Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The Results Are In

     I still have about an hour and half to go before I hit 96 hours, which will be 4 solid days without food. Yeah, I went over the 84 hour mark and straight through to a full 96. Here are the results. I weighed in this morning, and I'll weigh in tomorrow morning, but I can't give you that number until Sunday. Today's weigh in, was 144 on the dot. I lost a total of 5.2 pounds this fast, and although I'm definitely hungry now, I'm feeling really good. I did measure the waist, since that will disappear when I eat, but the last measurement was at 32.5 inches. That is the measurement around the circumference of my belly botton, not down below where I wear my pants. I only took one GKI measurement and was at 1.12 yesterday evening, that put me at high therapeutic ketosis. I'm sure that I'm lower at this point, but It really isn't necessary to measure at this point. Today was a bit of a rest day, so I only did my cardio this morning.

     In a little over an hour, I'm braking my fast with my Sun Warrior Warrior Blend shake mixed with the Collagen powder. I haven't broken a fast this way, so I'm curious to see how it goes. I'll let you know how it goes on Sunday. An hour after that, I'm going to make a good meal of chicken, asparagus, cauliflower, and cherry tomatoes. It's going to be outstanding.  Oh yeah, I have pictures. The first one is the standard shot.

    I should mention that I took these just before writing this, so they are as fresh as you can get. Now the rest are the shirtless variety. A couple of shots like all those other shirtless ones, and then a few cheesy shots showing that fasting does not deplete you of muscle.

     I may look a little flat, since my body is depleted of food, but you can tell that I'm healthy and not weak and feeble like those against fasting will tell you. Ok, now for the cheesy shots. I couldn't resist.

     Yes, I'm flexing in all of them, but that is only so you can see that muscle is still there. Yes, I also have along way to go before I'm happy, but I'm very proud of the body that I now have. It took 10 months of hard work and will take many more months of that same hard work to get where I truly want to be, but I'm on the way, and these photos are proof of it. The bottom line, is Keto works, and works really well. If those photos aren't proof, I don't know what is.

     Now on to some other non sense. It was really cold today, and I may have lost a couple of seedlings because the feels like fell below freezing this morning. I won't know for sure until tomorrow, but it's not looking good. All other plants did really well, and I'm pretty happy about that.

     I decided last night, that I might want to start growing poblano peppers. I don't know why, it just struck me as something that I may want to do. I went to the grocery store today and bought 4 good sized poblanos, so that I can make stuffed poblanos for dinner tomorrow. This will help me decide if it's a good idea to grow them or not. They have a very mild heat, that is jalapeño level or less, so it might just be a nice little slightly spicy meal. Of course, I'm going to punch it up a bit. I also bought a few orange habaneros to add to the meat mix. The idea is to take ground pork, spice it up taco style, slice some tomatoes up, and then throw them in the poblanos with some grated cheese on top. I'm expecting it to be really good. Once again, I'll let you know on Sunday

    Oh, I am very aware that I'm writing this on Wednesday, and I could just update you with the normal post tomorrow, but I'm doing this one in place of the normal post and calling it a week early. You're just going to have to suck it up and enjoy what you get.

     My shoulder is killing me today, and I'm pretty sure it is the cold weather that is doing it. It was feeling 100% for a couple of days, and then over night it began hurting. It actually woke me up at one point in the night as I was rolling over. I've been doing exercises to try and strengthen the area without overdoing it, but it's hard to figure out what is going to spring it into painful action. I'll just keep dealing with it.

     Well, that's all I have for you. Oh, with my final weight goal having been obliterated, I'm moving on to my new goal of body fat percentage. That will be 15% and when I get there I'll reevaluate everything from there. I did take a body fat percentage over the last few days, and I'm getting a 16.9% reading. If that holds up, then I only have 1.9% to go. I'm pretty sure that is a much bigger number than it looks, so I have my work cut out for me. Peace in and goodnight.

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