Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Surprise Is On It's Way.

     I nearly forgot that it was Tuesday.  I was heading to bed when it hit me, I got to write. Here I am, with not a whole lot to say tonight. I can say that the next review by the PR is going to be done next Wednesday. That is completely on me this time. I tried to get a hold of our guest reviewer through another person, and that person let me down. My partner went by and saw them today, to let them know that we are on for next week though. I will talk to them Friday and settle times and what nots. I am putting my back against the wall on this. I will have two days to get everything done, with only limited time to do it. Thursday is my guitar lesson, so that makes that day even shorter. I need to get everything done before the daily email would send out, which is 5 PM. I think I can do it, but it's going to be close. If I'm lucky, I won't have to work that Friday, and I will have all the time that I need, but we all know that isn't going to happen.

     I got my shipping confirmation yesterday for that secret little thing that I ordered. I can tell you two things; 1. it's not that little, and 2. it's coming from Great Britain. I believe that tells you absolutely nothing about what it is. I had an idea for an unveil video, but I can't seem to get one aspect to work within it, so I may have to scrap that idea, and just do a photo reveal on here Sunday night. I say Sunday night, because it is supposed to arrive some time Friday.

     Based on the weather app on my phone. Saturday has a good chance of having good weather so that I can do that video that I want to do. I want to do it early in the morning, I'm just hoping that I'm not crazy tired like I have been. I have been exhausted come Friday night lately, and then I have trouble waking up early on Saturday morning. The earliest I can seem to wake up is 8:30, and that won't cut it for the video I want to do. I have to be on location shortly after the sun comes up. That is the lighting I want for the shoot. It's not only early, but I have only so much time of that quality low lighting that I want. This is going to be a one take video. I have to get everything right, any mistakes and I lose the light that I want for it. I can see the whole thing in my head, but like I titled Sunday nights post, best laid plans and all.

     I love making plans. Plans are good, but here is the thing about plans. You make a plan, you commit to the plan, you implement the plan, then half way through the plan, you toss it all out, because you realize the plan is going all to hell. I'm almost sure that that is how this is all going to go. That could mean video magic, but it could also be the most frustrating thing ever. I'll let you know about that on Sunday as well.

     I have nothing else to talk about, so it's time for Favorite Song of the Week. This is an oldie but a great one, yeah I'm not feeling the rhyming scheme thing tonight, so that's what you get. This is a band that I fell in love with as a kid. This was back in the day when 8 tracks were a thing. I had three 8 track tapes. Billie Joel's Glass Houses, Neil Diamond's The Jazz Singer, and this final one, by a duo that comes from Philadelphia. You thought I was going to tell you who it was right away didn't you? I have to lead you on a bit. They got their start in the early 70's but it'a arguable that they didn't really take off until the 80's. There style changed a bit, but their voices never have. They can still sing just as well today, and they are out on tour right now, by the way, as they did way back in the day. The lead singer attributes that to the fact that his mother was a vocal coach and taught them both how to sing properly when they were kids. Their sound in the 70's was full of soul, and the 80's was more pop and dance. Any thing they played was great though. They broke up in the mid 90's I believe but it was just so they could pursue their own interests, The lead singer later had a hit internet show in the early to mid 00's that I do believe is what brought them back together to perform again. I don't think they are writing any new music, but their catalog is full of hits. The band is non other than Hall and Oates. Oh yeah the lads that kept that Philly sound alive. I thought about going all the way back and picking a song like Sara Smile, or Rich Girl, but I decided to pick the title track off that old 8 track tape that I had. Here is Hall and Oates with "Private Eyes".

     I still love that song. If you are a fan of SNL, you may recognize the guitar player in the back. That is Tom "T-bone" Wolk, he was the band leader for several years on the show, and he was often featured in Daryl Halls, internet show, Live From Daryl's House. If you haven't seen that, do yourself a favor and look it up. I think their are still episodes available online. One of the music channels bought the rights to air it on TV, but I don't think they got all of them. Daryl would bring different musicians to his house in upstate New York and they would play a ton of that artist songs. It was a fantastic show. I'm not sure if he still does it now. John Oates has been living in Nashville. While he has been there he hasn't been idle. He has been writing songs for other people and recently did a solo album that was really good. If you want to see them live, they are out on tour with another favorite band of mine, Train. I think they just started the tour or they are about to start, so get out there and get some tickets if they are coming anywhere near you.

     The clock is ticking later and later, so I need to get to sleep. I will see you on Thursday since we are back to our regularly schedule programing there. Peace in and goodnight.

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