided to try it out, once I started eating healthier, and it is working for me. In the end, you have to find what works best for you, but I guarantee that in the end, it will all come down to nutrition.

     I know you know what time it is. Favorite Song of the Week. This week takes us back to 1990. I know that most of you will think that it was the 80's but it just missed it. This song was written by my favorite artist of all time, and if you have been paying attention, you will know who that is. That artist make this song a hit, another one did, and that is the version we are playing tonight. Prince wrote the original version of this song with started out : "It's been 7 hours and 13 days", but Sinead O'Connor changed that line to: "It's been 7 hours and 15 days". To this day, I don't know the reason for this change, and I don't think I ever want to know. To me, it doesn't change the song, but it gives her version her own little flare. Once you hear this version by Sinead O'Connor, I hope that you will look up the version by Prince to compare the 2. Yeah I know I wrote the number 2 instead of to. It's a Prince thing, and we are sticking to that theme right now. You will see that both versions are rather similar in tone and emotion. Sinead captured the sentiment of the song perfectly, and Prince loved to write songs for women. He did it numerous times with great success. Alright, I'll get to the song all ready. Here is Sinead O'Connor with "Nothing Compares 2 U".

     I have a little more to talk about, but I'll save that for Thursday, I think it will be a little more fitting for that night. You will understand when we get there. Peace in and goodnight.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Adventure Time To The Navy SEAL Museum.

     We have a lot to talk about, and a short time to do it in. I got a ton of pictures yesterday, so I'm going to have to try and edit them down to not a ton. Not to mention, I still need to share with you the pictures of the new grips and how Saki looks with them and the new red bolts on the windscreen, so let's just get that out of the way right here.

Like I said, the new bolts are a very subtle difference in the look, but it adds a nice touch. I was able to put he new Progrip sticker on today, but I don't have a picture of that. I really do like the idea of filling up the windscreen with stickers and then replacing it with a new windscreen, and then putting the old one on the garage wall of fame. The wall of fame is giving me more ideas for this whole motovlogging thing, and we will get to that in just a bit.

     I was looking online at Harbor Freights website on Friday, and they had a coupon for the exact air compressor that I wanted. Since I sold the P!ATD tickets, I had that extra money, and this coupon dropped the price from $119 to $99. I couldn't pass that deal up. It was a three day Easter sale. I drove over there, and grabbed one as soon as I could. I got a cheap little starter kit along with it, that had a hose and all kinds of connections and such. The important thing was that it had an air chuck for car tires, which will also work for motorcycle tires as well. It's not the best stuff, but it will work for now. I will slowly replace the hose and a few other things in time, but this gets me started. It also has a little air gun so that I can blow excess water off of Saki or other debris. That is going to come in real handy.

     On to Saturday. I woke up pretty early so that I could make a good breakfast, so that I wouldn't have to worry about eating until later in the day. I didn't hear any feedback on my livestream test on Friday, so I had no idea if the audio worked or not. I decided to scrap the whole livestream idea, and just went with the Instagram story. I think it worked out really great, and I hope that you had a chance to see it. Unfortunately, you can't go back and check it out now, because it is only available for 24 hours, and that time is long since gone. The good news is, that I remembered to take pictures as well this time, and I can share those with you here. The ride was fantastic. It was a clear sunny day, and I got to take in the beauty of this wonderful coastline that I live on. Two of the best parts of the ride were going over bridges. The first one was when I went over the Indian River on the Pineda Causeway. The water looked beautiful, and since no one took me up on my offer to ride, it was all for me. The second time was going over the bridge that crosses the Sebastian Inlet. When you are at the top of that bridge, you can see for miles out to sea. The surf was coming in real nice, and a spot that the locals call Monster Hole, was really pumping.

     I needed to pull over for a gas a little before Vero Beach. It gave me a chance to rest my hands a bit. The new grips work great, but after an hour of riding, my hands still got a little numb. I got my gas and let the blood start to flow in my hands again. I was only about 45 minutes from my final destination. A!A in that area, is a nice quiet ride for the most part. It only gets a little busy when you hit Vero, but otherwise it is mostly plant life and really nice houses. There is this one little seaside area for campers, that would be the greatest place to camp out for a couple of days. I'm not exactly sure where that is. I think it is in Winter Beach. It is only big enough for about 1 trailers I believe, so it is very quaint. It almost makes me want to get a trailer so that I can do it some time. One of these days I will stop and get a picture of that to show you.

