Thursday, February 28, 2019

Oh Boy, Do I Have News

     I got let out early again. This time, not because the job was finished, but don't think of that as a bad thing. I'm going to be as vague as possible and give you and idea of how things work at the new job.

     I work for a very big company that provides a service to home owners. A salesperson goes out and sells the job, when they do, they take measurements for the job and then those measurements are given to me, so that I can do the job. I'm using I here as a general term, I'm still in the training period and will be for some time. Anyway, when those measurements aren't correct, the job gets snafu'd. That is what happened on Tuesday, and it happened again today. The difference is, that we were able to get something done that is part of the job. We got the hardest part of the job done today, so that when someone goes back to finish, it will be an easy day for them. To give you an idea of how bad the measurements today were, imagine if you had a box that you were supposed to fit a loaf of bread in. The measurements that were provided to us, were only enough to get about 2/3rds of the loaf in the box. That is very bad. We tried to figure out how they messed up so bad, but there really was no excuse for it. It is very simple. Take a measurement, take it again, and then write it down. It is an old adage, that was taught to me at a very early page. Measure twice, cut once. Take the time to do the job right, and you won't have any troubles. That is what I did when I made that bookcase wand stand. I planned for trouble and left more material than I needed, knowing I was going to be sanding it down and removing it anyway.

      There was also the fact that I was doing things for the very first time, and expected to screw up. That is why I bought more wood than I needed, and it turns out that that is exactly how much I needed.

     With all that being said. I really like this job. I get to work with my hands, and actually create something. Yes it is a predetermined design, but with what I was doing today, the skills I learned making the bookcase wand stand came in handy. At the end of the day, we weren't finished with the job, but we did get a lot done, and left with it looking much better than we arrived. When it is finished, it is going to look pretty remarkable, and that is something to be proud of.

     I also got a huge compliment today from my mentor. They were talking about how people are falling off from the company, and how myself and one other guy are new. He has a few weeks head start on me, but my mentor said that I was going to do just fine and that the other guy had already been regulated to "grunt work". Those are jobs that don't pay much but are steady. I'm not sure why that guy is washing out already, but I don't want to be him. I want to be like my mentor, who is a downright pleasure to watch work. It is enjoyable to see someone that is truly skilled and quite basically, master level at their job. That is something to strive to be, and that is what I want to be.

     It was told to me, that he is making the money that I was told is possible with this new job, and that is also inspiring. It wasn't just a line, it is the truth. If you work hard, and do things right, you will succeed and be richly compensated for it.

     I got some news on the mom front. I had my phone on "do not disturb" while on the job, so I missed a call from the center where my mom is. It was the financial office telling me, that her healthcare provider had capped her off, and that she was being discharged on Saturday. Is she ready to come home? Yes and no. Yes, in that she is definitely wanting to come home, and I think home will be the best place for her mentally. No in that she isn't back to 100%. She has a stutter in her step and will need some attention. I went to see her and tell her she was getting out in a couple of days. When I walked in, she was putting her shoes on, to try and walk out of the place, so she is clearly ready to go home. Since she had her shoes on, I asked her to stand up on her own, and walk towards me. She did really well. Once again, she has a hitch in her giddy up, but nothing that I think will be a major problem. They are supposed to give us a walker when she is discharged, and I told my mom, no matter how strong she feels, she is to use that walker around the house until she fully get's back to health. She is all in on doing what has to be done. I am going to make things as safe as possible for her, so that she doesn't have an accident while I'm away at work. Her mental state should be greatly improved because she will be back in a familiar environment, that isn't confusing to her. She will be able to relax more, and move about with some freedom.

     I would like to have someone that would be at the house while I'm at work, but I don't have the time to find someone. Hey, if you know anyone that could just hang out with my mom when I'm at work, let me know. We can talk about some sort of payment for you time.

     She was so happy when I told her that she was getting out. It calmed her down a great deal. I got her back into bed and she could really relax for the first time, because she now knows that she is going to get home and she is going to see The Morty again. She really misses Morty, and I can't wait for them to see each other again. I'm off on Saturday, so I'm going to give her the entire day. I may try to slip away while my nephew is with her, to do a TPR, but if it comes down to it. I can do the TPR another time. My mom is far more important.

     Alright, I'm going to go and chill with The Morty for the rest of the night. Tomorrow is my last day of work for the week, and I'm looking forward to seeing where I'm going to be. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. Part of my job is that I am in a new location all over Central Florida each day. I have been nearly all the way across the state on Monday, to beachside on Tuesday to the very center of the stated today. I'm really enjoying getting to see all these different locations. Did I mention that I really like this new job? Peace in and goodnight.

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