Tuesday, January 21, 2020

There's Some Good News For A Change

     Day 3 of the fast, and I decided to go for 4 full days. That will come out to 96 hours. I woke up this morning feeling great, and during that new thing I was talking about doing, but not telling you what it is (still holding back that info for now), I extended that portion of my workout far beyond anything I've ever done, so I figured why not extend the fast for another full day. This will give me that stem cell production that I was looking for, and do it in spades. I don't feel hungry, but I do want to eat, just for the sake of eating, and I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing. Probably bad, since it's only a desire to eat, and not really feed myself.

     I did weigh in, and measure myself this morning. I don't expect any of these numbers to stay after I break the fast though, but one will have me at goal. I weighed in at 145.6 lbs, this morning. I expect to lose at least another pound by tomorrow. That will have me surpassing goal, which equals as a hit. That will have me moving on to the next goal, which is lean mass vs. body fat. That goal is 15% body fat. I did take a body fat measurement as well, and I pulled a 16.9% body fat reading. Getting closer every day. The last measurement was my waist, and I really don't expect this one to last due to the fact that this measurement me be skewed because my stomach is completely empty. I lost another half inch. in my waist. I'm using that measurement as more of a guide though. The WtoH ratio at that measurement is .485. That gives me a real good idea of just how much I still have to take off my waist to hit a solid .48. That probably means I need another full inch from my waist. I'm hoping to do this will gaining lean mass, which means I will lower my waist while gaining weight. I fully expect that my ideal weight and body appearance will be in the 160 lbs range. I'm going to do the so called impossible, by gaining muscle and losing fat. It can be done. I've been doing it already, I just have to take it to the next level.

     I forgot to show you this picture of the new seed pods I planted. My other tray was annihilated. Only two seedlings have survived, and they are both the Morgulah. I'm happy about that, but disappointed about losing the rest.

     The left is the plan, while the right is the finished product. I'm going to be extra cautious this time around and ladle these pods with kid gloves. I want them all to germinate and grow true leaves before I do anything with them. I may even keep them inside the whole winter, to make sure they are hearty before I put them outside. I know we have some cold days in front of us.

     This morning was the coldest day of the year so far (43 degrees here) and I was outside at 4:45 in the morning with no shirt on doing that portion of my workout that I'm not talking about. A couple of reasons for this. The first is, that's how I've been doing it since the beginning and see no reason to really change that, and second, there are incredible benefits to working out in the cold. You know how you see people doing those cryogenic pods? Well they are doing that because cold activates your brown fat. It makes it start it's shiver affect and you actually burn fat, so when I'm doing my workout in 43 degree weather with a windchill that makes it feel like 35 degrees, I'm all in on the fat burning. This is on top of the massive fat burning effort the my body is already going through by feeding off my fat while fasting. It's a good old fashioned double whammy.

     The moms had a doctor appointment this morning. It was her quarterly check up and it went really well. The doctor does want her to eat more, which I want as well. Sometimes she can get distracted while eating and decide that she is done. There is also the fact that she eats like a little kid now, and gets grumpy if there are vegetables on the plate. With that, let's get to the negative part of the visit. The doctor informed me that medicine is not an option for her dementia. She is too far along the medication won't do anything for her. He mentioned that her mental activity is that of a 5 year old, which is probably right based on what I see. She does have her moments, but her comprehension level is far below what she used to be. We had this discussion in front of her (which I hate), and she didn't understand a single thing we were talking about. She asked me to explain it to her as we were walking out of the doctors office. I did in a way that was positive. I told her that she has dementia which means that she forgets things from time to time. She was ok with that, and even agreed with it. Now for the good. Despite him wanting her to eat more, because her weight was down to 114.6 which was 20 lbs less than two years ago, he said everything was great. Her BP was outstanding, and he mentioned something that blew me away. My mom has A-Fib. If you don't know, it means he has a leaking heart valve. He said today when he was listening to her heart, that she had normal rhythm and the swoosh of the A-Fib was barely noticeable. That shocked me, like you wouldn't believe. I'm really looking forward to her going back to her heart doctor in April now, so I can hear what he has to say. How great would it be if the diet she is on, is actually healing her heart? Wouldn't that be crazy?

     That is all I have for tonight. My body is starting to wind down, due to lack of sustenance, so I'm going to take it easy, and get ready for my last day of the fast which is tomorrow. I'll be breaking fast at 6:33 tomorrow which will make it a full 96 hours. That will set my PR for fasting, and I'm pretty excited about that. Peace in and goodnight.

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