Sunday, March 3, 2019

She's Back

     That's right, the mom is home. She got home yesterday after a lengthy struggle with paperwork to get her discharged. We were expecting a walker, so that she could move around, but they insisted that she go home with a wheelchair. She hasn't used it until today, when my nephew stopped by and took her for a walk around the neighborhood. She has walked more since she has gotten home yesterday around noon, than she has the last two weeks she was in that rehab facility. She is doing so well, that she feels that she doesn't need to use her cane.

     Her cane was something she only used when she was having leg pain, but for now, it is that safety net and a little more stability. She doesn't want to use it, but I'm making her use it for, let's start with a week for now, and see how it goes. She is moving around almost as good as she did before she broke her hip. She knows to take it easy and slow, and she is doing a good job of not pushing herself to hard. She did tucker herself out today though, and is already in bed. I get it. She has a long walk to the living room from her bed room and the bathroom. It may not seem like it to anyone else, but it is a long long way to walk when you have just been laying around in a bed for a month.

     Her whole demeanor has improved since coming home as well. When she is in a hospital type of environment, she is feeble and seems very weak, but she is really the opposite of that. She is a very strong willed person, and that is shining now that she is home and back in her environment. Her dementia is taking a break of a few days, since she is also back in her environment. It isn't a strange place full of confusion. Can you image, not knowing where you are on a normal basis and then being thrown in some place that is completely unfamiliar? It would be incredibly taxing on you.

     I will relieve you of the mom updates from now on. I'll give you some big news and stuff as it comes, but the biggest part of the ordeal is over now, and she is back where she belongs, and she is healthy.

     I head back to work tomorrow to start my second week. It's been fun so far. Even with the mess ups made by other people that slow us down. That happened Friday, and I didn't get home until 9 o'clock again. Fortunately I was in Melbourne, so my drive home was short compared to the other two guys that were with me. I'm sure they didn't get home until 10 or 10:30. That is a long day. I did a lot of driving that day. Once again we didn't have the right material given to us, so I had to drive all the way back to Orlando, wait for it to arrive from Clearwater, and then drive back to Melbourne, during near rush hour traffic. Once I got there, the easiest part of the job was left. It was all a matter of getting that material in to place. The tear down, and build back up is the tough part. That is the biggest two thirds of the job, the last one third is always the easiest and goes the fastest, so we cruised through the final two hours of the process, and then had to wait around for the customer to talk to someone in management. That's another story that I don't need to tell, but it did hang us up for an hour, which is why I got home at 9.

     I'm really looking forward to going to work tomorrow, just because I know I'm going to learn something new, and that is a great thing. I have always said to learn something new each day, and I am learning a whole bunch of new things each day right now. I don't feel like I'm being thrown to the wolves like at my last job. This place really wants their employees to know what they are doing before they even do it, and that is a fantastic thing.

     The second to last chapter of The Patchwork Knight went up on here yesterday morning. That means the final chapter is only a week away. That is the rough draft of course. Mistakes and all, but it will wrap the whole story up. I really hope that you have enjoyed it, and I would love your feed back on it once it is done. I am very proud of it, and it was so much a joy to write.

     I don't have any plans for the next story, but ideas are starting to pop into my head. I still have some things on the back burner of my mind, but I kind of want to start fresh with what is next. I want it to come to live, and start writing it, similar to The Patchwork Knight. I of course had that idea in my head for years, so this one would have you along for the entire process of when it came to life to when it ends, and I think that is an exciting prospect. I know this isn't conventional, but it gives you a chance to see the writing process from start to finish, and I don't know of any writer that does that, so I'm kind of a groundbreaker in that aspect. Love me and cherish what I do. I'm kidding, I just want to share with people what it is like to be a writer, even one as low level as me.

     Tomorrow will be another chapter on Medium. That is the polished story, and is how I want it to be. Cleaned up, no errors and exactly what I want. When I read through the rough draft I find things that can make it a little crazy at times to understand what is going on, so if you are reading it here and not there, you may be missing out a little. I'm going to leave it up until at least June I think. I still haven't made up my mind on exactly I want to do with it yet, so it is on Medium until then.

     Alrighty then, I have to go wash clothes and make dinner. It's a Hamburger Helper night, because I'm lazy and don't want to make anything extravagant. Oh, we did have pizza from Baci yesterday as the get out of jail celebration for my mom. It's good stuff, and I have half a large pizza left over. That will be eaten during the week. Peace in and goodnight.

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