Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Is Today Finally Over

     I am exhausted. It is a combination of the waking up incredibly early, and the fact that I didn't dress for the weather today. I was an idiot, and was wearing shorts and a t-shirt while temperatures were in the 50's. My body used all my energy to fight the chill, and is leaving me wanting to go to sleep right now. I watched The Flash, but kept falling asleep during it. It was  good episode too.

     By the way Laissez Les Bon Temp Roule. For anyone that doesn't know what that means, Let The Good Times Roll. I don't drink anymore, but that doesn't mean I can't have that party spirit alive on Mardi Gras. I hope you celebrated in your own way, whatever that may be. I, as I already mentioned, watched The Flash, and am writing this before I completely fall asleep.

     The job is going well. I was in Tavares today. That is in Lake country, and is known as Sea Plane City. With a ton of lakes, there are a lot of places to land sea planes, and there are actual communities there based on that premise. I also finally entered Howey In The Hills. Yes, there is an actual town named that here in Florida, and is exactly what you would expect. A whole lot of nothing. Maybe there is a small cultural center, but I didn't see it where I was. I still think it's a great name for a town.

     The final chapter of The Patchwork Knight goes up on Saturday. I have been putting some thought into creating the next story. I was running ideas through my head, when it was clear, and not fighting sleep. Nothing has solidified yet, but the fact that I'm searching for ideas, is a very good sign. That is how my brain works. When my head starts creating and pushing for ideas, it wants to write again, and that was what today was. The idea will come, it just has to work it's way to the front of my head. I'll be ready for it when it does.

     It's time for Favorite Song of the Week. I was introduced to this artist, just this week, and I'm going to share them with you. This person is a solo guitarist, that is pretty freaking good. He can do things that I could only dream about. He is from Australia, and I haven't really looked him up until just now. I leaned what I did from the guy that is mentoring me at work. He is a guitar guy, and likes guys that play guitar really well. Take a listen and see what you think of Plini with his song "Salt + Charcoal" 

     Pretty impressive right. I wish I could play like that, but I think I will stick with strumming and playing rhythm. It's not a bad life, just not a crazy exciting one.

     I know this is short, but I'm tired, and there really isn't much to say. Oh, I nearly forgot. I know by now you have already heard the news of Luke Perry, and Keith Flint. Luke Perry was the star of 90210, and most recently Archie's father on Riverdale. He was one of those guys that you only heard great things about. Keith Flint wasn't the enigmatic singer in Prodigy. The drum and bass band from England. Their hit Firestarter launched their world fame, and Keith was the wild frontman for that song. He started out as a dancer with the band and soon became one of the singers. They both died in vastly different ways, but they will be missed all the same. A little piece of the 90's died yesterday, probably some of the best parts. They are both swirling in the ether tonight. Keith with that crazy hair cut, and Luke, just being the coolest guy in the room. Peace in and goodnight.

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