Thursday, April 19, 2018

I'm Moving The Patchwork Knight

     Yes, it's true. I'm moving The Patchwork Knight. Thursday Knights will go back to normal, and there will now be Saturday Knights. Since I've been working most Fridays, it's become difficult for me to put my full effort into each chapter. I could keep going, and put out what I believe is less than my best, or I can change the night and make it a full 100%. I will still write on Thursdays, but it will go back to what it originally was. This Saturday will be the first of the now Saturday Knights, so look forward to this next chapter. The most important reason that I'm doing it now, is the next chapter is one of those all important pivotal chapters. I need to have my full attention and focus on this one. That is all I can say at this time, you will just have to wait until Saturday to see what it's all about. I'm planning on having it up earlier in the day, so It should be posted by 7 PM New York time.

     I have another announcement, not as important, but still an announcement. I know I said on Tuesday that I had a certain video idea, and I'm still going to do that, but another idea popped into my head yesterday, and I have to try and do it. I will be filming for it on Saturday, and If things go right, I should have that up later in the day. I won't let it interfere with The Patchwork Knight though. If it looks like it will cut into that time, I will back off of that and post it on Sunday morning. Either way, you will see it here on Sunday night. I can't give you any information about this video expect that, if I pull this off, I have no idea how I will top it. It seems like everything could be a let down after this. That doesn't mean that I'll stop making videos, it just means that I may hit my peak with this one.

     Speaking of videos, I will be making the PR public first thing in the morning tomorrow. If you are subscribed to the blog, you should get the email in the early evening, but it will be up when the sunrises tomorrow. I will publish the video first, and then the blog, that way it won't interfere with the embedded link on the blog. I'm still waiting to here when we are going to do the next tasting. Not even and inkling of a hint of when we are going to do it yet. I'm sure at this point that it is going to be some last minute thing that catches me off guard and I don't have the camera batteries charged and this becomes a complete train wreck. I'll keep you up to date.

     I do plan to go to one of the upcoming restaurants tomorrow for dinner, so that I can do a little research. I want to get as much information and background about this places as I can. This is for two reasons, 1. I want this to be a real good one, and 2. I want to show my partner what can happen when you fully prep for something. Yes, this is supposed to be what he does for each place, but I'm going to give a little lesson in how it's done. I may go a little over the top, but if I can get him to do half as much, we will be better off.

     I forgot to mention this to you. Morty the canine food disposal unit, stopped eating for a couple of days. Well not completely, but he would only eat one meal a day, and he wouldn't eat it with his same vigor. I was starting to get worried. He wasn't showing any signs of discomfort, and when he went outside he wold run around like nothing was wrong, but he wouldn't eat. Even now, he isn't as enthusiastic as he was. He is back to his normal two meals a day, but in the morning he waits until I'm about to leave for work. the evening meal is a little more to what is normal. I'm not sure, but I think it could be that he missed The Truff, and that is why he wasn't eating, but I don't know for sure. I checked to see if there was any tenderness in his belly, but there was none, so that loss of The Truff is the only thing I can think that it was. I guess they were closer than I thought they were. They barely interacted. They didn't avoid each other, they just simply did their own thing, so it is a bit of a surprise that it could be that. I've been keeping a close eye on him to watch for anything out of the norm other than that, but so far nothing has popped up. I'll keep you up to date on that as well.

     As I said earlier, I do have to work tomorrow, so I'm going to call it a night. I'll see you on Saturday with the next chapter of The Patchwork Knight. Until then, peace in and good night.

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