     I finally made it to the Navy SEAL Museum, and found a good parking space. it was right near the entrance. I knew that I wouldn't be able to take my helmet in, so I put it on the old helmet locks under the rear seat. The jacket was going to be very uncomfortable, because when I stopped for gas, ti got hot just standing there for a few minutes, so I draped it over the front of Saki, and hoped that the honor system was in full affect. You can see from the picture how it all looked. The museum is in the background. I was a little surprised at how many cars and people were there. I could see people meandering the property outside when I pulled up. When you walked though the front gate of the compound, you were created by all kinds of sights. Statues, obstacle course, boats, and vehicles. They were scattered throughout the property, and don't worry I got pictures of most of it.

I'm going to go through this a bit out of order, because the first thing that really struck my eye to get a picture of, was the sign and display that you see to the left. It was all in honor of the Warrior Dogs, that go into battle with SEAL members. These dogs are trained to sniff out explosives and other things. The battle gear in the picture below was worn by one dog named Barry. he was responsible for finding the largest cache of explosives in Iraq. I don't know if you can blow the picture up enough, but it says: Navy SEAL K-9
On display are items belonging to Barry, a Belgian Malinois, who holds the distinction of being Naval Special Warfare Group Two's (NSWG-2) "first dog". Barry served the SEALs in Iraq for three years and participated in over 225 combat missions. He was credited with NSWG-2's largest explosive find including 1125 pounds of homemade explosives, 75 feet of detonation cord, 50 blasting caps and 2 hand grenades.

Barry's personal items, including his collar, muzzle and harness were donated to the Museum by Barry;s handler and help tell the story of the incredible training, courage and dedication that these heroic canines possess. Barry is now retired and lives with his handler.

There was a video that went along with it, that showed some of the training that these dogs went through. It was quite remarkable to see.

       I moved through he gallery taking everything in. There was a helicopter in the biggest gallery, and you could step inside of it, to see what it was like. It was much smaller than I thought it would have been. I had to duck to get in, and stay that way until I sat down on the small seat toward the back of it. The picture to the right shows the helicopter with a family standing in front of it. You can get the scale of it It is a real refurbished helicopter set up for display. This was in the modern era section of the museum. That is the first area that you get to walk through. It then works it's way back in time. to Vietnam, to Korea, then to WWII, and then finally to why the museum is in Ft. Pierce. I learned quite a lot from that small museum. For instance that SEAL is an acronym from Sea, Air, and Land. I really didn't know that that is where it came from. I'm going to share one last photo with you with a little bit of an explanation, and then we will get to the bulk of the pictures. This last one, is the reason that the museum is in Ft. Pierce, and it was a simple sign that explained it all. Ft. Pierce was the first training site of the Naval Special Warfare division. That is where it all started. They weren't called SEALs at that time, but they were the ones that started it all. Here is that sign, and then we will get to the rest of the pictures, and I will tell you more after.

     I already know what you are thinking. You are going through the pictures, and you come across some space capsules, and say to yourself, "What the hell do Navy SEALs have to do with the Apollo missions?". That is a good question, and one that I have an answer to, and it just so happens to be in picture form.
That's right, they weren't only involved in the early stages of training to see if humans could spend time in space, but they were also the ones that retrieved the space capsules once they made splashdown in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Florida.

     I have a few more pictures for you. Two of which are what you are greeted by when you walk through the front door of the museum. One is a beautiful chopper style motorcycle. There was nothing written up for it, so I have no idea who made it, or anything other than it is one brutal beauty. The other picture is the guest sign in book with this cool little brass fixture that looks like some sort of periscope. I just thought that is was interesting. I will get to the final picture after I show you those two.

     I'm going to end with the final picture because I believe that it is the perfect ending to this post. I had a remarkable time doing this, not only the ride, and the knowledge gained, but it has given me incentive to really get this motovlogging thing going. I really enjoyed being in front of the camera for the Instagram Story, and I thought of how much more I could have done if I had a GoPro or something like that. I'm already thinking about the next adventure, and I have a couple of ideas. I would like your help in choosing it. The first one is an obvious one, and wouldn't really be that far away. That would be the Kennedy Space Center. I haven't been there for years, and what better reason than this. The other is a treasure museum in Vero Beach. It is rather small, but it could be real fun and informative. It is from a well known treasure hunter that found a lot of stuff off the coast of Vero. Let me know which one you want to see next, and I will start the planning for it.

