Saturday, March 2, 2019

The Patchwork Knight (Chapter 68)

     The battle began an hour before the sun broke the horizon. The batter rams snuck to the gates without being seen, but were soon pelted with large stones and hot oil. There were able to last it until the flaming oil began raining down on them. The covers were made from metal forged by Galdren himself, so the protected the men underneath, but the heat was so much that they had to retreat before downing the gate.

     The batter rams would run to the gate, and last as long as they could before the heat would get to them each time. The gates were cracking, but they still haven't given any way. The Raider's arrows tried to reach us but failed, our camp was just beyond their limits, but they weren't beyond the limits of our catapults and trebuchets. We kept a volley of large stones and flaming bales going into the late morning hours. We could hear the havoc coming over the walls, in the sounds of panicked shrieks and wails, but still the gates held.

     "Rolf, can you gather the men, I have an idea?"

     "I can, and I will. We are getting no where with this approach."

     Rolf ran off to gather Sir Paljin and the rest of the Target Knights. He returned in short order with most of them in tow.

     "Rolf tells us you have a plan. Well, what it is Pitre."

     "Sir Paljin, can we send word down the line to ready all the catapults and trebuchets to launch at the same time?"

     "We can, but I don't see how that would be affective."

     "Trust me. Ready all of them, with the exception of the one aimed at the gate tower. Ready it but leave the basket empty."

     "What is this plan of your's Pitre? I'm beginning to worry a bit."

     "Well, I'm sure you've seen a bold knight, and I'm sure you've seen and old knight, but have you once ever in your live, seen and old bold knight?"

     "What are you getting at boy."

     "It's simple Gorin. I'm going to launch myself onto that wall and give you the distraction you need to get that gate to fall."

     "Have you lost your mind? You won't survive that."

     "Of course I will. All the siege weapons will launch at the same time, so that I can land without any Raiders being non the wiser. They will see a massive volley and run for cover. I will land on the wall, and then create general havoc so that you can get through the gate. This will work. I didn't fight my way back her for 20 plus years to stand outside a wall and wait for the fight to come. I'm going to bring it to them."

     "This is insane Pitre."

      "It's going to take a little insanity to finish this war old friend. I will be at the top of the gate tower waiting for you to join me, so that we can fight shoulder to shoulder once again. Sir Palin. It would be wise to ready the siege towers as well. Once all the attention is on me, you should be able to roll them to breach the walls as well as the gate. We will launch on my cue."

     "It seems like you have this all figured out. I will concede to your plan, but know this. I am worried. We can't lose you Pitre. You lift the heads of these men more than any other person in the kingdom, and that includes the Queen herself. You even give her hope. Watch your back while you are up there on your own, and we will be there to fight alongside you as soon as we can."

     "I will Sir Paljin. I will do my part to remain alive for you to come save me."

     "Somehow I don't believe that we will be saving but all the same. We will launch on your cue. I will make the men aware of the plan and ready the siege engines."

     "Before you go though, we must have one last rally cry. Lionel, rally all the men to this point, we will tell them the plan here."

     "Yes, sir."

     "Good idea Gorin. The men will look into the eyes, of the most fearless man in the Realm to ready themselves for the battle that is about to come."

     It took some time to gather all of the Targen Knights in such a small area around the catapult that would launch me onto the wall. Even that men manning the battering rams were assembled. 

     The Queen was made aware of the plan and decided that she would be the voice that spread the word.

     "Men, we are gathered her for a plan that has been hatched by our very own Patchwork Knight. He is going to launch himself onto the wall and create the much needed distraction that we need to open the gate and breach the wall. He will give the single of an all out assault with the siege engines. When he is on the wall, the battering rams will move to the gate and bring it down, and the siege towers will be rolled to the walls. We will have to work fast, so that we don't leave our Patchwork Knight alone to fight the hourde that is in those walls. He will be our front, but we will have his back. 'FOR THE REALM'!"


