Thursday, February 14, 2019

Stress, What Stress

     This has been an incredibly stressful week, and it isn't even over yet. Once again though, I'm going to concentrate on the positive, and let the negative stuff lie. I have a video for you, that will also serve as a Mom update.

     If that video works, what you will see is my mom walking for the first time. Well, that would actually be the second time, and she is going sideways at that. I happened to show up to visit her while she was in her therapy session, and I shot just a little video of what she was doing. She was ecstatic, as was I. I thought she did incredibly well for her first real therapy session. I missed her peddling on a recumbent bike, but I got there just as she was getting off of it. That is when she was moved over to those rails. She walked forward and then back, then on both sides. It was enough to tire her out a little, but she was so happy. She told everyone that she saw, that she had walked.

     She has actually been going to the toilet and transferring back and forth. I helped her get in bed today, and she moved from the chair to her bed even better than she did yesterday. It is almost that second nature movement. It still takes a little work, but she is getting better every day.

     I wrote the third to the last chapter of The Patchwork Knight today. That means I am finally add two more chapters to go. When I went back and checked the last chapter I had written, I realized that I did in fact write myself into three chapters instead of two. No big deal, it helps bring everything to the big moment that I want it to be, when I write my next chapter. This is going to be the big moment chapter, and then the last chapter is itself a thing. I can't go into any detail other than that, but trust me, I believe that this will be like no other final chapter that you have ever read. I know I haven't read one like what i'm going to write. This is the chapter that has been in my head since day one, and it will be good to finally write, it, but I have one more chapter to go before that.

     I know I said I wasn't going to share anymore photos of the bookcase wand stand until it was finished, but I wanted to give you one last sneak preview. Here it is.

     That is the photo I sent Elie to approve that it was ready for the clear coat. I wanted her to see it without paint to see if she liked it. If she didn't, it was going to be simple to just paint the inside of the symbol. She loves the texture inside of it, as do I, I just wanted it to pop a little more. The red of the stain blended in a little better with the burnt  parts, then I thought it would, but it still works. I put the second coat of clear on it about an hour before writing this. I'm going to let it sit over night and most of tomorrow, before I decided if it needs a third coat. It's looking pretty good right now. I just have to wait and see if it maintains a smooth finish, and doesn't bubble up. Bubble is bad, flat is good. I want flat. I'm also hoping that the wood doesn't soak up anymore of the clear coat. The first coat was patchy because of that very reason.

     When this is all done and to my liking. I'm going to do a photoshoot with it. I'll have all the books in it on display, with the two wands crossed on top of it, like it is supposed to. I have shown Elie pictures of what it looks like with the wands on it, but even she won't see the finished look before I do the final photoshoot. After I have the photos done, then I will send her a few shots of it, and then I will post them right here, and my normal Instagram. I want to share this one with as many people as I can. I made that, and I put a lot of my heart into it. When it is done, I'm going to be so proud to say, "I made that.".

     I have a job interview on Monday, that could be a potential fix for my full-time unemployed status. I also have interest from another company as well. I was sent an email asking to contact them at my convenience. I didn't see it until the evening so I will have to call sometime tomorrow, to set up an interview with them. That one would be in Melbourne.

     Truth be told, I would much rather be paid for making videos, which I really truly love doing. We shot a TPR on Tuesday, and I'm really proud of this video. It won't be out until March 7th, so I hope you see it when it comes out. It's one of those videos, that just hit all the marks at the right time, and I really enjoyed putting it together.

     This is the first video I have edited in a few weeks, maybe even a month. We had 3 videos lined up and ready to go, so we sat back and didn't do anything for a while. It was good to be cutting and dropping in clips again.

      We can't get everything we want. I believe that was a song by the Rolling Stones. I'm not going to go on about the part where you just might get what you need. What I want is what I need. I need to create. I need to make things. I need to be artistic in one way or another. I have found during this time of creative enlightenment that I have been on, as one that I don't want to stop. I want to build, film, photograph, design, and of course write. There are so many things in my head that need to come out in one form or another. I will be doing these other jobs, and they may pay the bills, but they won't pay the price that is most important to me, and that is what gives me life. Art gives me life, and I will starve for it when it isn't there, and I will feast on it when it is. Peace in and goodnight.

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