      If you do follow me on Instagram, you may have already seen this final photo. I featured it as my Picture of the Day. Yep, that's right, I didn't find that one, I actually took it. Everything lined up perfectly for it. The lone gentleman walking at the end of the beach access had walked past me a few moments earlier. I had thought about waiting until he was clear, so that it would just be the shot of the opening to the beach, but the lone person representing a sort of solitude, just rang true for the shot. Peace in and goodnight.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Is It Really Good News?

     I have some good news, but it will have to wait a little bit. I had to push back the Instagram Live test till tomorrow. I didn't ride in today due to a sinus infection. Do you have any idea what it is like riding with a helmet on when you have a runny nose? It all started out as allergies, but by this morning it had evolved to a sinus infection. Fortunately I acted fast, and it is nearly all gone as of right now. Let's see now, if I remember right, the subscription email of this will go out at around 7 o'clock in the morning New York time. I don't know if you read this when it comes in, or later in the day or whenever, but I'm planning on the Instagram Live test around 1 or 2. I did do a test on Wednesday, and the audio did work with my headphones in, but there was a tremendous amount of wind noise. This was due to the fact that my mic hung down below my helmet, so tomorrow I will try to tape the mic inside my helmet and see if that eliminates the wind noise. There was one other problem, but I think I have a solution for that as well. I couldn't hear very well with my headphones in. The solution would be to go with the headphones that came with my phone instead of the ones that I use for work. They allow more of the ambient noise around you in than the ones I use for work. I'm not all that excited about not hearing well, but it will only be for a short period of time, so I can live with it.

     Now on to the news. I was able to sell the tickets for Panic! at the Disco. I'm glad that someone is going to get to go that will enjoy it, but I am bummed that I won't get to go now. I was really looking forward to the show, but I couldn't go alone this time. I could feel the panic attack starting every time I thought about it. This was for the best. Although I'm bummed, I did find the silver lining. The money I will be getting for the sale of the tickets, is near the cost of the air compressor I want for the garage. This will help me out with a lot of things dealing with Saki, and could have helped me out tonight. We will get to that in just a minute. I don't get to see the show, but I will get a shiny new air compressor. See, sliver lining.

     Here is how that air compressor could have helped me out tonight. I got new grips for Saki. I would have a picture for you, but my phone is in low power mode, so it won't load anything to the cloud right now. That air compressor could have helped me get the grips on easier. A lot of things I checked said to use compressed air to create a thin layer of air to guide the grip over the bar. I didn't have that, so I went with isopropyl alcohol. It acted as a lubricant to slide the grip on, but it was not easy. my hands are a little raw from pushing the throttle side grip on. It was a pain. I did end up with a slight problem though. When I put the bar end on the throttle side, it left a pretty good sized gap, and I don't know why. I'm going to take it to the dealer tomorrow and see if they know anything that can help me out. In the meantime, Saki is looking real Kawisexy. I also got one other thing for Saki, and that was new bolts for the windscreen. They are anodized red bolts that go real well with the red on Saki. I do have a before an after comparison for you, but that will have to wait until Sunday. The cloud thing remember? I do have one picture that I took yesterday when I pulled into work though. I Like it. It really shows off the reflective rim tape. If you look close, you can see that I put two of the stars on my helmet. Makes it stand out a bit more.

     Yesterday we lost a very funny man by the name of Charlie Murphy. He is the brother of comedian Eddie Murphy. He was battling leukemia, and his fight is now over. I learned of Charlie Murphy because of Dave Chappelle. He was a writer and performed on The Chappelle show, and he had two of the funniest sketches of all time. My favorite was the one about Prince. As you know, I am a giant Prince fan, so I found this sketch to be outstandingly funny, and I was even more pleased when I found out that Prince loved it as well. He even did a song called "Breakfast Can Wait" and the cover art for the single was a picture of Dave Chappelle as Prince. I found a clip of that Sketch but it isn't the best quality and the ending is cut off, but you get the bulk of it. It is the only close to full clip that I could find.

The stars are a little brighter tonight because they are bursting with laughter. Charlie Murphy is swirling in the ether making the universe laugh.

