Sunday, April 8, 2018

I'm Fed Up.

     I can't believe that I'm saying this, because we are only a few months in, but I need a break from the PR.  I was once again stressed out about the latest post that went up, and then I had to do an immediate turnaround and do another one on Saturday, which started out as a total train wreck.

     We were finally going to go to the place that we originally were supposed to do when we went to Titusville the first time. We got there, and they are being renovated. I wanted to strangle my partner for not checking into something like that. When I got to his house, he was so happy because he found an article about them in the local paper that was three years old. I asked him if he checked to see if they had a Facebook page that would have announced this, and he said no. We had to find a place in a hurry. I wanted to stay closer to the downtown area, because when we went before, we were in the Southern end of Titusville.  I finally gave in and we went to place that was probably about 2 miles from the last location we did in Titusville. I see that as a bit of a problem, but he was free of any such thought.

     I need to back up a little here. It took us most of the drive to get the intro to the first place. It seems some old issues started coming back, and we need to stop those habits right away. Then there was the fact that he seemed to want it to be more of a, me introduce him, and then he take over the whole thing. Once again, I acquiesced. I need to relinquish responsibility to him so he can see what it actually takes to make this successful. We succeed or fail based on the work we put into it, and right now, it seems like I am the one doing all the work. Since I didn't remind him to promote the last two reviews, the numbers show what is going on. I put all my effort into making sure the YouTube channel was doing good, and it is on par, for the most part, with what we have posted in the past. The blog is a different story though. The last two reviews are struggling for air. The analytics don't lie. They are complete failures compared to the other posts.

     With that being said, the place we went to on Saturday was in a word, amazing. It is one of the best pizzas I've ever had. The place was impeccable. Clean with an upscale feel, and the pizza (we did a Sicilian style) was top notch. Here is a picture I took for the review which will be coming up on the 20th.

     As we were leaving, we ran into the owner. I had given our card to our server, and he passed it on. Once again, the charmer fell short, and I had to step up. I mentioned that the review would be coming up on the 20th, and that he could look for it then. As soon as we were out the door, I started getting notifications that the owners had begun following some of our social media. I think we are going to get a bump from them when we do post. Speaking of posting, that was another bout of anxiety. I edited the video last night, and this morning, decided that I was going to upload it and set the release date and time. I had it all in there. I had it fully uploaded, and then there was some problem with processing. I was trying to figure out what it was when I noticed that I had uploaded it to the wrong channel. That's right, I uploaded it to the CS channel. I had to see if it was in my videos and sure enough, despite the processing problems, it was there, I had to delete it from there, and then start the whole process over again. I reset the release date and time, and while I was waiting for it to upload, I went out and ran my errands. I got back to see that it was having trouble with the processing again. I was losing my mind.

     I finally broke down, and left that page and tried to see if it was in my video list. It was, once again despite the processing problems. Only thing was, that all the description information including the release time and date, didn't save. It had gone live with no description or anything. I quickly got to work editing the description and filling in everything that had disappeared. About the time I was finishing up with that, I got a text from my partner telling me that the video was up, and that he had already shared a link to it. I was beside myself. He then told me that he quickly wrote a blog post for it as well. The anger was growing. I didn't want a post written to go live yet, much less the video. I went back into editing for the YouTube video page, and quickly made the video Private. That means that only I can see it. I will let it go public when it was supposed to on the 20th, when I am ready for the blog to go live as well.

     I told my partner what I had done, and he said he was going to take down the link. I then told him that he could always promote are last two posts, so that they wouldn't drown anymore. He said he would, but I'll have to wait and see if that is true. I will know by the analytics, they'll tell me if any traffic comes from Facebook. Everything for the past week has either been Instagram, or YouTube, which believe me, I am happy about. Those two weren't brining anyone in from our first few videos, but now it seems that they are actually brining in readers. Maybe when those two are established enough I can just completely forget about telling him to post on Facebook, because we won't need it anymore, and that is something I would really like to do. I have no love for Facebook and would prefer to leave it far behind.

