Saturday, March 9, 2019

The Patchwork Knight (Chapter 69)

     The last time I saw you, you asked me to write the story of my life. I didm but it wasn't really a request was it? Either I do it, or you lay waste to every citizen in the Realm. I waited each month in hope that your courier would fail to show with the ink and paper. If they didn't come then you surely had died, but each month they would arrive right on schedule.

     This will be the final scroll that I write for you. There is no more to tell of my life, since you exiled me to my mountain top. That same mountain top where you showed me how to gather the aether. You should know, I threw that stone form the top of the mountain years ago. The only reminder I have of you, is this incessant writing of my life, and that will be done when I put the quill down for the last time. I did this to save my people. Yes, my people, the people of the Targen Realm. Those that you have forsaken.

     My blood may not have original come from her, but I am a son of the Realm, just as you have become a daughter of the Mudwood. You wouldn't listen to me on that wall at the Kingdom, but everything I did, was in hopes that one day I would find you again. I had never given up hope the you would be alive. The friend that you had killed in front of me, told me a story of how he met a girl that would speak of a friend of hers that killed a large wolf to protect her. He told me her name was Elandra, but I knew it was you. He was a Raider from the Mudwood, that saw the error of "your" people. He fought for the good of the people that had become his. He was a true friend like I never knew, and will never know again.

     I don't know what you went through, and how your life changed when you were taken from our small little village, but I think deep down, you alway had it in you to become the person you are today. You told me of my father and how he was a traitor that killed his own people, but how are you no different? You did the same thing, on a much larger scale. He did what he did to save people, you did it to enslave them.

     When you get this scroll, do not send your Raven's to come for me. It will be no use. I will kill anyone that tries to come up the pass. That includes you. You told me you learned a lot from the Mudwood, and that is how you got your power. I have learned a lot on this mountain top. Things that you have never considered. I will destroy you if you come looking for me.

     I'm also adding in this last scroll, one little tidbit of information for you. When you killed my friends on the wall, you said that I lost everything, but that wasn't true. There was one that you missed. He was an old man when I last saw him, and I'm sure he has passed by now, but I thought that once before. It is my hopes that your men never got to him and that he lived out his life for as long as it would last. He was the old blacksmith that was friends with my father. If I know him, he escaped to the Crystal Palace, where I have been told by your own courier that you still haven't found. He would have lived his life comfortably there, and you none the wiser.

     I finish this by repeating myself. Do not send anymore couriers. Do not send any Raiders. Do not send any of your flock, and do not try to come yourself. None of you will make it back down.

     I will add one last thing, and this may be a little praise for you. My whole life I was told that there is no man that can stand to me. I guess they were all right. In the end, it wasn't a man that stood to me, but now, there is no person or beast that can stand to me. Do not test my words. I am The Patchwork Knight.


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