     I don't think I mentioned it, but I am off tomorrow, hence the reason I can do the Instagram Live test around 1 or 2 in the afternoon. I will still need your help to see if the audio is good. Please let me know by either leaving a comment here, or messaging me on Instagram. I know that you can leave comments while the video is going live, but I really don't know if I will be able to read them while I'm riding, but I will try my best. Peace in and goodnight.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Hindsight is 20/20, But It Would Have Saved Me Some Hassle If I Could See Into the Future.

     I had a small issue with the new horn on Saki. Well, maybe it wasn't so small. When I finally settled on how to mount it, I didn't take into consideration the fork travel. When I came home from work on Monday and pulled into my driveway, I heard a loud clunk. When I parked the bike, I looked all around but I didn't see anything out of place. Today when I was leaving for work, I heard it again as I pulled out. That is when I realized what was going on. When the forks compressed, the fender would travel up and into the new horn. I checked the front fender, and sure enough, there was a good size ding in it. Looks like that wasn't the best place for it. After dinner, I went out to the garage, pulled out the rolling stool, and got to work. I pulled out the stock horn, and noticed that there was a smaller bracket attached to it. I got it off, and bolted it back where it originally was. There was a rubber bushing in the hole that the horn attached to, and that was getting in the way of bolting the new horn on to it. Here is where I new problem arose. With that bushing out, there was a large kind of keyhole that the new bolt just wouldn't handle. Fortunately, there was a small washer with the old assembly. I pulled that washer, and that solved the problem. I checked clearance, and there was a little rubbing on the front fairing. I noticed that the horn was not centered on the bracket, so I had some room to play around with it. I loosened it back up pulled it down a bit, and it locked in place. Everything has clearance now, and the fender will no longer be rising up into the horn.

     With that taken care of, I needed to address the ding in the fender. I got out my trusty paint pens, and laid down the base coat. After it dried I went in with the red pen. I'm going to need another coat to get it all take care of, but it looks better than it did. The good news is, that it is in a spot that you just aren't going to see. I had to put a small LED light in between the forks to even notice the paint was chipped away. From the front you can't tell it's there at all.

     I think I'm giving up on going to see Panic! at the Disco. I've put a lot of thought into selling the tickets today. I haven't done it yet, but I think I will probably put them up for sale tomorrow. I had one last hope of getting someone to go today, and that person has plans already. I can go alone, but I'm just so tired of doing that. I'll let you know what my final decision is on that.

     As you know, I'm doing that ride to Ft. Pierce on Saturday. I have an idea, to make it a little fun for you. Instagram has this feature where you can shoot a live video of what you are doing. It's very much like Facebook live. I did a test run yesterday, just videoing me riding home, and it worked a little. I will need to adjust my phone mount a little to give you a better shot, but I think this might work. One of the problems I had was with talking into the camera. It just didn't hear me when I was on the bike riding, so I'm going to try something out. I'll do another test tomorrow on my way home from work, but this time I will wear my headphones, to see if the mic will record my voice while I'm riding.  This isn't a great solution, because I will be tethered to my handlebars. It is however, the only solution I have available to me. If it works, I will do a test run on Instagram on the way home from work on Thursday, to see if everything works there. If you follow me on Instagram, keep an eye out a little after 3 PM New York time.

     If that works, and I will need your help to know if it does. I will shoot a little of the ride to Ft. Pierce. Here is what I need from you. If you watch it on Thursday, I need you to tell me how the audio was. I don't think I will be able to watch the Instagram Live back, so I'm relying on you heavily in order to pull this off. If I get good feedback on Thursday, I will definitely do it on Saturday. I will let you know a round about time to check into Instagram on Thursday nights post.

     It's time for Favorite Song of the Week, and this one goes bak a bit. It's from one of my favorite artist, and I absolutely adore her. This version is sung by her on the Howard Stern show, and she does something a little different on it. She sings in the way it was originally written. She made adjustments in the final recording, and never sung it this way. There is a bit of a build up and she explains it in the clip. About a third of the way through the song she stops the whole thing, because she sang it the way she recorded it as opposed to the way it was written, so you can really hear what that difference is. This version of it sounds really good, and I think it is because it is fully stripped done acoustically. Here is the incredible Cyndi Lauper ( it rhymes with bopper) with "All Through The Night".