     Ok, that is out of the way. Two things did come out of this weekend that should be a nice change of pace. While I was looking for music for the PR, I came across a few songs that I want to use for CS videos. I have some grandiose ideas. Real artsy type of videos that will take quite a bit of filming. They are only going to be a few minutes long, but what I have planned will require filming in multiple locations, using the helmet mount, the drone, the tripod, the session mounted on the bike again, and possibly getting help from someone for handheld shots while I'm riding or other things. I really think these are going to be real fun, and I can't wait to see the vision in my head come together for you on the screen you are looking at now.

     The other thing is, I saw a new place in Titusville for burgers. As you know, I am constantly on the search for the perfect cheeseburger, and whenever I can find a new place, I have to check it out. I'm going to do a video about going there. It seems to be a small chain called Wayback Burgers, and the pictures on their website look pretty tasty. I'm going to let the inner fat kid in me come out for this one, and go all out on a burger, fries and, an over the top milkshake. I don't know if I'll be able to ride home, but it will be fun trying. I want to try and do that one next week, so look for it in the next week and a half or so. I want to try and up my game on the edit for that video as well. We will see what I come up with.

     I almost forgot to mention this. I got that new desk chair and it is fantastic. It's a gamer chair, so it is a little more than your common desk chair. It will tilt back all the way flat if I want, and it has a little pad that slides out from under it to rest my legs on. I could sleep on this thing. The best part is, that it wasn't much more than a decent desk chair. I made the right choice on this one. I think that when I get Saki's Lounge ready for TV viewing and extra seating, I will get a few of these instead of a couch. That way people can wheel them around.

     Speaking of the Lounge, I've been looking at a motorcycle lift that is pretty cool. I had always pictured getting the lift that Harbor Freight always has on sale. The cheapest I've seen it, is $279, but it is big. It takes up a lot of floor space, because it is a traditional lift. A large flat surface area that the motorcycle sits on. This new lift takes up a lot less room, but because of that, it is great deal more costly.

     Isn't that cool looking. That is just two of the ways it will lift the motorcycle so that you can work on it. You can also lift the back tire only to work on it from different angles. It leaves you easy access to all areas of the bike, without a big bulky lift platform. One other thing about it. You can wheel the bike around while it is on the stand. That alone makes it worth the money. If I'm not getting good lighting to do something, I can simply wheel it to a different position so that I do get the lighting I want. I really want this stand, but I need to be patient. I still need to clear more things out of the lounge to make room for it to be the way I want, but this is on the top of my list of things to get for the lounge. I guess I should tell you the name of that lift. It's called the Abba Skylift. Yep, like the 70's band from Sweden, at least I think they are form Sweden. The Dancing Queen disco band. Great stuff, by the way. I think I may have to play ABBA when I'm woking on Saki if I have that stand. It would only seem right.

     It seems like the more I write, the more things I remember to tell you about. I don't know that I've mentioned it here, but I know I wrote about Tommy John many times on the 365. I have good news. They just began making underwear for women. I am exclusively Tommy John, they are the most comfortable underwear that I've worn. I even like their socks and shirts. Before you wonder. I am not being paid to say this. I have no sponsorship deal with Tommy John, however, if anyone from Tommy John is reading this, I would take a deal in a heartbeat. I really like this underwear, and if the women's underwear is as comfortable as the men's, you should really give it a try. They are pricey. I think they give all new costumers a 20% discount on you first purchase. Do it like I do, buy two pairs whenever you have the extra money to spend on them, but I know this is going to seem a little crazy considering that you are kind of wasting that 20% discount, but buy one pair, and just try them out. I'm sure you are going to like them, in fact, I believe that you will love them. If you do, just create a new email account and sign up under that new email, and you will get that 20% again, easy peasy. It's a win win. Now, I haven't done that, but I may in the future, I do have two email addresses now, so I could conceivably sign up for a new account and get that discount again, but I'm good for now. Buying a couple of pair when I have the extra money for it, I have a few extra pair still unworn and ready when the ones I have finally wear out, which is taking a really long time. I can tell you that I don't like their AIR line. They are way too thin, and they have worn down rather fast. I like the Second Skin and their Cool Cotton. I don't know why I didn't think of this before, but I'll make it easy for you to find. The following link will take you directly to the introduction to the women's line, Tommy John Women Seriously, click on that link and check them out. You have nothing to lose by looking at them online.

     Alright, I better go before I think of something more to tell you. Actually I do, but I'll save it for Tuesday night. Peace in and goodnight.

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