     The men broke with excitement about the events that were about to occur. The catapults and the trebuchets were readied, and loaded. The battering rams were raised, and it appeared the men were struggling against themselves to rush to the gate before the time. Siege towers were rolled forward to stand next to the other engines of war. There was electricity that ran from man to man, each eager to see this war come to an end. and in their minds they knew that this was how it was going to happen. I made my approach to my own catapult. Before I could get there, Rolf and the Queen blocked my path.

     "Are you sure that this is what you want to do?"

     "Yes, there is no quicker way to get this war to end than this."

     "Pitre, I have known you since we were children, and you never have ceased to amaze me. i have faith in you that you will do this, but I still send my heart with you, to help watch over you. Stay safe, and only fight as hard as you need to to stay alive until the rest of the men get to fight by your side. There is no need to take any greater risk than what you are about to do. My father would have had no greater honor than to see this war come to and end, and you be the reason for it, like your father did in the Blind Wars before. Be safe old friend. I will see you soon."

     "Thank you my Queen. I will do my best to stay alive. I will see you on the other side of that wall, when your throne is in your hands."

     "I'm going to forgive you calling me Queen this time, but no more of that."

     "Yes, Alma."

     "Pitre, you saved my life more times than I can count, and you even brought me back from the dead. I will be the first one through those gates to fight upon that wall with you. I will see you on that wall my friend."

     Rolf than embraced me with a strength I didn't realize he owned.

     "Oooofff. When did you get so strong? I will be looking for you, and if someone beats you to the top, I will never let you hear the end of it. Now get ready for the fight to come. I have a catapult to see."

     I watched the two of them walk away, and prepare in their own way. I stepped onto the catapult and lifted myself into the basket. I looked down the line and saw all eyes on me. It seemed as if every man on the line was using their sight to see the signal. I raised my fathers sword high in the air. Each man's arm raised high in the air as a salute. Then I whipped the sword down and cut the rope holding the basket in place. I briefly saw the men do the same and release the locks to launch their weapons. A line of stones and flaming bales flew through the air with me right in the middle. I watched the earth speed past far below me, and the wall approach as fast. The Raiders on the wall began to panic and ran for safety. I got closer and closer with each second that I flew through the air. I began preparing for my landing. I really hadn't thought this through. I was approaching fast, and was flying head first. I rolled into a ball, and spun myself so that I was feet first. I would strike the gangway, and roll, with the hopes that I wouldn't smash into the wall on the other side. My hopes did not pan out. I slammed into the wall with enough force to knock the wind out of me, even with the aether gathered around me. I sucked for air for what seemed like hours, but in truth it was only as long as it took me to fly to the wall. 
     I rose and drew my swords as the first Raiders made their way back onto the ramparts of the wall. I ran and cut through them before they even knew what had happened. I could see the shock in their eyes as they fell behind me. I ran along the wall taking out every Raider that poked his head  high enough. A new sense of panic began. It was no longer the fear of a projectile hitting them from over the wall, it was the unkown fear of what had come with those projectiles. I slid to a stop and began a return route of where I had landed, doing the same as I passed each Raider that rose to the stop of the steps and ladders that led to the wall. I could hear the battering rams hitting the massive gate and needed to make sure that nothing was dropped down on them form above. 

     Two Raiders had reached the top of the gate house, and were readying the pots of hot oil. Their heads fell in the oil as their bodies landed beside the pot. The gate tower was mine. I was no longer in attack mode, it was time for defense.

     It took nearly an hour for the gate to fall, but it did fall, and I kept the gate tower the entire time. I maintained my stronghold until I saw the Knights rush the gates and force their way through the melee that had erupted when the gates finally fell. It wasn't too long after that I heard an old familiar voice. 

     "I told you I would be the first to the gate tower after you."

     "I didn't doubt you for a second. Let's finish this war."

     With that Rolf and I slowly made our way through the sea of Raiders that were clogging the ramparts of the wall. We were slowly making our way to the Castle from the top. When we got to the closest stair case, we would fight our way to take the castle back.

