Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Sluggish And Run Down

     The last two days have been hard, for a couple of reasons. Not only am I hanging on by a thread in the spiral, but the new way that I'm eating is kicking my tale. I have eliminated all sugar from my diet, and for the last three days, my carbohydrate intake has been extremely low. When I say extremely low, I mean, I have only had about 60 grams of carbs for the last three days. I am following the advice of an expert in the field of Keto, and I'm going to a bit of an extreme. I have increased my fat consumption, but not as much as he mentioned to do, so my energy levels are pretty low. Yesterday I hit the 22 hour mark before I had a meal, that changed today. I only hit the 18 or 19 hour mark before a meal. That is a type of intermittent fasting, that I'm throwing in on top of the whole changing my eating lifestyle around. It's an extreme, but it will help me get into ketosis a little faster.

     Here is the idea behind this lifestyle of eating. You eat less carbs, and more fat and protein. Your body has to change the way it does things, and begins using your fat stores as fuel, because there are no longer a big supply of carbs going into the body. That is the most basic of descriptions, of what I'm doing. It is said that the majority of people walk away from this lifestyle in the first week, because of how difficult it is, but if you stick with it, your body will change, and you will have more energy as well as other benefits. If you want to know more, I suggest that you do a search for Keto diets. There is a lot of information out there.

     Anyway, back to why the lifestyle change is kicking my tail. Since my energy is very low, it is affecting my thought process as well. It takes a little longer for me to think about things, because my mind is so distracted by the weakened feeling I am having. This has created self doubt in my ability to do my job, which has created frustration and general grumpiness. I know that this is all about my body chemistry chaining, but it is still tough to go through. This morning on the way to work, I kept thinking about how easy it would be, to just simply drive off the road into a pylon for a bridge. All problems solved. I didn't of course, because that would be unfair to my mom and Morty. The thoughts have increased, and I do know that a lot of that has to do with my body chemistry changing as well. There are still those other triggers that I can't control that are still in play, but I'm focusing on myself for right now, and ignoring those other triggers as much as possible. This will pass, and like I'm dealing with my depression, I too am dealing with this whole lifestyle change. One day at a time.

     I made it through today, so I can start on tomorrow, tomorrow. Patience is the key here, and I have always been a very patient person. It will all work out the way it's supposed to, as long as I put in the work. This is all about self improvement, and that is not just in body but in mind as well.

     It's Tuesday night, so you know what that means. Favorite Song of the Week. I mentioned this band a few weeks ago, and they are back with a brand new song that came out late Sunday night. This is another fun video, and I ask you to give it a try, even knowing that the music isn't for everyone. The video should still entertain you, and you might get a chuckle out of it. Here is Dance Gavin Dance with their latest single "Head Hunter".

     How fun was that video? Even if you don't like the song, you have to like the video. Anyway, I'm run down tired and a bit broken, so it's time to go to sleep so that tomorrow will come and I can start a new. New day, new goals, with hopefully better results. I will make this lifestyle change, and I will be a better person all around in the end, which is really just the beginning. Peace in and goodnight.

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