Sunday, April 29, 2018

I Built Something

     If you follow my Instagram, then there is a good chance you saw that picture above. In that box, is the surprise I've been talking about. It came all the way from Great Britain, and I have to say, I love everything about it. Some assembly was required, but I was up for the challenge. I had to deal with some PR stuff first, and it took much longer than I had anticipated, but everything is lined up for the next couple of weeks. We also moved up the next location to this Tuesday, so I will have more time to edit the video and write the blog entry. It will go up on time on Friday. With that being said, let's get to the surprise.

     Those are most of the pieces laid out. You can see that this was going to take some time, and I didn't get home until around 7-8 at night from the little PR meeting. In the background you can see the disaster area that became of all the packing. I wasn't worried too much about being neat and tidy, I just wanted to get everything out. I did make sure that I had everything I needed in one place, and the trash confined to that area near the garage door. Have you guessed what it is yet?

     There it is all assembled and ready to do it's job. Any guesses yet? If you said an Abba Skylift, then you are correct. This is that lift I talked about a few weeks ago. I checked my finances and found that I had plenty of room to buy it now, rather than wait. The only problems were; how big was it when it was assembled and could I find a place to store it that was out of the way. As you can see, it takes up quite a bit of floor space, but it is still much less room than a standard motorcycle lift would have taken up. I'm just approximating here, but I'd say that it covers 7 square feet of floor space, where I standard lift would take up a whopping 21 square feet. The good news is, that I found the room to store it, so that it is out of the way and looks like it was always meant to be there. That will change as I open the garage/lounge further. That only means there will be more room for it. That red arm that goes out the back side of it, actually comes off, to make it store even easier. I didn't get a picture of it where I have it, but trust me, it is out of the way, I did have to throw a few things out, but there were going to be tossed anyway.

     I'm guessing your next question is, what does it do, and does it work. Well, it lifts Saki up, so that I can do maintenance on it. I will be able to do pretty much everything with that lift now. I can remove the wheels to replace the tires, I can take the exhaust system off if needed. Oil changes can be done on it (although not necessary), or I can just clean it in those hard to reach areas. The added benefit of not having to lie on the floor is a definite plus. Now to that, does it work question. The next few pictures should answer that question. A little behind the scenes info for ya. I actually put the adaptors on wrong, and by all rights, it should have come crashing to the ground, because it was properly secured. I saw the error of my ways, and corrected the problem and refitted Saki the right way. The last two pictures will be the correction.

     There isn't any visible difference of my mistake, but trust me, it could have been ver problematic. The final two pictures are at full height, where the first two are at the lowest set height. There are four set heights that you can put it at. It comes with a locking pin that you slide in to a any of four sets of holes. It has a hydraulic ram arm that lifts the whole thing. It is strong enough to lift 3 tons, so Saki was no problem. With the roller wheels on it, I can spin it any direction that I want. I can work on it from a single location, by just spinning the lift and Saki around on it. Right now, other than Saki, this is the single best purchase I have made for Saki's Lounge. I'm looking forward to all the work I can do on Saki now with the Abba Skylift. If you want more information on Abba, just follow this link ABBA SKYLIFT 

     Since the name of the company is Abba, I decided on Friday I was going to listen to ABBA. That is something I hadn't done in some time, despite the fact that I consider ABBA, some of the masters of the disco era, and you now how I love disco. While I was listening to them during the day at work, knowing that the lift would arrive at my house, I got an interesting notification on my phone. For the first time in 35 years, ABBA is coming out with new music, and I couldn't be more excited about it. I think it is needless to say, but I did listen to ABBA the entire time I was putting the Skylift together. It was a rather enjoyable evening. I love working with my hands, in any way, whether it be putting something like that Skylift together, or some kind of art, playing an instrument, or what I'm doing right now, writing. Its the concept of creating something from a pile of things. Why the Skylift, it's a pile of metal parts, with art, it's pencils, or paint, or colorful material, with an instrument it's that pile of unused notes, with writing, it's words and phrases. What I'm getting at, is go out and do something constructive, it will make you happy.