     Really great version right? Even with the little goof it is just fantastic. There are so many reasons to love Cyndi and her voice is only one of them. She is immensely talented, she also plays instruments, she is funny, and quite beautiful. Her beauty isn't just relegated to her outward appearance either. A few years ago (probably longer than a few) she created the Give A Damn campaign. It is a charitable cause better known as the True Colors Fund which is aimed at helping a very little thought of group. It helps homeless LGBTQ teens. The ones that are kicked out of their homes because of parents that don't understand them or hate them because of how they love. If you get a chance, click to the link above, and see what it is all about. If you feel that they are worthy, maybe leave a small donation as well. This could be your RAK of the week or month or whatever.

     That's all I have for you tonight. If you have Instagram, you will see me before I get back to you, so until Thursday night, peace in and goodnight.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

What Do A Horn, A Garage, Boots, And A Blizzard Have In Common?

     Alright, let's just cut to the chase. I'm a coward. I ended up at the bank tellers window, because she called me over, and I didn't ask. Now I can't assume that she would have said yes, but me going alone to this concert is definitely on me. I could have asked, I had very opportunity to do so, and I didn't. I froze. I had no idea what to say. Instead, I went home and put the new horn on Saki.

     It took me some time, because I had some fitment issues. I had to bend the bracket they gave me, in order to get it to fit right. Once I did that, I found another issue with the horn hitting the headlight housing or the triple tree. Eventually I too the whole mount and flipped it upside down. That isn't the recommended way to do it, but it is the only way that it would fit without issues. That being said, it still has minor issues. I will keep an eye on it, to make sure that those issues don't turn into something. Here is a video of the before and after. It doesn't really do it justice. For some reason the new horn sounds smaller on the video to me, but in reality, it is much louder and more pronounced.

    Installing the horn also gave me the chance to test out the new lighting in the garage. It worked like a charm. Since we are now talking about the garage, I did a little addition to the My Ultimate Garage project. I added another LED light, but this one I put on it's own line, so that I could use the drawstring to turn it on. This is a safety measure in the event that something happens to my phone, and I can't turn on the other lights. I also got a rolling shop stool. What is a shop without a shop stool. 

It was super easy to assemble. It came in three pieces. The lower tray, the hydraulic cylinder, and the seat cushion. All you had to do, was insert the hydraulic cylinder in the tray and then put the seat cushion on top of it. There was no bolting or tightening of any kind. I'm sure if you try picking its up, it will all fall apart, but who needs to pick it up, when it has wheels. It's perfect for working on Saki. I saw a few other things at Harbor Freight that will work well in My Ultimate Garage. They have a lighted workbench that would be perfect, a really nice air compressor, and eventually, a motorcycle lift. When I get my front wheel stand, I can do most of the work on Saki with that and the rear wheel stand. The lift would just make things a lot more convenient. I would be able to raise the bike up, as opposed to laying underneath it at times.

     Yesterday was a me day. I rode Saki all over the place, even hitting my favorite twisty road. I put some speed into it, and got Saki leaned over rather far. It felt really good. I felt a little emboldened by the fact that I had on a new pair of motorcycle boots. I got them a couple of weeks ago, but hadn't had the chance to wear them for a serious ride. Yesterday was the day to test them out. I can say, that they are very comfortable while riding. Walking in them however, is a different story. The sole is rather narrow, so you have the feeling that you are teetering when you are walking in them, but these are riding boots, not walking boots. I did have one problem with them while riding though. The toe is much thicker than Converse Chuck Taylors, and that made it difficult to shift quickly at first. There was a pretty pronounced learning curve going on. It took a little while, but I figured it out eventually. I won't wear them all the time, but when I want to really get Saki leaned over, I will be wearing them. They will give me that extra armor in case something happens. Here is a picture of the boots. They are Icon Overlord Boots, and they are a good match for the Icon Sanctuary jacket that I got.

