Thursday, January 9, 2020

It Comes With Pictures

     I have two things I want to talk about right off the bat, which I forgot to mention on Tuesday. The first one is a milestone I reached on Tuesday, but since it is so routine for me, that I forgot all about it. As of Tuesday, it has been 3 years since my last drink of alcohol. I knew it was coming up, but since it isn't even the slightest deal anymore, I forgot about it when it was time to write the post on Tuesday. I wish I could say that it has been a struggle, but it really hasn't. I will say that without it, I feel much better. This was the case even before I changed everything about the way I eat, which of course has me feeling better and healthier than ever. There have been moments over the last 3 years when I thought it would be nice to have a drink, then I would remember how I could never have just 1 drink. It wasn't worth going down the rabbit hole to have a tasty drink.

     The second one, is the dream I had Monday night going into Tuesday morning. It's rare when I dream, although I have had several dreams lately, and it's even rarer when I can remember every detail of a dream. This one was clear and vivid, and like none other that I've ever had. It had to do with spiders, and even after looking up dream translations of spiders in dream, I still have no idea what it was about. Here is how it went. I was outside looking after the frontyard garden and found myself near the front of my car, when something caused me to look up. When I did, there were dozens of very large spiders above me spinning a canopy of a web in a straight line from my neighbors house to mine and they were just reaching the point where they were over my head. Tarantulas were the first thing that came to mind, but I can remember saying in my dream that they were wolf spiders. Wolf spiders can be large, but not as large as in my dream. These spiders were varying in size, that went from the palm of your hand to the size of a frisbee. It was really weird. It wasn't scary at all, it was just weird. I watched them as they spun that web directly over my head and just kept going. I woke up before they reached the end of my house. When I looked up translations, it said for the most part it was good things. New relationship, money coming your way. Tarantulas were the bad thing. I think it was poor health or some kind of illness coming your way, but as I said, I remember saying wolf spiders. I haven't had a dream since, so no spider follow ups.

     I got the camera out today, and took some glamour shots around the garden. I haven't processed all of them, but I got a few for you to check out. These will be making it on the CSphotos Instagram in the next few weeks, but you get a preview right here. It also shows off the garden a little bit in some up close fashion.

     The first is the Cherry Red tomatoes, which I ate some of for dinner tonight. They were so good. There really is a difference in the taste of something you grow yourself. The freshness is undeniable.

     Next is one of the newest additions to the garden, and it a star of the front yard. This is our purple Impatients. It only produces one flower at a time now, but they are rather beautiful and quite eye-catching.

     Of course, the Scotch Bonnets were going to make an appearance. That is the newest ripe pepper on the plant, with the upper left corner beginning to ripen. By the way, that one in the top left corner is about 80% yellow as I type this right now. I'm going to leave them on the plant for a few days, and let them simmer, then I'm going to eat them, because they are delicious, and hot. I do have one more picture of the Scotch Bonnet, and that is all I processed this morning with my final selection which I will post at the very end, cause it's a special photo.

     That shot gives you more of the mustard yellow of the one that is nearly ripe. It ripened quite a bit differently than the others have. All the others ran down from the stem, where as that one just started fading from green to yellow all over. I'm not sure what that means for flavor or heat, but I'll find out.

     Before I wrap this up for the night, I have to tell you about the freakout I've been having lately. I already told you how I went against my grain and asked out my crush. While I've been waiting for her schedule to clear up, I've been worrying about what I'm going to wear. Since I've lost all this weight, I have no nice clothes to wear on a date. I'm going to need to go out and buy a new outfit just for the date. I'm also trying to figure out what would be the best way to go. Button down shirt? Long sleeve or short sleeve? Polo? Or save money and just go casual. I have no idea right now, and I'm freaking out thinking she is going to give me a day before I have a chance to figure it out, so I'm kind of hoping that it takes her a while to have an evening off. That's weird right? Here is how I look at it. If I didn't make a conscious decision to do something I wouldn't normally do, I wouldn't be going on a date any time soon at all, so if I have to wait a while, it's not a big deal at all. There is also the fact that she is worth waiting for, in my eyes anyway. I have no idea what anyone else thinks, and I really couldn't care less. Like how I phrased the properly and didn't blow it by saying "could" care less? Yeah, that's a real big pet peeve of mine. I saw a dude wearing shirt once that said I could care less, and I asked him just how much less he could care, and it blew his mind. I got a good laugh out of it. Anyway, that is all I have for tonight, peace in and goodnight.

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