Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Let's Make This Thing Positive.

     I could write about the things that are bothering me, but I want to make this a little more fun and positive. It has been far too negative lately, for good reasons, but I want to forget about that for just a little while.

     I have been doing a lot of other things other than getting annoyed with the staff where my mom is. There are important things that are going on, and one of those is the therapy staff their. I really like them. They treat my mom with respect, and are very patient with her. Yesterday, when I showed up to visit her, she wasn't in her room, so I went to the nurses station to find out where she was. They told me she was at her therapy session, and pointed me in the direction of the room. My mom was just getting off a recumbent bike, and using a walker to transfer from the bike back to a wheelchair. She was then wheeled to a set of parallel bars, so that she could walk, and she did. She walked the entire length forward, and then backwards. She then had to walk side step first right foot first, up and back, and then she spun to the other bar, and did the opposite side. It was an amazing thing to see, and she was happy.

     She told everyone that she saw, that she walked. She was so proud of her accomplishment, and so was I. It was an incredible moment to see her on her feet. She still has a long way to go, but she has made great strides (yes the pun is intended). I'm hoping that she will be back in her own bed in a couple of weeks. She is determined to do whatever it takes to get walking again, and she isn't going to attempt to walk on her own. The last one, may depend on her state of mind. If she gets a heavy dose of confusion again, she may do just that, but maybe this time, she will be a little stronger and won't fall, and simply be found out and let back to her room.

     I have been working like a mad man in my free time. to get the bookcase wand stand done. I would share pictures with you on how it is progressing, but the cloud is slow tonight, and maybe it's not the right time to share that photographic progress with you. I think I want to wait until it is finished. I can tell you about it though. Today I glued it together. It is now sitting with clamps on it, so that it doesn't move or shift, and I'm going to let it sit for a full two days. I want to make sure that it has every opportunity to create that bonding effect with the wood glue. I sculpted the posts, and made them represent each wand the best that I could. Elie loves it, and I do too, but the real proof will be when people see it, and catch on what I did. If they recognize that each post has something to do with the character of the wand itself, that will be a big deal for me. It means that what I put out there, is able to translate from my head to their's. I have to do some rough sanding to get rid of the excess glue. I'm going to do that tomorrow, then it is down to the final sanding with fine grain sand paper, to get as smooth a finish as I can, then the stain begins going on. When it is to a level that I like, the clear coat will be applied, and I will keep doing coat after coat, until I'm satisfied with the finish. Once that is done, it is photoshoot time. I'll set it up with my books and Elie's wands, and get some great pictures of it, for all to see.

     If everything goes right, the bookcase wand stand should be done by next Wednesday, and I can't wait for you to see it. I hope you like it, but more importantly, I hope that Elie likes it. I still worry about the glue not bonding, and I have to use screw to hold it together. I opted out of using screws, because I thought it would just be ugly. It would take away from the lines and interrupt the flow of the entire piece, so I really hope that the glue is good enough to hold it, and I won't have to worry about it. I did do a little tug test on the posts, since they are the only part the is glued in place that I can't put clamps on, and they are holding as if they grew out of the wood, so that is a positive sign.

     It's time for Favorite Song of the Week. It's another Bowie classic, so I won't go on and on about his history and all that. I'm sure you know it all, especially if you have been reading this blog for any length of time. Anyway, I came across this video on Facebook, well a version of this video. This one is a little longer than the one I saw. None of that matters though, what does matter, is that this is the first TV performance of Space Oddity. It is just a slight bit different than what you know from the recorded version, but it is just as fantastic, and you get to see Bowie looking like you may have never seen him before. This is a little before he went for the full gender bender version of himself that we know and love. You can see that it is just around the corner, and he is just fitting in as a "child of love" in the 60's. This performance was filmed in 1969, and lives on because of the ability to film events. I shared this with a friend of mine, that truly loved Bowie, and it broke her heart when he died. I knew that sharing the post on her page would make her sad, but I told her something that I'm going to tell you know. Be thankful that you lived during a time when this man walked the Earth, and you get to see something as incredible as the first ever TV performance of this song. Just seeing him smile as he sings, and knowing how much he loved what he was doing, should make you happy to be able to experience this. Here is David Bowie with "Space Oddity" from 1969.

     I simply can't top that, and I won't try. Peace in and goodnight.

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