     After my ride, I decided that I needed to treat myself a little. I have been undergoing sort of a lifestyle change as of late. The no drinking is part of it, but I have also been fasting two days out of the week. It's not a true fast though. I simply limit my calories to under a thousand, and pretty much close to 500 for the day that I do it. In case you were wondering, yes I am losing weight doing this. Quite a bit. Since I have dropped weight I thought a good cheat day was in order. This isn't going to be an every week sort of thing, this was just a once in a long while sort of thing. I went for a Dairy Queen Blizzard, and not just any Blizzard. I went for the Reese's Extreme Blizzard, and a large on at that. I checked the calorie count on it, for a large, it is about three fast days worth of calories, 1360. That is a lot for one dessert. Anyway, this Blizzard ha both Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, and Reese's Pieces in it. It was really freaking good, but I hope to never have one again. I want to drop another 15 pounds, and the only way I'm going to do that, is to not eat things like that more than once in a few months or so.

     Well, that is all I have for you tonight. I'll see you o Tuesday night with another riveting episode of The Counterfeit Squirrel. Peace in and goodnight.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

What Do Sober People Talk About?

     This week has been going on for far too long. I actually tried to shut things down early at work today, because my brain was telling me that it was later than the clock was. It has been an aggravating week. This is mostly because people have been throwing tantrums all over the place, and when one person starts, it starts a domino affect the hits everyone, one by one by one. Today wasn't too bad, but you can still feel tension in the air. Things could explode at a moments notice. I just want to get out and ride.

     Speaking of  riding, yeah I know you saw that coming. I'm going to try to install the new horn tomorrow evening. This will give me a chance to check out the garage lighting as I work on Saki. I will get a comparison video and have it for you on Sunday, assuming that I can get this new horn on. I think I saw a problem when I was looking at the replacement bracket, and it doesn't look like it's going to work, so I may have to improvise. I'll let you know all about it. Oh yeah, I do have picture of the horn in it's packaging for you, and here it is.

     That reminds me. I've been meaning to ask, do you like the pictures better centered or off to the side of the text? I really want to know. I think that centered looks a little boring, but it's the easiest option, not that it is all that difficult to put them off to the side. Let me know.

     Sunday, I ran into a couple of friends of mine. They are in the process of moving to South Florida. It was really good catching up with them, but we happened to get in a conversation about not drinking. The husband in the couple had quit drinking 2 years ago, and has been alcohol free for a little over a year now. He seemed to have this contempt for drinking now, and that really isn't how I feel. I chose to do this, because I wanted to, and not because I needed to, and I think he feels quite the opposite. He even seems to have an anger towards people drinking to excess. Although I feel differently about this whole not drinking thing than he does, the one thing we seemed to agree on, is that all those drinking friends we knew from the bar, don't want anything to do with us anymore. He mentioned how everyone just stopped calling him, and that he hadn't seen any of them for quite some time, and although I am newly into this, I have noticed a similar trend. People don't contact me as much, and some not at all, but here is the way I look at that. I have had people come in and out of my life for all of my life. I have a few very close friends, and I know where they are. We may not be as close as we once were, but we always keep in touch. Those people that just drift in and out of my life are just that, drifters. I hold no ill will towards them, I just came to the conclusion along time ago, that there will be people that I know for a very short time. We will have a good time while we are around each other, but eventually those people will move on. I've even learned to notice those people early on in the friendship. I know who is going to stay, and who is going to leave. I just enjoy the moment while it happens.

     I still haven't decided whether to ask the bank teller to the concert yet. I think I will make that decision when I'm standing in front of her, and that only happens if I end up at her window. Knowing my luck, this will be the one week that I end up with another teller. Either way, I will let you know what goes down, if anything does.

     I've been thinking more and more about this motovlogging thing, and am leaning more towards doing it. I still would have to get all the equipment, but I have done some cleaning of my Youtube channel so that it will be ready whenever I start doing it. I was leaning towards not putting it there and only posting on here, but then I thought, why not post it there. I could post it there, and then embed it on here. You could go to either place to see it. I'm looking at the 15th for the first trip. I was thinking this Saturday, but I'm waiting to hear back from someone, to see if they want to tag along. I'm going next week regardless of them going or not. There will not be any video per se this time, or in the near future, but I will post an Instagram story on it. You can go here. for that. You need to have the app on a mobile device, and you will have to follow me to see it. If you don't, don't worry though. I will get plenty of pictures that I can share on here of the Navy SEALS museum. Yes, I will also have a few of Saki thrown in for good measure. I'm pretty sure I can park Saki right on the other side of the fence from a big boat that is on the property. It should make for a fun shot.

     Until Sunday, peace in and goodnight.