Sunday, February 24, 2019

When, I'm Glad That's Over

     I made it through the weekend. I had my doubts. I wanted to leave work early, because what were they going to do? Fire me? A few of the people were sad to see me go, and I take that as positive. It leaves the company without anyone in that particular position, so they are going to have to hire someone soon. Funny story. I got an email yesterday saying that they were not look at me for the full time position, and that they were going to explore other candidates. A day after I resigned. If they would have gave me the full time position, I probably never would have applied to the new job that I got. It's simple math. I needed a full time job because the part time job didn't pay enough to pay my bills. I needed another job, and this new one is going to pay me more than If I had gotten the full time position.

     I start the new job tomorrow at 7 in the morning, which means that I'm going to leave the house at 5:45 to make sure I get there on time. The location is about an hour away, so I'm not taking any chances with being late on my first day. I'm going to ride along with someone to learn the ropes of the new job. I'm not sure how long the training period is, but I'm sure I'll find out tomorrow. I have no idea how late I will work. The branch manager said that it was possible to be finished with the day by 3 or 4. That would be great. If I was done by 3 I could go see my mom, who I haven't seen since Friday. Apparently yesterday was a bad day for her. It happens. It was one of those bad days when she tried to walk on her own and fell and bumped her head.

     I'm tired but I have a lot to do still. I have to wash clothes. Mine and my mom's, because my sister finally got the place straightened out, to the fact that I'm supposed to be washing her clothes. I gotta get those done and then lounge around for a little while watching zombies.

     I got a video for you. Yes, it's a TPR video and this is the one where we disagree on the rating. Check it out.

     Oh yeah, did I mention that my sister is in town for a little while. Apparently she is trying to get the TPR followers. She keeps telling me how great it is. I of course have the thought that she is my sister and is supposed to say that, but she insists.

     If I stop writing right now, I will get this posted 10 minutes before 7, which would keep my on my original deadline for Sunday releases.

     I just checked to see what chapter goes up tomorrow morning for The Patchwork Knight. It is chapter 62, which is a the chapter that begins the end. It is the final march for The Patchwork Knight. If you have only been reading it there, and not getting the early rough draft here, then you are if for some good stuff. I'm really proud of this story, and I hope that you are enjoying it, as much as I had writing it. Yes, I knew how it would end, but I didn't know how it would get there, so I was living the story as I wrote it. It was fun, painful, exciting, and everything that life is about. This is a microcosm of a life. It may not be real, but I felt every moment of it. As I said, the final chapter will be released on Medium on April 15th. I will leave it up for a couple of months while I figure out what I'm going to do with it. Leave it there, or turn it into a manuscript and try to get it published. I'll of course let you know in the end what my final decision is.

     Ok, I'm finally done and I have 3 minutes to spare before 7. Peace in and goodnight.

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