Sunday, January 12, 2020

It's Alive

     I knew today was going to be rough, when I woke hour at a tim up at 11:30 and found my mom's door open. That means that she was constantly getting up during the night, and not sleeping well, which meant for a jam-packed confusing day for her. I got through it though. On days like today, it doesn't matter how upbeat or positive I am, it isn't' enough to jump over the hurdle of dementia. People, take care of yourselves so this doesn't' happen to you. The only thing currently going in my favor is, that I won't have anyone to be a burden too.

     The other thing that made things rough is that my family member that takes her once a week for lunch and what not, has been eliminating the what not. That gives me just over an hour of time for myself, and it really isn't enough time. If I keep my sanity at the end of all this, it will be a miracle, but I'm doing the best I can.

     There is also the problem with my cable an internet provider. For weeks I've been telling them that it is their lines going into the house that is the problem. One of their techs even said the same thing, and I believed that he had fixed the problem. The problem is intermittent services. The problem with it is, that when one thing goes out, they all go out. That is how I knew it wasn't the in house equipment. Today I called again, and got a support agent on the phone. They always go through the same speech. Today however, when he went to do the remote access of the modem, the cable went out, and he wasn't able to access it. Which finally confirmed what I've been saying. They are sending a tech out tomorrow to specifically work on the lines going into the house. All of this morning the cable was going in and out. Right now it's working, and I'm actually surprised. It was real bad, to the point that it would go out for an at a time. I really hope that they finally get this fixed. When it's working the service is outstanding, but when it's like this, it is frustration on top of frustration. Yeah, it was real difficult to stay upbeat and positive today, of all days.

     On to different subjects, and you already know that means the garden. Listen this is my life now, so you are going to hear about it. I went out to check on the plants in the early evening just after sun fall and found that something had eaten one of the tomatoes on my Cherry Red plant. This has happened twice before, but the tomatoes were always on the ground. This is what I saw

     I texted that picture to my buddy, and he said it was a bird, but I'm not so sure. I think it may have been a mouse, just based on the times that this has happened. This time it was in early evening, but the other times were during the night. That has me leaning to mice, and I did have that mouse problem in the past. I fixed that inside, but outside it a whole other story. Anyway, I quickly picked the nearly ripe tomatoes like the one it had eaten, and took them in the house to finish ripening. These tomatoes are so good, so I understand why the little demon would be snacking on them, but they need to stop. Those are my tomatoes.


      If you look closely, you will see peppers on there. That is the Bulgarian Carrot, and the Jemez Pueblo. They are both growing pretty fast, as far as I've seen peppers grow. The only thing I can compare it to thought, is my habanero, which stalled it's growth, and the Scotch Bonnets, which took some time to get to a mature size, and then even longer to ripen enough to eat. Oh I have pictures of Bonnets coming too, just hold on to your hats. I'm pretty excited about theses two peppers, cause they are different than everything I've been eating. They are more on the mild side of things, especially the Jemez. It's around Jalapeño level heat. I think the carrot is closer to 100 thousand though, so still packs quite a punch. The carrot will be bright orange when ripe, hence the name Bulgarian Carrot, and the Jemez Pueblo is a larger sized pepper at 4-5 inches long and is a brilliant deep and rich red. Oh, there will be pictures of those when they are ripe, I'm getting the Canon out for those shots.

     I did finish processing all the photos I took the other day, and I'll be releasing them slowly on the CS Photography Instagram page. It feels good to take picture again, even if it's still plant life. It is always fun to see the world through a lens. it always takes on new characteristics.

      Remember when I told you about the Marshmallow plant? Well there is the little sprout just breaking the top of the soil. That was yesterday, today it is fully up with it's seedling leaves spread and collecting light. It's already quadrupled in size, so it is a definite grower. I can't wait to see how it grows and taste true marshmallow.

     Ok, final picture of the night. It is the two Bonnets that I picked today. I tried to get fancy with some phone shots, and this is what I came up with.

     They are such beautiful peppers, and quite tasty too. I sliced up that one on the left and put it on my burger patties tonight. It retained most of it's heat, which is unusual when you cook with peppers. You generally half their intensity easily, if not more when you cook with them. I simply sliced these up and placed them on the nearly finished burger and then put some aged white cheddar over top of them. It was so good, and had a real nice heat to it. I really like these peppers. I had the top crown of the pepper with no place to go, so I just popped it in my mouth. It hit pretty good, and I instantly go the hurps. If you didn't watch my last video, then you have no idea what the hurps are, but they are a thing.

     Ok, I'm out and going to go stress eat. It's still going to be healthy. It will either be a Quest bar and a diet soda, or a nut and berry bowl and a diet soda. Either way, I'm eating my frustration tonight. Peace in and goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. bobby i had a monster worm/ caterpillar the the thing was the exact same color of my tomato plant i could not figure what was eating my tomatoes i finally found it was amazing how it blended in