     That didn't happen. The way in front of us was full of Raiders, but I could see over their heads, that a path was opening quickly behind them. Whatever it was approached us fast, and it appeared that it didn't care if it got through by any means necessary. Bodies began flying into the air to make way for the tempest that was coming. A call began to rise.

    "Make way, the Raven's flock is coming."

     The call was filled with both hope and fear. Seeing how the bodies were flying, I could see where the fear was coming from. 

     "Rolf, if you aren't in the Euphoria, get their quick. There is a wave coming, and it doesn't look friendly."

     I gathered as much of the aether that I could from the stone around my neck and braced myself. I had never seen force move through a crowd like that.

     "I have you ever seen anything like that Rolf?"

     "I have, but only when I've watched you cut through an army of Raiders."

     "Brace yourself and stay behind me for as long as you can. I will meet this."

     "I will stand beside you and not a step further back."

     The Raiders around us stepped back as we stood in readied stances, and began clearing a path for this flock that was approaching. The first of the flock stepped into sight. They were covered in shiny black armor, with feathers all over them. The helms resembled a bird. They looked like ravens. Their swords seemed to be made of the same black metal as the armor, and they moved quick. It was only brief seconds before there were ten night clad ravens standing around us with swords drawn. There was one that had a plumb of feathers on the top of their helm, more than all the rest. The raven lifter the visor and the face of a woman starred back at me.

     "So you are the fabled Patchwork Knight. I would say that it is a pleasure to meet you, but you are the reason for the death of many of our friends and family."

     "I didn't know that Raiders had friends and family. I thought it was just slaves forced to fight you battles for you?"

     "Fair enough, but we do honor those that die in the service of the Mudwood. It is through their sacrifice that we conquer and rule. Our Baroness has been waiting to see you. Might you tell us your real name, Sir Patchwork Knight."

     She spit the last words out of her mouth as if they disgusted her.

     "My name is not important, besides, you won't live long enough to even have a chance to speak it aloud."

     "Ahh, fearless as the stories are told. It seems that your reputation is well earned, but I dare say, that you have met no warriors such as us, dear Patchwork Knight. Don't worry though, we are not permitted to kill you. Your friend there however, his life is forfeit. Ladies!"

     Ladies. Were they all women behind those helms. As soon as the lead Raven said the words. they sprung into action. They all went for Rolf. I stepped in between them and blocked their blades from hitting their mark. Rolf even blocked a few as well, but nine swords were coming at him, and they were moving faster than any that I have ever seen, with the exception of my own blades. I spun whirled and moved around Rolf as quickly as my body would let me. Without notice, the raven's retreated and returned to their original positions circled around us. I looked at each on, keeping my guard up and ready, when I heard a gurgling sound behind me. I slowly turned to see Rolf holding his neck, trying to hold the blood in. He looked at me with fear of what was coming. He fell to his knees and I caught him before he fully hit the ground. I watched his life drain from him and the light go from his eyes. I brought him back before, I will bring him back again, but I will have to finish this fight first.

     "Now now, Patchwork Knight. I know what you are thinking. We have heard the stories of how you brought a man back to life, that will not be happening this time."

     This was a different voice. It was not the lead Raven. This voice sounded familiar. I turned my head, and saw a woman dressed in a shimmering black gown. Her hair was long and black as night, and she had a bluish purple glow about her. 


     "That is a name I hadn't heard in a life time. Dear Patchwork Knight, how are you to know my true name?

     I placed Rolf's lifeless body on the ground and stood, turning to full face the Baroness, or Dark Raven, or the girl I knew as Arial.

     "Pitre? You are The Patchwork Knight?"

     "Why are you leading the Mudwood? How did this happen?"

