Thursday, January 16, 2020

The Spectacle And The Debacle

     I got the joy of hearing how my relative that calls my mom everyday, has lost their mind. This all came with how I'm a horrible person that hasn't been around and has abandoned my mom. This always happens when my name is brought up, and it is absolute torture to hear. No matter what the reality is, and how I know the truth, it is torture. I've asked my relative not to talk about me, but it seems that my wishes aren't to be granted. It is much easier if I'm never brought up and if I am, saying you know nothing about me goes a long way to getting her to let go of it. This is what I've been doing lately, and it works. "Do you know my brother (me)?" "No, I don't know anything about him." "I didn't think you did but I thought I would ask." That is the entire conversation. It can happen a few times a day sometimes, but it ends quickly, and I don't have to hear her horrible a person I am. I've given up and trying to get her to acknowledge who I am. I'm just the guy that takes care of things, or guys. It varies from day to day. I'm either that one guy, or one of many.

     On the bright side, I may get more than an hour this weekend to myself. My relative that picks my mom up for lunch each weekend, is going to meet up with an old friend of hers. This can go one of two ways. They spend a lot of time with each other, or they only have a quick lunch and they are back home around the 1 hour mark. I get it, people don't want to be reminded that she is no longer the bright and energetic woman she once was. They don't want to be around her with her loss of memory and near constant confusion. I have no choice in the matter, and even if I did, I wouldn't have it any other way, Despite my need for more time for myself, this is the sacrifice I chose to make knowing full well what was in store for me. I knew she would eventually forget me, and not know who I am. I knew there would be moments of such confusion that she would lash out with violence. I knew all of this. We will get through this, it only remains to be seen how it truly affects me in the end.

     I'm pretty excited about the 72 hour fast coming up this weekend. It's been a while since I've gone longer than 24 hours, and I'm so ready for it. I posted an article to the website yesterday about it, and I'm hoping a few more people will jump in. I have two people that are doing it for sure, and I believe we are all starting around the same time on Saturday, which will be after dinner. I am going to dow one thing different this time though. Right before I start the clock, I'm eating a hot pepper. It could be a Scotch Bonnet from the garden, or the other Red Moruga that my buddy gave me. I haven't decided which one I'm putting down, but I'm going into this one with that thermogenic magic that peppers have. Call it turbo fuel for getting things started. I do have one Bonnet in the kitchen, and one ripe on the plant, with two more following right behind it. They will surely be ready by Saturday. Who knows, maybe I'll lose my mind and eat 3 of them, that would be something right there. Could be pretty epic.


     I got to eat this bad boy today. Picked fresh from the garden. That is a Pink Beauty radish right there. It had a mild flavor, but came to life with a little salt. I simply sliced it up and went at it. I love being able to eat things that I grew myself. It's pretty amazing, you really should try it. I have a bunch of Cherokee Purple tomatoes growing right now, with more flowers budding and blooming each day. I think there will be around 15 in total when it is all said and done this round. I also had a real big surprise yesterday when I looked at my Junebearing strawberry.

     That is a strawberry blossom right there, and there is another one that is a day behind it on the other side of the plant. The craziest part about it is, the plant that it is on. You may have noticed that I said Junebearing. That flower is 6 months early. I have no idea why it is fruiting already, but I'm not arguing with it. This was a wonderful surprise on a pretty miserable day. Just about all of my pepper seedlings died, and my lawn man not only shredded some sunflower seedlings that I had sprouting, but he blew the peppers off my Rainforest plant with his blower. I was devastated. All that work and I had it taken away. The area where the sunflowers were I had no idea that he would go in there with the weedwacker. There was no reason for him to be in there but he was. I replanted more seeds yesterday, and put a barrier up so that he wouldn't go in there anymore. I will have to talk to him about pointing his blower towards the gardens though. I can't have someone inadvertently sabotaging my garden success. 

     Back to the fast for a second. I do plan on doing a weigh in on Saturday morning to get a start weight and a way in on Wednesday, the day after I break the fast, for a final weight. Which reminds me, I lost another quarter inch on my waist, that put my WtoH ratio at .462. It's not .48 yet, but it's getting there.

     Ok, I'm calling it a week and I'll see you on Sunday with details on the Saturday weigh in. peace in and goodnight.

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