Thursday, February 7, 2019

How Rough Is This Going To Get

     It has been a long week, and it's not even over yet. I have been put through the ringer with dealing with the broken hip thing. I am happy to say that my mother is in a rehab facility now. She was transported yesterday and it wasn't a good day for her. With all the moving around, it triggered her dementia and made things very difficult for her. I got a call from a friend of hers that went to visit her, and she told me, that my mother told her, that I left her on the side of the road. she of course knew that that wasn't the case, but it hurts to hear things like that, even knowing that it is a made up story that stems from the delusions of dementia.

     I wasn't happy with the way things were going at the rehab facility, at first. It took them a half an hour to even acknowledge that we were there and in a room. I expected a quicker response time. There is also the fact that my mom has a roommate that doesn't seem to be have any concern for other people. She had her tv blasting at full volume last night, and she was watching a show with a lot of cursing in it, so there was a lot of bleeping out of words. That sound confused my mother to no end. I had to explain to her every few minutes what was going on.

     I can say that she moved around a little better yesterday up until the move, and she did miss the hospital, because the new place, was new. She wondered why she wasn't at home. I had to explain that to her a dozen times as well.

     When I went back in the evening, she had to go to the bathroom, and when she pushed the call button, it took nearly 20 minutes for them to come and see what was going on. Then the wrong information was relayed to the nurse on the protocol with how to deal with my mother's injury. She didn't even know that it was a broken hip. I couldn't fault the nurse, because she was truly shocked when she saw the scar. I left thinking that I would give them a week and then I would begin the process of looking for a new place if they didn't get it together. That changed today.

     I went in ready to remove heads. I got there just before her therapy session, which was something I wanted to talk to her nurse about. When was she going to have it and how often, but since her actual nurse rarely her comes to the room and can't be found, I knew that was going to be a challenge. Elana, was her therapist today, and she did a great job with my mom. I watched as she went through some leg movements, to get circulation going in her legs, and then my mom sat up at the edge of the bed, and walked across the room with a walker. I was shocked. I didn't expect her to be able to do that much, and without pain. She wasn't in any pain as she walked. It was only about 10 or 12 feet, but that is a great distance to someone who had her hip replaced. She sat down before turning around. When she was ready, she began trying to stand up without the walker. She was wanting to walk back on her own. The therapist wouldn't let her do that, and quite frankly, I was telling her to wait for the walker to be placed in front of her. She made it to the bed, just fine, she pivoted and sat back down on the bed, and then maneuvered herself towards the middle. She needed a little help, but she did great.

     I was so happy to see her accomplish that, only days after a major surgery. When Elana had left, she turned to me, and told me that she did that for me. I told her, that I loved that, but she should do it more for herself, so that she can get home. The one disturbing thing that happened during that whole session, was when Elana asked her what her goal was. My mom said that she wanted to walk again so that she could get home. Elana turned to me, to make sure that was the right answer. I of course nodded, my mom will not spend her remaining days in a home. I guess there was the thought that she would simply stay as a resident there, and that is not going to happen.

     Let's talk about a more fun subject. I got home from all the drama of the day, and decided that I needed to hit the bookcase. I got the files out, and began shaping wood, so that I could get things smooth all around. I got a good amount done this evening, but I still have a ton of sanding and fine tuning to do. Here are both sides of the top, shaped close to the way it will end up.

     You can't see the whole thing, but I really like the way it is coming together, and in reality, I'm really proud of myself for pulling this off. I still have some minor overhangs, that need to be addressed, but It is a lot closer now than it was earlier this evening.

     I have to go to the rehab facility tomorrow morning, but for the better part of the day, I'm going to be working on that bookcase. I want to get the majority of the sanding done, and have the top ready to set it up for the wands. I have the Elder Wand, so I can actually get that all set up, but I need Voldemort's wand before I can finish it off. I want to make sure I have them balanced and both sitting at even heights before I work on the wand cradle, which is the larger dowel rod. Once I have the height and angle right, I will then work on the carving of it, so that it has some movement in it. I don't want a bland straight post, to hold the wands, I want it to look dynamic. I'm going to do a practice piece tomorrow as well, just to see how and what I need to carve it up. This is going to be fun.

     Alright, I'm writing this while I'm watching TV, since the picture is messing up on the big TV out in the living room. It's something with the cable, and not the box or the TV. I can watch an old DVR'd show and have no problem, so I know it's the cable. I just have to get someone to the house, to correct the problem. That is a much bigger task than it should be, but tomorrow, it's all about my mom and the bookcase. I'm so freaking tired. Peace in and goodnight.

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