Thursday, March 28, 2019

The Tide Is Rolling Out

     The tides of change have come upon me. No, I'm not out of the spiral yet, but I could have a step in the right direction. My energy levels are no longer low, and I'm beginning to feel myself again. I have still had no sugar, bread, pasta, rice, or any starchy carbohydrates. Nor have I had any dairy this week. I knew that this would be tough and it has been especially the last few days, but I'm on the other side of it now. My meals have been full of protein and fats, and low on carbohydrates. Don't get me wrong, I have been eating very clean even with the added fat. It has mostly come form olive oil and butter. The meat has all be very lean, and I have been adding in spinach, grape tomatoes, and broccoli. It has tasted very good. I do fancy myself a pretty good cook, and have been creating my own recipes instead of following recipes online that are Keto friendly.

     The job has been going in the right direction since my energy levels are now on the rise. I no longer have that self doubt. I still need more knowledge to do this job, but it is coming every day. I've been taking on more responsibility with each job and doing more each day, so I'm not so far away from being something other than a trainee. That means my company vehicle will be coming soon, then I will be on my own, and my pay will increase quite a bit. I don't know exactly how much, but it could be twice what I'm making now, and possibly even higher than that.

     I forgot to mention when I was taking about my lifestyle change, I have lost 4 pounds since I started on Sunday. I'm sure that it is mostly water weight, but it is coming at a pretty alarming rate. I never want to lose weight too fast. That isn't good for the skin. That is how you end up with sagging skin and all that good stuff. The skin needs time to adapt to what is going on as well. I'm hoping for a slow down, in the weight loss, but that may take a couple of days as well.

     I plan on having a picture for you on Sunday. I just have to find time to set it up. Oh, it's nothing elaborate, it is just something I got in celebration of the new job, and I wanted to share it with you. I think it's pretty cool, and very much me, but you may not like it at all. Taste is subjective and if you don't like it, your taste sucks.

     That is really all I have for you tonight. I will keep you posted on how this Keto thing is going. Oh, I did want to mention that last night was probably the hardest so far, as it pertains to sugar cravings. I wanted a candy bar or something so bad last night, but I powered through with a glass of water and a handful of macadamia nuts. I really love macadamia nuts, and they are saving me so far on this new way of eating. Ok, I have to go take my 3000 mg of fish oil right now. This is all part of getting that high amounts of fat in my system. If you don't get why I am doing high fat as part of losing weight, I highly suggest the you look up Keto diet so you can get an understanding of how it works. Peace in and goodnight.

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