Sunday, March 17, 2019

A New Adventure Begins

     It's been a wild week. Started out pretty bad, and ended pretty good. Friday I was done with the job at 11 c'clock. It was so great. I had the entire rest of the day to do nothing. I did something though. I picked up my contacts, and I had to buy work boots for work. I didn't want to go expensive, but I had to have comfort. I found a great comfortable pair of steel toed athletic looking boots for $54. I couldn't believe it.

     I need the boots because I have to go see the commercial side of my job. There are two sides to my job. There is the residential side, which is where I have been, and there is the commercial side. The residential side is exactly how it sounds, the commercial side has me going to a hug corporate owned hotel to do my job. I'm only supposed to be there for a few days and then I head back to residential. From what I have heard, residential is where you want to be, that is where the money is. Commercial is decent money, but you are limited in how much you can make. There is one new guy that is already pretty much stuck on the commercial team. I'm hoping that I don't get stuck there as well. So far I have the backing of my mentor and a couple other guys in the crew, so things might work in my favor, but I do want to see this side of things. I want to know all the ins and outs of this job, and that means checking out the parts that don't pay as well.

     I'm going to let you in on two little secrets involving the TPR. We filmed our final episode of season 1 yesterday. We are going to take a month like well deserved break form posting after this Thursday. We will be back up with new reviews on May 2nd. The other little secret is that this isn't the place that we planned to go. The first one we couldn't get to because parking was out of control. The second place we chose was closed. The third place we tried was also closed, so we decided to just go ahead and do a return visit to one of our favorite places, which just so happens to be the place where we formulated the whole idea of the TPR. That makes this last video of season one, not really a review. This will be our 30th video and that seems like a good place to end a season. Just because we aren't going to post anything until the 2nd of May, we aren't going to be sitting back doing nothing. We will be filming videos and writing reviews to get a a library built up for the new season. I'm also going to work on creating a new thumbnail design for the videos, so that three will be a difference from season to season. It's a path to creativity, and you know how I like those.

     I began testing for the next book case. I'm trying to see if I can use that new drill press that I bought to etch out a new design that is really tough. the idea is the symbol for the Death Eaters from the Harry Potter books. The first attempt wasn't great, but it showed me what I have to work on. Here it is.

     There are a whole lot of wiggles in there, so I need to be more patient when I do it again. I have the other side of that piece of wood, an entire other piece of wood, and a large scrap that I can cut down for maybe two more pieces, so I have enough wood to get this right before I try to place it for good. I also have to draw the symbol better as well. It is supposed to look more like a figure eight with the major portion of the body, so I have some work to do, but for now, that isn't bad. I just need to find the time to work on it. I should have most evenings, but that isn't guaranteed. If I am doing the commercial jobs, I heard rumors that I will be done by around 1 or 2 each day, that could give me plenty of time to work on getting that right.

     A new adventure is beginning and I love it. Peace in and goodnight.

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