     I also got another package in the mail on Friday, and I liked this one far better than I thought I would. I mean, I knew I was going to like it, I ordered it, but I didn't expect what I got out of it. I ordered a couple of pair of sunglasses from a company called RainbowOPTX. Let's get down to it, I ordered them because they had a purple and red pair, I didn't put any research into it other than that. They were cheap for sunglasses, so let's go crazy and get both the purple and red pair. There was a bonus though, the company gives a way a pair for free with every order. The color is random while they are in stock. They pick a certain color and that is the color until the run out, and then they post the new color. The ones I got for free, were called aqua. Here is what I didn't know about these sunglasses, they are made on the principle of color therapy. It's the idea that looking at your surrounds through different tints of color, can affect different parts of your body, and aspects of your feelings. I can't confirm if they really work, but before I read that information on the small card that they provided with my sunglasses, I wore the aqua ones, and I had this sense of calming relaxation. The next day after reading the small card, I wore the purple ones, and my spirits which were already pretty hi, were lifted even higher. I haven't worn the red ones yet, but I'm expecting a whole sense of feelings.

     There they are. Great looking sunglasses and they offer UV protection. I can't recommend them enough. Just in case you were wondering, yes, they do have rose colored glasses. According to the card, the part of the body that they affect is the center of the chest, the focus is love, and it helps you to purify, open, uplift, and awaken. I have the strange feeling that I'm going to order all off them, over time of course. 

     They do over different styles so you don't have to go for that old school Wayfairer style. I just pulled up the site to get the link for you, and they are giving away translucent blue sunglasses right now. The give aways seem to always be the style that I got, so you don't have a choice there, but hey, they are free, and look great. Here is the link if you want to check them out yourself Rainbow OPTX 

     On the off chance that anyone from Rainbow OPTX is reading this, I'm open to a sponsorship. I'll promote your glasses like this for free sunglasses. I'm still waiting to hear from Tommy John as well. Ok, I'm done with the shameless promotion.

     Since I spent Friday night building that Skylift, I wasn't able to wake up early enough to get that video made. Ok, I could have woke up early enough, but when it came down to it, I just wanted to sleep in until 8. Just because I didn't do that video that I can't tell you about, that doesn't mean I didn't go out and do a video. I did have an idea that I told you about before this new idea popped into my head, and I can do that one in any light, so do it I did. Here is my video that is a question to you, and I would like your answer on this. What would you have done?

     I'm keeping them short, this one is exactly 5 minutes, and it's that long because I wanted to put some bit of editing fanciness into it. Either let me know your answer to that question in the comments below, or even better, go to the YouTube page, and post your comment there.

     I did take some nice pictures of Saki while I was out, but I posted those on Instagram and since I'm already picture heavy tonight, you can go there and see them if you want. No pressure, but give them a like if you do check them out.

     I guess I should mention that we will not have a guest reviewer for the next PR. It turns out that they had a surprise change of plans at work and they do have to work that day. If I was off and we could do it earlier in the day, it could have worked, but since I do have to work, I won't be able to get it started until 4 and they have to be at work at 6:30. I just don't think we could get them to their job in time, so the first guest reviewer won't be on the next PR post. The opening is available for other ones though, so if you want to be a guest reviewer on a future The Pepperoni Report, get in touch with us either on our Instagram or Facebook page. One of us will get back to you with a list of places that we have already been and need a guest reviewer to get that fresh take on things.

     I wanted to talk about James Shaw Jr. tonight but I want to give him proper time on the blog. If you don't know who he is, he is the man who stopped the shooter at The Waffle House in Tennessee. I will talk about him on Tuesday, because he is a rather remarkable man, and deserves to be known. Until then peace in and goodnight.

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