Sunday, February 10, 2019

I Am Furious.

     I'm late with tonight post, and there is a very good reason for that. I figured that I would have a somewhat boring post for tonight. About how I spent the weekend working and how I watched some Netflix, and actually chilled, not the hip way the kids do it. I would tell you a little about the work I did on the bookcase wand stand, and then finally an update on how my mom is doing. Well, that is all out the window.

     I had to work until 5 today, and that meant that I wouldn't see my mom. The rehab facility closes the doors and 5 and you have to call to be let in, and I didn't want to bother them. About 4:30, I got a text from my nephew, saying that my mom was back in the ER, because she had fallen and bumped her head. First off, Why had she fallen? Second, why was it him that contacted me, and not the facility.

     I just went and checked the caller ID at the house, and they did call. They called the house, and not my cell phone. This apparently happen around 2 this afternoon. Anyway. I raced up to the hospital after work, just in time to see them getting her transferred to a gurney and putting her in the transport to take her back. She had a mild concussion, but was other wise ok. Her hip was fine. I followed the ambulance back to the facility, and had to call them for them to let us in, since it was after 5. I'm really shocked that, I, had, to, call, them, to, let, us, in. Yes, I know I really blew through my quota on commas right there, but it is all to make a point.

     One of the EMT's went to the nurses station to tell them that my mom was back, and that she needed to have briefs put on, so that she could go to the bathroom. He told me that I should follow up with them, to make sure, so I waited. I waited for a half an hour, before I hit the call button to get someone's attention to put briefs on her. A nurse, that isn't assigned to my mother came in, and explained that she didn't know who my mother's aid was, but that she would find out immediately. She did, but since meals were being handed out, that she would get the briefs as soon as meal time was over. Ok, I can wait, and so can she, for a limited time.

     Meal time was over, my mom finished early, so I gave it some time, before losing my mind. I waited. I watched other trays being taken from rooms, and I waited. I watched the cart that all the trays are transported in taken away, and I waited. I waited for over an hour from the time we had gotten there, and then I waited a little more.

     Before I left, I put on the briefs, for my mom. I put them on with no trouble, I put them on without causing her any pain. I put them on when the person that was supposed to put them on didn't. I said my goodbyes to my mom, and told her to get her rest, then I went the the nurses station so that I could be let out. I remained calm, despite the rage that is still inside of me. I said before I spun on my heels, "Whoever was supposed to put briefs on my mom, doesn't have to worry about it. I put them on myself.". I didn't hear anything from them, I simply walked to the door, and waited for whatever nurse was going to let me out.

     I plan on speaking with the case worker tomorrow, and see what I can find out, and also begin the process of transferring her somewhere else. A friend of mine who is actually a case worker for a hospital, told me about a place that his own parent was in, which is one that was recommended to me, but was a little further away. I will look into getting her there as soon as possible.

     I nearly forgot, about the mixed stories I got. Well, what stories I could get. No one wanted to talk to me. An Aid said that she walked by and saw my mom laying on her back on the floor. That would mean that she was in the room still. My mom's roommate, who is frankly a little tetched in the head herself, said that my mom was out in the hall, and was surrounded by people when she fell backwards. Since the woman is a little mixed in the brain, I can't without a shadow of a doubt believe her story. Seeing how it was around 2 and that is around the time that she would have her therapy session, there could be some credit to her story. Either way, there is a large gap on where my mom was when she fell. Room vs. hallway. If it was the hallway, and it wasn't with anyone around, then kudos to my mom for getting up and walking out into the hall by herself 7 days after a hip replacement.

     I honestly am not sure if I want the answers. I just want to make sure my mom is safe, and is getting the care that she need, to be able to come home, and be in her own home. I will not let her die in a facility. It will just not happen. Before you say that I should sue them, see the above sentences about just wanting my my getting the care and being safe thing. I'm not going to fight some legal battle and let people pick over my mom. I want her to see Morty again. I want her to sleep in her own bed. I want her to life out her life in a home, not a facility. Peace in and goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. I agree Bobby Sorry to hear all this. Take care love you. Give your mom a big hug for me. Tell her I send my love
