Sunday, March 31, 2019

Why Do They Call It A Weekend When The Work Never Stops

     Well, it's been a weekend. Not a very enjoyable one, but a weekend none the less. My whole life now is work and coming home and taking care of my mom. I don't get any free time for myself. When I do get a little time, I have to go shopping and take care of things that mostly deal with my mom. Take today for example. I wanted to go see Captain Marvel, but my relief came too late for me to get in an early show that I could take care of my laundry and dinner and all the other things I have to do. I'm on lock down, and it isn't fun, but I pass the time the best I can.

     I have some pretty big news. My first really big test of my new job is coming this Friday. I have to do a job by myself. My mentor will be on location but in a different area if I need him, but the job is all mine. I'm pretty sure I can do it, but I'm going to be full of nerves the whole time. This was supposed to be someone else's job, but they have a medical test that they have to do that day, so I'm up to bat. This will also be the first time that I don't get training day for a days work. I will be getting a commission on the job, and it will most likely be 2 to 3 times what I normally make in a day, and that is a lot of money. What I make for training, a lot of people would die to make. Let's break it down like this. There is a good chance that I will make in 1 day what will amount to a 3rd or 4th of one of my bi-weekly paychecks. If this works out, I may get my own company vehicle and be out on the road by myself very soon, and that means I will be making quite a bit more money that I already am now. I just have to make sure that I double and triple check everything I do, so that there are now mistakes.

     This past Friday, I did a lot of work on the job that we did, and I managed to get things right. I took my time and it was a little longer than what it takes my mentor to do it in, but since I never stopped working, we still got down around the 2-3 o'clock hour. The rest of the day was relaxing except for the fact that I had to wait for a healthcare worker to show up and bother my mom after she had already gone to sleep. She was 3 hours late, and I was waiting to watch Spiderman Into the Spiderverse. I didn't want to start it and then have to stop it when she arrived. This happened the first time she showed up. It was unannounced and late in the evening. I was just sitting down to dinner, and ended up having to throw out half of it, because it got ice cold.

     I guess an update on the new eating habits is in order. I can confirm that I have lost 6 pounds since last Sunday. I'm feeling better after a rough beginning to the week, and I'm making this eating a habit and not a diet that will go away after a few weeks. I have decided that once a month I will have a garbage day. That is the day I will eat anything I want, and get in those terrible food choices that I alway made before, but then it is back to the clean eating. Oh, an added benefit that I didn't know was going to happen. My skin feels and looks better. I didn't expect that all. I noticed it about 3 days ago, so if you just want better skin, then Keto may be for you. Once again, it's not easy, and on long days when I'm not doing anything like today, cravings do hit me, but I just drink a big glass of water and maybe a few macadamia nuts, and I'm good.

     I promised you a picture, and a picture you shall have. I told you that I got something, kind of in honor of getting the new job. The reason it took so long, is because these were custom made. I designed a new pair of Chucks, and they are very much me.

     What do you think? I love them myself, but of course I would, I designed them. I needed a new pair of purple Chucks, so why not make them exactly as you would want them, so that is what I did. I got to wear them yesterday for the first time, and they are just as comfortable as every pair of Chucks that I have owned.

     I went old school with the photo and put them on the good old chess board, instead of my photo area in Saki's lounge. There is a reason for that. The lounge is a mess right now. I have had a ton of little projects going on, one of which is testing for the new book case. There are also my work tools out there which is taking up a lot of room, and then there was all the tools I had out to get the battery out of Saki. I am proud to say, that Saki is alive. I got a new battery yesterday and got it charged in time for a short afternoon ride. I didn't film it, but I'm planning on a new video very soon. Hopefully I will have it done this week. It was such a great feeling to be on Saki again. The wind rushing past. Getting a little slide around a  corner as the back wheel kicks out, and feeling that power underneath me. It is such a smile inducing feeling. I was also able to fit in my Alpinestars jacket again. It even fit better than when I bought it, and that is due to the weightless that I have experienced.

     I have a baseball game to watch, as well as cloths to wash and a dinner to make. I hope the rest of your day is grand. Peace in and goodnight.

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