     "You said you would always be there for me Pitre. You were supposed to protect me, but you left and forgot about me. I made my way the best I knew how, to survive. I didn't just survive, I thrived. The Mudwood was disorganized and pathetic when I killed the former king and took the scepter. I have changed my mind about what I was going to do with you, when I finally caught you. Since you are an old friend, I will let you live, but since you abandoned me, I will make sure you lose everything you hold precious first. Bring the prisoners her. Pitre will see what he has done to his beloved Realm.'

     For the first time in my life, since my father died, I felt panic. The Raven's Flock was fast, as fast as me, and as well prepared as me. I wasn't able to stop them from killing Rolf.

     "Ah, I can see a look of fear on your face Pitre. Let me explain a few things to you. Have you ever noticed that your aura is different from everyone else in the Realm. Have you noticed that it is similar to all the people that stand around you now, myself excluded? Have you ever wondered why this is so? I'm going to tell you. Your father is well known to the Mudwood, Pitre. He is known as the traitor that gave the Blind Wars to the Targen Realm. He was an elite warrior for the Mudwood, when he killed all his mates and destroyed the teaching scrolls of their clan. He ran to the Targen Realm to help the enemy. He killed his own kind, and now you are going to pay the price for that."

     "That isn't true."

     "Look around yourself Pitre. The truth is right before your eyes. Your blood isn't from this land. I'm guessing that your friend laying on the ground is the one you saved before. Is that so?"

     "It is, and I'm going to do it again."

     "That will not be happening. Take the body."

     The Flock was upon me in an instant, I fought them back, but two of them grabbed Rolf while the other blocked my path to get to him. When his body was out of sight, the stood their ground and backed to their spots in the circle. 

     "I learned a lot from the Raiders Pitre. I was actually taken to the land of the Mudwood, and I was allowed access to their old libraries, because of my ability with the aether. I studied everything I could, and I found a second set of training scrolls. I also found a way for me to enter the Swordsman's Euphoria, and once I did. I began fighting my way to the top. Whenever I found a new woman that had gone through what I had, I taught them what I knew. I taught them all 13 movements Pitre. Those are the women you see standing around you. My Flock. the Raven's Flock. They are the most fearless warriors in all the land. You see, the Mudwood respects power, and my Flock and I, are the true power in all the land. We also see that you have that power, and we respect that as well, but you will still pay your father's price. Ahh, just in time."

     Raiders way pushing their way through the crowd. the traveled by two's with a person being dragged between them. It was the entire leadership of the Realm. Paljin, Gorin, Lionel, and the Queen. They were bloodied, but alive. I could feel the rage rise up in me. I clinched my swords tight, and readied myself.

     I leapt towards the Raven in front of me. Her sword quickly raised to meet mine, but she didn't account for my second sword, and I slashed through the small seem between her helmet and breast plate. She fell before me, and I moved to the next. Before I got there, two were on top of me. Swords whirled with blinding speed, and sparks erupted from the clash of each blade everywhere. I could see the rest of them rushing in, so I need to finish these two fast. I dropped and spun sweeping my leg out to take them. The fell with a thud, I spun my swords in my hands and with all my force drove them into the chest of each Raven. It pierced the armor, and drove to the stone below. I had to use a great deal of effort to retrieve my swords. I stood to see the five Raven's surrounding me."


     Arial screamed and everything stopped. I felt the aether drain from me, with only the Euphoria left. I would still be fast, but not as fast without it. I was for the first time, at a disadvantage. 

     "It's done Pitre, you have lost. I took the aether from you, just as I gave it to you. There is no more you can do, except watch your friend die before your eyes, the way I watched my father die before mine."

     With a wave of her hand. I saw Raiders draw knives and slice through the throats of each one of my friends. Their blood pooled below them, and I fell to my knees. There was nothing I could do. I could fight, but I wouldn't win, and they wouldn't kill me. I was forced to watch that which gave my friends life, leave them as empty shells. The Raiders simply dropped each of my friends to the ground, where they lay in their own blood.

     "Pitre. you have now lost everything just as I once did. I will keep my word and not kill you. We were great friends once, and I do this in honor of that, but you are to do something for me, and you will do it."

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