Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The List Goes On.

     Ok, there were a few more things I wanted to talk about on Sunday night, but I figured that I put you through enough torture for one night. It's a whole new night though, and I got a list. The first and most important thing I wanted to talk about is the new ice cream find that I made. Good Humor is making these new ice cream bars for Reese's. Yes, that Reese's, and they tase incredible. No they don't taste anything like a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, but they do have a real nice peanut butter flavor that doesn't come off as that fake flavor you get from most peanut butter ice cream. The outside of the bar is coated with this cookie crumble that seems to be made up of chocolate and peanut flavored crumbles. I really shouldn't buy any more of them, because I want to eat an entire box in one sitting. I really think I could do it too.  There are six bars per box and they go down real easy.

     Over the weekend I came across an advertisement for two guys that are successful YouTubers. They wanted you to check out a video series that they did, that tells you how to be successful yourself. I decided I had nothing to lose, so I went ahead and signed up. I watched the first video on Saturday, and the mention right off the bat, that this may not work for everyone, but this is what brought them success. I thought for sure, that this video would lead to signing up and paying for more information, but it hasn't, yet. I say yet, because there is still a possibility that they may try to do that, but they have already given out some pretty good and reasonable information. There are 4 videos in the series and they are only going to be online for a limited time. They said they are doing that because they don't want to reward procrastinators. They have been releasing the videos over the course of a week, maybe less. The final video is tomorrow, and that is supposed to be the one that breaks your mind. The video they released today, did open my eyes to a new way to do things, and I'm going to start focusing on implementing those things in my videos, especially the PR. I'm writing the review tomorrow, and then I'm not going to think any more about that until it is time for our next review. Back to these videos though. What they are claiming that if you can do these methods correctly, you can potentially earn a six figure income from your efforts. Here's to hoping. A six figure income would be pretty nice. I could do exactly what I want to do, which is make videos, and I could also help out worthy charities, like I've said I wanted to do all along. I'm going to really make an effort to implement these techniques, and see how it plays out. Worst case scenario, nothing comes of it, and I still make videos because I enjoy it.

     Ok, now a little talk about the PR. I mentioned that I'm writing the review tomorrow, and then leaving it until I post. One good thing came out of my huge mistake with launching the video and then having to take it Private. I can write the whole review, embed the video and be completely done with it. I don't have to copy and paste from Pages or do anything like that. I just write it all at one time, and then hit publish on launch day. I'm going to get my break. I want to spend one week where I don't put any thought into it. No plan for a review, no editing videos for it, no nothing. It is going to be glorious.

      Since tomorrow will be the last day I put any thought into the PR for a week, I should post the latest video that we do have live for you. This is the one I had to put the disclaimer on, because the restaurant let their pizza chef go. I do like the way the video turned out despite the fact that it took about 9 takes to get the opening. Oh, that is nothing compared to the 19 takes we did on the restaurant that we didn't even get to go to on Saturday. Anyway, here is our latest review in video form.

     That does remind me. We are going to be looking for guest reviewers, for places that we have already been to, but haven't reviewed yet. We want to get people that haven't been to those places, to get a fresh perspective on the place. If you want to do it, get in touch with me and I will share a list of upcoming places that we may be going to. If you haven't been to them, then you could be our guest reviewer. I can promise you that you will get a free meal, and you will be featured on our YouTube channel.  Lots of fun.

     As of right now, the weather forecast looks good for me to do my Wayback Burger review/video on either Friday or Saturday. I'm not sure if I'll be working Friday or not, so I have to plan for a Saturday, but if I do have it off, I will be in there for the burger I want on Friday. I'm going to give you a sneak peak at what I'm going to have. There is one burger on the menu that looks fat kidtastic. Here is a link to the menu Wayback It's the first one on the menu. the Cheeeesy. I know that it looks ridiculous, but that is what I want. If you click on their Sides menu items, they have something called O'rings, which is what you hope for when you go to a fast food place that sells both fries and onion rings. It is a container of fries and onion rings together. I'm seriously not going to have to eat for the rest of the weekend after having both of those, and I didn't even mention the shake that I'm getting that. I'll leave that for the video, although, I may do a Insta Story that shows it. I haven't decided about that yet. Oh, one last thing, I'm not going to lie, I'm going to try to get bacon on that burger.

     You know what time it is, Favorite Song of the Week time. I found out about this artist just last week, and she is one of those artist that has been around for quite some time, and I am heartbroken that I haven't heard about her until now. She grew up in Washington state and only wanted to be a singer, so that is what she became, and with her voice, I don't know if there is anything else she could be. Her voice begs to be used, and she uses it to it's full potential. Her voice opens up and fills you with every bit of emotion that she is trying to relay through her lyrics. The song I'm going to share with you, is one that she wrote about a little boy that she knows. He is that awkward kid that is shy and gets picked on, but she is telling him to try your best to ignore all of that, because he is going to win the long game on this one. It's not that much different from her own life, except she wasn't really picked on, she was just that weird kid, that was different. This is Brandi Carlile with her song "The Joke".

     I really hope that you like that song as much as I do. She is a tremendous talent that deserves more attention. Despite being relatively unknown, she sold out three shows at the Berkley Center in New York. She has a pretty rabid fanbase, which I now consider myself one of. Peace in and goodnight.

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