Friday, April 6, 2018

The Patchwork Knight (Chapter 22)

     As we were clearing the tree line of the forest, we could see that there was a commotion at the village. A large group of people were standing around. All of us took off in a sprint to see what was going on. As we got closer we began to see a half dozen horses with the emblazoned with the symbol of the Targen Knights.

     "Sir Wallace, what do we owe the pleasure of your company in our fair village?"

     "Falren, it is good to see you again."

     "I hand't expected to see you so soon, the King's birthday isn't for another 7 months."

     "This is true, and I wish I could say that our visit was purely for pleasure, but it is not. The Realm has been receiving unwanted visitors. The Raider that you killed was only the first of them. Since you were in the Kingdom, Raiders have attacked several of the border towns and villages. We are going from village to village to warn everyone that Raiders could be coming."

     "I was worried about that when we saw that fellow on the trail. How many have been attacked, and how many hurt?"

     "So far, 5 towns and villages have been attacked, with 35 dead, and 70 wounded. Each time they were quick strikes. They would attack in the early morning, do as much damage as they could and then leave. Only one village was able to fend off an attack. They killed 10 of the attackers, and said that another 10 ran before they could get to them."

     "Were there any reports of how many attackers were in the other villages?"

     "From what we could learn, it seemed that all the attacks were similar. Early morning with a relatively small strike force."

     "How was the one village prepared?"

     "It was more luck that preparation. They had a hunting party ready to go out at first light. When the Raiders arrived, they were met with 40 hunters, well armed with bows."

     "This village isn't ready for something like that. We have a handful of hunters. We are a goat herding village."

     "That is why we are here. We are to warn you and then patrol the area for possible Raiders. They won't get anywhere near this village. After all, the King expects to see Pitre for his birthday."

     Everyone that was standing around turned and looked at me at the mention of the King expecting to see me. Only a few people knew of my wish to become a Knight. My father said it was best to not mention it. From the looks on everyone's face, it became apparent why he wanted to keep it unspoken. Their mouths had all fallen open, and their eyes had widened. Even Arial looked shocked.

     "Why are you looking at me like that? You knew about all of this."

     "I know, but I didn't believe you?"

     "What do you mean, you didn't believe me? I have never lied to you, or anyone for that matter."

     "You may not have lied, but you didn't always keep a promise?"

     "Those aren't the same at all, and the only time I didn't keep a promise, was when I forgot to come looking for you as soon as I got back from the Kingdom."

     The crowd of onlookers began chuckling, and my father just dropped his head shaking it as he stared at the ground. Sir Wallace and the rest of the Targen Knights all had smiles on their faces as well, and began shifting uncomfortably to try and hide them.

     "Pitre, I hope your training is going well?" Sir Wallace said with a bit of humor in his voice.

     "Yes, sir. Training is going very well."

     "It has only been a few months since I last saw you, do you think you can defeat the Princess now?"

     I thought it not possible, but the crowds jaws dropped even lower.

     "I don't know sir, the tournament taught me a valuable lesson. Do not underestimate your opponent."

     "Smart you are lad. I can tell you this though. The Princess hasn't grown nearly as much as you have in these few months. You look to be a foot taller than you were when I last saw ya."

     "I have had to get new britches and a tunic, but I don't think I've grown that much Sir Wallace."

     "Maybe my eyes are deceiving me then. Falren, can we have a word? Without a crowd?"

     "Yes, Sir Wallace. Alright everybody, nothing more to see here, get back to your own business."

     With that, Sir Wallace and my father walked off to our cottage. The rest of the Knights gathered up the horses and made their way to the barn to water and feed them.

     "You really did fight the Princess, and she beat you."

     "I told you all of that already."

     "Once again, I know Pitre, but it is nice to hear it from someone else. It's not that I didn't believe you, but it does seem like a spun tale, don't you think?"

     "I guess if I was as brooding as you are, it would be."

     "Are you looking to get beat by another girl Pitre?"

     "No, I filled my quota for the year, besides you aren't ready to fight with a sword yet."

     "What have I been swinging around out there, if it wasn't a sword?"

     "I mean a real sword. That sword is heavy and blunted. It is to build up your strength and stamina, so that when you get a real sword, it will seem effortless."

     "Ok. Can I ask you something Pitre?"

     "Sure, but why are you asking if you can ask me?"

     "Don't worry about that. How did it feel when you touched the aether in the Swordsman's Euphoria?"

     "It was different, than any other time. It felt like I was a part of everything around me. I wasn't pulling the energy to me, it was just there, because I had become the energy."

     "That is different than how I felt. When I enter the aether, I can feel the energy around me, but I definitely have to pull it to me. When I used that to enter the euphoria, It was the same, except I could feel my senses sharpen."

     "I wonder why it was so different?"

     "The scrolls did mention that it isn't the same feeling for everyone, maybe that is the reason. It is just how we interact with the aether."

     "Your guess is as good as mine. You are after all, the scholar here, I'm just a lad looking to be a Knight."

     "You better go practice some more than. You have a Princess to beat after all."

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