Thursday, March 14, 2019

The Follies Of The Day

     Let's get this over with early, so I can go to bed at a wonderful time. This week has been different. Monday is over and in the past, and things are going good with the mom. The job is going great, but there are some hiccups, but it isn't anything to do with me. We have a supply problem, and it just got worse. More on that in a minute.

     Today I got there, and none of the materials for the jobs were pulled. It was a mess. We found out that there weren't even supplies for the jobs that we had to do. We were expected to go to jobs without the proper material to actually do the job, and my mentor and I were in the worst situation. Other people had most of the stuff, it just wasn't pulled. Our job wasn't even ordered. The warehouse guy ran out real quick and picked up as much stuff as he could for the other jobs, and then he had to drive to Fort Myers, to try and get some more supplies to finish out the week.

     Before he left though, he had to unload the truck that came in the day before. He asked if I would help him, and I was happy to do it, but that isn't my job. It is the job of the other warehouse guy, who hadn't even arrived at work yet, and when he did, he took an extra 15 minutes to get his coffee before he began doing anything else he could to avoid unloading that truck.

     Me helping out, is good for me. It shows that I'm willing to do what it takes for this job, even if it is doing something that isn't my job. I also had ulterior motive. Since I was unloading the truck, I got to se everything as it came off, and I got to learn where things are in the warehouse by putting them away. I also got to search through it and see if it was anything that my mentor and I would need in the future. Unfortunately, that part didn't pan out. There were no hidden gems, but I still no where more things are in the warehouse, so I don't have to rely on the warehouse guys if I need anything. I can just go get it myself. It's very important to be self sufficient in this job.

     About an hour ago, I got word that the main warehouse guy, the one I was helping to unload the truck, quit via text. A real messed up way to quit a job, but it does have some style. He was fed up, and he even walked up to myself and a couple of the other guys, and told us that it was a pleasure working with us. He has been planning on quitting for probably a week. I heard rumblings as early as Monday, that it was coming. If he pulled all the jobs for tomorrow, we will at least be good, but starting Monday, it is going to be a massive 1000 car pile up on a busy highway.

     It's going to be crazy, and people are not happy already, because things are going to pot. Jobs aren't getting pulled, orders aren't being made, and supplies aren't being bought. Not that the main warehouse guy hasn't tried. He went to the store for supplies earlier this week, and the company card was denied due to lack of funds. This is a multi million dollar company, and their supply account went belly up. Someone isn't doing their job, and it isn't the guys that go out in those company vehicles that I'm going to get some day. We are left out in the cold trying to do jobs with little to no supplies.

     Things will get better, and for now, we are all laughing about how messed up it is, but a reckoning will come at some point, but it will be when the company begins losing money, because we can't do jobs that are scheduled because we don't have material to do the jobs.

     I did get my bag of tools yesterday, and if you think I didn't play with them, you would be crazy. These are some great tools. Far more power than the cheap stuff I usually buy, and I'm loving them. I don't have to take them to work with me yet, but when I get that company vehicle, I'll be loading that van up with them. I still have a bunch of stuff that I need to get, but for now, I got most of what I need, and that is a great feeling.

     Oh, I got a huge compliment this week without really getting one. There is another new guy at the job, that started a few weeks before I did. I have heard stories about him, but the thing that stuck me, was when my mentor was talking to one of the other guys, and said, hey, one of you guys needs to like working with that new guy, because I'm not trading him to take the other new guy out. I took that as  giant compliment, and also that I am doing a good job, not just with learning, but with doing the things that I am learning. I know that I can do this job, and do it well. I just need to learn a few more things. I did a few key things yesterday, that put me well on my way for what needs to be done, and I'm proud of myself for doing it and doing it right. I even doubted myself on a couple of things, and my mentor told me that I was over thinking it. That is a problem of mine sometimes. I tend to over think things, and strive for perfection when that is great, but not completely necessary. I'm hoping that means that I'm going to be like the guy that is training me. He is one of those guys that is making the ridiculous amount of money, that can be made at this job.

     I know I didn't do this on Tuesday because of what I had to write, but I'm going to do a special Favorite Song of the Week on Thursday. This is another band that my mentor has turned me onto. They are a band that has been around for a while, but I somehow have never heard of them, and they are great. I'm sure that this won't be for everyone, but give it a chance, and at the very least, listen to the musicianship that is put forth on this song. Here is Dance Gavin Dance with "Inspire the Liars".

     Just for a little added info. The bartender is actually the guy that is doing the screaming parts. I really like this band and added two of their albums to my playlist. I hope you enjoy them if not for their music, at least for how technical and well they play their instruments. Peace in and goodnight.

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