Tuesday, January 14, 2020

There's A Fast A Coming

     As a fan of baseball, I just want to get this out of the way. It came out recently that the Houston Astros cheated during their 2017 championship run. Today the team fired the manager and general manager. They were fined and suspended by MLB, but in my opinion that isn't enough. MLB need to set a strong precedent for this type of cheating and need to not only suspend those involve, but vacate the pennants that the Houston Astros won that season. I know the argument is, that you don't know they would have lost if not for the cheating. Well you also don't know that another team would have won had the playing field been fair. The only fair thing to do, is vacate those pennants and declare no Championship team for that season. There I got that off my chest, and now we can move on to less important things in life.

     Things are going along rather dull lately, which is kind of a good thing. I did force myself to have a recovery day yesterday. That is when I do absolutely nothing physical. Normally even on my rest days, I end up doing something. Cardio, light lifting, something. Yesterday I did nothing of an active fashion, and it was hard to do. I would get a little bored, and want to go grab the dumbbells and throw them around a bit, but as soon as I would stand up, I would remember that it's a recovery day, and no means no. Believe me, this is a good problem to have. When was the last time you had trouble just not working out? I'm guessing never. The biggest reason for this recovery day, is that my shoulder flared up again, and is once again slowing me down. This in turn gets me a little down, since I can't do what I want and need to do to make my body the way I want it to be. Best way to recover, is to actually not do anything to aggravate the recovery process, which means keep it at idle, which I did with great struggle yesterday. Oh, I'm back at it today though, and I'm specifically hitting my shoulders in my evening workout.

     I have my quarterly 72 hour fast coming up this weekend. I do have a couple of people doing it with me, which is going to make it kind of fun. If you remember, last time everyone that wanted to do it with me, chose to do it on other days than me, and didn't even bother to tell me how they did. I do hope that they succeeded, but I haven't heard word one about it. This time, I'm in close contact with the others that are joining me on this 72 hour journey and we are holding each other accountable. It's not easy to do, but nothing worth doing is ever easy. I have been prepping this week, by cutting out my ghost pepper chips. I've developed a wee bit of an addiction to those chips, and they aren't keto at all, so this week no chips allowed. I still have 4 bags left of them, and have managed not to buy any more of them. I will hold off until a few days after the 72 hour fast, to have some again. This fast should put me at my goal weight. I only have 3 pounds to lose, so it isn't beyond belief for me to hit it, and then be done with my weight goals.

     Once I hit that goal weight, I will transition to body fat percentage. The first BFP goal will be 15%. I'm not that far from that in number values, but dropping 3% of body fat, isn't an easy task. Once I hit that goal, I'll see how I feel about everything and decide if a new goal is in order. By the way, this way of reevaluating my goals as I reach each goals has taken me this far, and it has worked out much better than setting an "ultimate goal". This is more of a go with the flow approach, but it is non stressful and not full of time frames. I have only once put a time frame on a goal, and I failed in glorious fashion. When that happened, I went back to the go with the flow approach and have thrived as I did before. Yes, it is important to set goals, but don't let those goals be the bane of your existence. They will take you down if you let them.

      A quick garden update. I have a new pepper on a new plant, and I'm pretty thrilled with that. This is the Rainforest pepper plant, and you can barely see the little tail on the pepper sticking out, but it's there, and it's growing.

     There are other buds forming, so that won't be the lone pepper. The other plants are doing well, and I have 3 tomatoes growing on the Cherokee Purple right now. I also think I have some strawberries beginning to form, but I'm not complete sure of that. I'm going to be eating good soon.

     I got a glamour shot of the fish pepper with the phone. I played around with the portrait mode and put one of the filters on it, that takes out the background. I think it came out pretty neat, so here it is.

     Pretty cool right? I love the variegated leaves on it, they look so pretty.

     I forgot to tell you that I got my new outfit for the date. I went with black pants, they are kind of like black jeans, and a purple polo. I'll be wearing my purple Chucks to top it all off. I still don't have a day set, but I'm ready when she is. I thought about putting it all on, and getting a picture so you could judge me on whether it was good enough, but I decided that I didn't care, and I'm going with that look regardless of anyone's opinion, Yeah, I'm a rebel like that.

     I'm cutting this short, so I can start my evening shoulder workout. Oh, quickly, before I go. I did go see Spies in Disguise today with the moms. It was really fun and much better than I expected it to be. There were quite a few belly laughs in it, and I'm hoping they have sequels to it. Go give it a look see, if you are in the mood for a funny and fun movie. Ok, with that, I'm out of here. Peace in and goodnight.

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