Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Let's Get This In Early Tonight.

     The title says it all. Yep I wrote the title first tonight. It has been a productive couple of days. I guess I should talk about the job interview first.

     I'm currently waiting for the results of the background check and drug screening. Both are things that I have no worries about. I already went through this a month ago, so I exactly what it's going to say. I'm the most boring person on the planet. Which is a great thing when you are looking to get hired. This job has the potential to earn a lot of money, and when I say a lot. I really mean a lot. I would be working on a commission basis, and it would be involving a type of construction. That's all I'm going to tell you, but if things work out the way that is expected. I will make more in three days, then I did in an entire week at my old job. I would have to leave my current weekend job, if I get this new one though. The new job would have a rotating Saturday schedule. I'm not heartbroken about having to quit the current job. It's not as fulfilling as I thought it would be, and there is a minor health risk involved with it.

     I work in an area where there is a trash compactor, and because of that, there is an abnormal amount of dust. When I walk into that area where I work my throat immediately gets scratchy from all the dust, so I definitely won't miss that. I may miss the people there, they are very nice, but the new job will have me working mostly alone, and I kind of thrive in that type of environment, and there is even that chance that I can be creative in how I do some things.

     The thing that put me over the top in the interview, was when I showed the hiring person the picture of the bookcase wand stand. It showed how much attention I pay to detail, and that would be a very big plus in this new job.

     During the training phase, I would make almost as much as I was making at the old job, but once I begin at the commission phase, I will be making more, with the potential of a lot more right off the bat. I will top out the commission rate at some point. I start at a low percentage and then move up a percentage point with each review. It should take years to reach that level, but once I do, I will be making obscene amounts of money. I'm also going to get a company vehicle and a gas card, so I don't have to use my own car or money for gas. Double bonus, right?

     I got out and did something I haven't done in a few months now. That was make a video. I know I have been making videos for the TPR this whole time, but I took a break from the CS videos. Well a new one will be up tomorrow at 9 AM New York time. I'll share it here on Thursday night. It basically tells you a little of what I just spoke about, and adds a little pizza review of the place the TPR just went to. I had to go back for their cold cheese slice. If you don't know what a cold cheese slice is, then you really need to watch until the end of the video. It will change your whole perception of how you should eat pizza.

      It was really fun being back on the bike and making a video. I forgot how much I love doing that. I did need the break though, and it gave me a chance to get away from it and not worry about how many people watch or anything like that. CS videos are just fun to make, and I'm going to keep making them as long as I can. I just don't know how often I'll post, but they will pop up from time to time.

     My goal tomorrow, is to write the final two chapters of The Patchwork Knight. I don't know if I will achieve that goal, but it is a goal, and since I'm writing it down right now, it's an official goal. It is very rare that I write multiple chapters, but I have done it in the past. I have the outline for each one in my head, so I know exactly where they are going to go, I just have to see how the characters and the story gets me there. This has been such a fun ride, with it's ups and downs. I have lived through these characters as I do with each character that I write, but this time, it has been a little different. I have always finished a story knowing that it is the end and excepting that, but this time, I don't want these characters to end. The way I'm writing it, is a very conclusive ending, but for some reason I won't be able to except them being done as easily as I have done in the past. Maybe it is because I have lived with these characters in my head for so long. Pitre has been a part of my for nearly 8 years now, and I have been writing him for over a year. He has been as much a part of me as I have been of him, and it will be sad to have that ending for me, but it will come, and I will have to deal with it. If you are reading it here, you will see the final chapter in three weeks. If you are reading it on Medium, it will be some time in April that the final chapter will come. I will get to live with it a little longer that way, but it will end. Once again, it has been a very fun ride.

     Alright, I have to go, I'm supposed to help out with a photoshoot tonight. It isn't my type of photoshoot, but maybe I can use my knowledge to help the photographer out, so that they don't ruin their pictures with over lighting. Peace in and goodnight,

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