Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The Truff Is In The Ether.


     It's been a miserable few days, and it culminated last night. I lost the dearest of the dear, my little Truffle. The Truff may have not been the most affectionate dogs, because she was very timid around people, but she could always bring a smile to my face. She suffered from seizures, and that is finally what took her from me. She had a couple of seizures starting in the evening, and I could just tell, that there was something different about them. The second one was just too much for her. After each seizure she would always get up and just walk around in circles, it was more of an instinct thing. She was doing that after the second seizure, and she was having more trouble than usually standing up. Her back legs kept buckling, and I had to help her more than once. She walked by the chair I was sitting in, and she just stopped and began to sink. I watched her tail droop, and I knew what was coming. I sat down on the floor, and pet her until she took her last breath. She is done with the seizures now, and has joined her sister in the ether. The Truff was a year younger than Lily was, and she lived one year after Lily died. They were sisters from different litters, and the lived to the same age. 

     The rest of the miserable few days, pales in comparison to the passing of The Truff, but I will fill you in. I failed to mention this on Sunday, but my desk chair broke, and I have been using the roller chair from Saki's Lounge. It is rather uncomfortable, but I only need it for one more day. I had to order a new desk chair, and it should arrive tomorrow.

     Next on the misery tour, is what I'm going to do with the PR. I found out late Sunday night, that the place we had gone for our last review, fired their pizza chef over the weekend. Normally that wouldn't be a problem, but in this case, it is a huge problem. He told us, that he was the one who created the recipe for both the sauce and the dough. That means, that if he is gone, and he took his recipe with him, our review means absolutely nothing. It is scheduled to go live on Friday, so I asked my partner what we should do about it, and I gave him some options. Should we scrap the review all together, write a disclaimer on it, or leave it as is. He chose the wrong one. He was saying to just leave it alone. I only gave that option to see what he would say. Leaving it as is, is a terrible idea, because it destroys our credibility. If we put up a review, knowing that there is a great possibility that what we reviewed is no longer there, than we are doing  great disservice to our viewers and readers. I was all for scraping it, but I knew that I put a lot of work into this, and there is an easy way to fix it. The disclaimer.

     This of course creates more work for me. I'm going to have to add a disclaimer to the blog saying that what you get there may not be what we got there. I'm also going to have to film a short disclaimer for the video, which I will in turn have to edit into the beginning of the video, and then re-upload the video to YouTube and then delete the video that I have up ready to go. I only have a couple of days to do that. The writing is the easy part. I can do that as I'm posting the blog. The video though is a whole other matter. I have to figure out what to say, find a way to make it interesting and compelling enough that people still watch the entire review, and then I have to film that, edit it in, render, the video, and upload it to YouTube. Then I have to rewrite the description and everything that goes with it. I think I found a way around most of the description problem. I'm going to copy and paste most of it to the new video. I will still have to write the tags and a couple other things, but that could simplify things. 

     I'm racking my brain over what I want to say as the disclaimer, and there is also the fact that my partner won't be in that part of it. I have no idea how he is going to take that, but it has to be done, and the only way I can think of it, is to just film me doing the disclaimer. I just thought of another way. I could just write the disclaimer on a title screen to start the video, but that leads us back to the interesting and compelling thing. I need to figure it all out by tomorrow though. If I don't get it done by then, I may run out of time to get it ready for the Friday release, because it looks like I'm working on Friday.

     I nearly forgot that we are supposed to meet up with our brand manager, but that may be cancelled as well. It appears that he may be in Miami, and all our plans are out the window. We are rushing another review which is scheduled for the same day as the meeting. I honestly need a weekend to just rest and not worry about this, but that is going to have to wait. We have our next 3 places planned out, and what the release dates will be, but we have to find a way to work with my partners schedule to get the review done. We may end up doing something that I really don't want to do, and that is visit a place during the dinner hour. More people mean that there will be people asking us what we are doing. That could lead to people getting upset that we are doing it, and then we are being told to leave. Once again, I will have to figure it all out. My partner froze up last time someone asked us why we were filming things. He was supposed to be the charmer between the two of us, but I of course took over and soothed things. I am doing way too much work for this, and it is becoming work, and not just something fun.

     Through all this irritation and sadness, I have to look to things that make me happy, and one of those things, is Favorite Song of the Week. If you didn't see this one coming, you haven't been paying attention. It is of course a song by FKA Twigs. I became infatuated with her ever since I first saw her in that Apple HomePod add. The bonus was when I stumbled upon who she actually was. I found out after looking up her songs, that I really like her music. I had heard one song before, but that isn't the song for FSOTW. This song is actually the most recent song she has released, which is two years old at this point, and it kind of fits the somber tone of the last two days. Here is FKA Twigs with "Good To Love".

     Great, mellow, and somber song right? I have been waking up to it for the last few days. I usually just stop the song as soon as I'm awake, but with this one, I just lay there and let it play through. I have to go and spend as much time with Morty as I can. Peace in and goodnight.

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