Sunday, March 10, 2019

The Crazy Is Rising

    Like the title says, the crazy is rising. Where I live, it's a sleepy little town. Quiet with nothing really exciting going on, but lately, there has been a growth in the crazy community. In my neighborhood, there is a guy that wanders in the middle of the street, and gets aggressive with cars when they go around him. It has happened to my on several occasions, where I have been driving along, saw him, moved over to the other side of the road, and then he starts waving his arms and shouting at me. I have no idea what he says, because I have my windows up, and the music on, but I'm sure it is some version of crazy talk.

     On my way home from the grocery store today, I had the pleasure of seeing a new crazy person. Just a guy riding his bike down the middle of the road straight at incoming traffic. I had to go to the other side of the road again, to avoid him, and he acted like he didn't even see me. I don't know where they are coming from, but I'm hoping the crazy quota has been hit.

     I got my first paycheck from the new job on Friday, and promptly spent all of it on Saturday. It wasn't a frivolous purchase. See, on the new job, I have to have power tools to get the job done, and I need a lot of them. Yes, I have power tools, but I need to be mobile, so cordless is the way to go. I found a great deal on Amazon, and bought the bulk of the tools I'll need for half the cost if I bought them individually. Here is the bonus of these new tools, they will help out with my woodworking. I have been thinking about my own bookcase and what I want to do for it. I have a shape, but not sure on what I will etch into it yet. I have several ideas, and I want to practice one of them for sure. It will be the most difficult symbol to etch, and I got a new tool at Harbor Freight yesterday that should help out with it.

     Harbor Freight always sends me sales and coupons for cheap deals, and yesterday was a "too good to pass up" kind of deal. It was an 8 inch 5 speed drill press for $54. It's a table top drill press that I can set the depth of the bit, and then run the wood underneath to kind of draw or etch out the image. I can use it for all kinds of other things as well, but that is the main reason I bought it, plus its a power tool and you can never have too many power tools.

     Yesterday was the release of the final chapter of The Patchwork Knight on here. It has been long in coming, but I'm so proud that it is done. The final reveal was in that chapter, so I hope you had a chance to read it. This was of course the rough draft, and the final draft is ready to go on Medium for April 15th. See not all things are bad on tax day.

     Speaking of taxes, I finally sat down and did my taxes, so that is all done for another year. I'm glad to get it over with and put it behind me. Next tax season should be an adventure since I have had two jobs with different W-2s for the next time around. The old job and the new, but that is all there is going to be. I'm really liking this new job, even with the problems that it has. Things are going to need to change with the way some things are done, but I don't have to really worry that much about that yet, when I'm done with my training, then it will be my problem, so there is time, to sit back and listen to how others deals with it, and see if their voices get things done. It should get fixed, but I think it is going to have to get worse before it gets better. I guess I'll see how much worse it gets. You do remember that this all centers on people being able to measure properly. It's a real simple thing to master, you just look at a ruler of some sort, and record the number that corresponds with the line that is touching the end of what you are measuring. Not a difficult thing, but it seems to be a major challenge for some individuals. A bunch of the people I work with have volunteered to perform a symposium on how to measure for those that need it, but no one has taken them up on the offer yet.

     I got clothes to wash and dry, and then fold, so I'm going to take off for the night. Oh, I have been battling for the opportunity to post some of my pictures on my photography only Instagram. I'm done with the waiting and dealing with it, the photos are my property to do with what I want, and I'm going to post them starting tomorrow. There is nothing over the top or crazy about them, they are portrait shots that I think came our beautiful. The problem is with an inability to communicate with the model, since this wasn't my shoot, and someone else's how doesn't bother to keep me updated on what is going on. Here is a quick lesson for you on ownership of pictures. All ownership belongs to the photographer, unless the subject paid for the shots, and even then, the law is on the side of the photographer for ownership rights. Now, that doesn't mean that you can just go around posting all kinds of pictures. There are ramifications if you post pictures that could lead to harming someone. Trust me, these pictures aren't that, and you will see the first one tomorrow on the CSP Instagram. Check it out, and see that all the fuss, isn't anything to fuss about. Peace in and goodnight.

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