Sunday, January 19, 2020

The Fast Is Slow

     I'm around the 24 hour mark on the 72 hour fast. I'm finally beginning to feel hungry, so the trick with eating a pepper as part of my last meal, has been a huge success. I opted for a snack type of meal since I had already eaten dinner around 4 in the afternoon, and I wanted my fast to start later in the day. I went with a nut bowl of walnuts and macadamia nuts, with a freshly picked Scotch Bonnet.

     That Scotch Bonnet was good too, and the burn was nowhere near as bad as it was the first time I had it. I don't know if that was just that it was a low level bonnet, or that my tolerance is just that high right now. It could also have something to do with what I ate earlier in the day, but I'll get to that in just a bit.

     It was a hot pepper kind of a weekend. I finally picked the Orange Habanero that had been growing on one of my plants. It is a very small plant and produced only one pepper, despite several buds, and that one pepper was super tiny.

     It had a nice citrus flavor with very mild heat. I really enjoyed it, and wish there were more, but those plants are moving real slow. I have other plants that I planted long after those, that are flourishing and much bigger now. They will come around, it's only a matter of time.

     Yesterday morning I woke up with my game plan of having a bonnet in my breakfast, so I made bacon and eggs with one of the bonnets cut up in the eggs. That one kept some heat despite being scrambled up in the eggs. It was good, and added great flavor to my eggs, but the big heat was coming.

     My buddies wife did an amazing thing and bought us each one of those chips on eBay, and we chose yesterday to do it, since he was in my part of town. Oh, and we made a video doing it.

     As you can see, we survived, but it wasn't easy. I will say, that the biggest part of the challenge is the aftermath. About 20-30 minutes after eating it, I got what are known as the capsaicin cramps. They don't feel like cramps though. It basically felt like my stomach was trying to twist inside out. It was mild for about 15 minutes and then it really hit me hard for 5 minutes or so. I felt like throwing up, but I pulled through. That part really sucked, but in the end I think it was worth it, to try the world's hottest chip. I said in the video that it tasted weird, and that is only because I had never experienced a flavor like that. It was a good flavor and somewhat sweet. As I said in the video we are looking forward to their next chip. Even knowing what is going to happen to my stomach when I eat that chip, I'm still in for doing it again. Oh, and my eyes are fine, as soon as I shut of the video I went and washed my hand and wiped my hands with a damp cloth and they were great after that. That eye burn was real though, and it indeed sucked.

     I did take a picture yesterday to document how I looked before starting the fast, and also so I could update my before and after photo. This is it.

     I weighed in yesterday morning at 149.2 pounds. That sets the start weight for the fast, I'll weigh in again on Wednesday morning, which could be the day after I break the fast. I'm having some thoughts about extending the fast an extra day for stem cell production. I'm still mulling it over. My original idea was to break the fast with bone broth and then wait to eat again until the next morning, but I just wait until the next morning, and I can get in on the amazing benefits of stem cell production. The body begins producing stem cells at around the 72-84 hour mark, and as you may know from the stem cell controversy of a few years ago, they have amazing healing properties. The whole controversy is that doctors were using fetal stem cells, and some people believe that is wrong or immoral. I'm not getting into the discussion, but I'm going to tell you that you can do your own stem cell therapy, but it takes a great deal of effort. That effort being a minimum of going 84 hours without food. I did an 84 hour fast my first time out doing an extended fast, and that was long before I knew all the benefits of it, so I think what I'm saying is, that I'm going for the full 84 hours. There is also the added benefit of how much money I'm saving on food costs. Pretty cool side benefit huh?

     I'm going to go get me some more water with salt in it and call it a night. I gots to get up and do my morning workout, which has changed a bit since I last spoke to you about it. I'll get into details later, but I'm doing something I never thought I would do. Take that and wait for what is coming, HA.
Peace in and goodnight.

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