Sunday, June 17, 2018

I Hope This Feeling Doesn't End Anytime Soon

     I feel like I have been more productive these last few days, than I have in years. I woke up Friday morning, and began editing and uploading videos. I have the next couple of months worth of Remember When uploaded and scheduled to go every other week. I will get busy on creating new videos this week to fill in the spaces. I have seven chapters of The Patchwork Knight loaded up and scheduled for release on Medium. I rejoined Facebook (yeah, I did, I can't really believe it myself. I'll talk more about that in a moment.), and finally met with the brand manager that wants to help us out with the PR.

     Before we get to the Facebook thing, I need to tell you about Medium. I found out that when I monetized the first chapter, it kept it from being viewed by all readers. It was only available to members. I fixed that, and although it seems counterproductive for what I want it to do. I took the monetization off for the first three chapters. That way, you can read the first three chapters without being member. They are shiny and new, with all the corrections and even a few words changed or sentences rewritten to make better sense. The way Medium works is, if you like what you read, they have a feature called claps. You can click on it once for a single clap, or you can hold it down for multiple claps. Those claps are what more the piece forward for other people to see. It's kind of like liking a picture on Facebook or Instagram. The more likes they get, the more it is promoted as something people should see.

     Here is what I see on Medium, just so you know. It has a feature that you can pull up the stats for overall performance or performance for each story. It will tell you how many people viewed it, which means that is the number of people that actually clicked on the story. It will show you how many people read it, which is only an assumption based on time a person spent on the page. I have no idea how they record that data, but that is what they have. The last is Fans, and I have no idea what that means. I'm guessing that has something to do with the claps. They have all that for Stories, Responses, and Series. Those are all different ways you communicate or write on there. I'm just sticking with Stories for now. I tried to write a response on someones piece, and it said that I didn't write enough, so I deleted the whole thing. I clearly have no understanding of it yet.

     The second chapter of The Patchwork Knight goes up tomorrow morning, and all other chapters will go up on a Monday and Friday schedule. I'm not sure, but I think you will still be able to read some of them even when the monetized ones go up, but I think they limit you to a certain number unless you are a member. Membership is $5 a month, and like I mentioned before, only become a member if you want to read the finalized version of The Patchwork Knight. It will still be right here in the rough draft version fo everyone to see.

     I forgot to mention above that I wrote chapter 31 of The Patchwork Knight yesterday morning. I wrote in the morning, how crazy is that? It felt good. I had this feeling that that was the right time to write it, so that is what happened. I had an idea of what I was going to do with it, but once I started, like it so often does, it began to write itself. It really is amazing. I am really loving this freedom to work on the things that make me happy.

     I guess it's time to talk about Facebook now. While I was at that meeting with the brand manager that is helping us out with suggestions and what not, he asked why I wasn't on Facebook, and mentioned how good it was for promotion. I couldn't argue with him about that. It's true, I know the power of Facebook when it comes to promotion, and I was leaving that all to my partner, but I finally decided with being unemployed and needing to promote all these things that are going on, I needed to step back my pride and rejoin. I am only on there to promote, I"m not spending anytime looking at anything other than the story that is right there on my front page, and that is it. I post what I need to, and then I'm off. I had my buddy make me the Admin of the PR page, and I have done a few things to get that going in the right direction, so I will more than likely take over doing the posts on there, to make sure that they get posted. I even posted two pictures today of the pizzas we had Friday night. I'll share the pizza I had right here, although you probably already saw it if you follow the PR on Facebook or Instagram.

     Look at that, it looks amazing right? It was. They do something special with the dough and they way they cook it. Basically they cook the dough first, so that it is light and thin, and almost like a cracker. That is a bad analogy, but it's the only one I can think of. They then top it with arugula, prosciutto, shaved mozzarella (which they make themselves every morning), marinated grape tomatoes, and finally a drizzle of truffle oil. That pizza had such a unique flavor, that I truly wish everyone that is looking at that picture could taste it. One other thing about going to Zarrella's that night. Oh, that's where we went. I told you how they put our link on their Facebook page, and how it went crazy. As soon as I sat down, the owners ran up to me, to say hi, shake my hand and thank me for doing that video and blog for them. I thanked them right back. What they did helped us more than it probably helped them. I truly appreciated their appreciation of what we are trying to do with the PR. Anyway, back to that pizza. After we were done, and we were leaving. I started talking to one of the owners and how we were going to come back and that I wanted to feature that pizza above. I really think people need to know about that. He handed me his card and told me to text him when we were coming back, so that he could get everything ready to make it even better. It's a difficult pizza to make, and it uses a certain flour in the dough, that they didn't have there. They usually make it at their other location. They had no idea how it was going to come out, and they told me that they had to make it twice, because the first one overcooked. I might actually die if they can make that pizza taste better than they made it that night. So we are going to make plans to do a special edition where we go back to Zarrella's and feature two of their most difficult pizzas to make, and let you know what we think of them. Keep and eye out for it, although I will post here when it is going to be coming up.

     I guess I should finally post the video that went up this morning. I went to check it this morning to see how it came out, but other than that I haven't looked at it to see how it's doing. This is another episode for Remember When. I hope you enjoy it.

     These videos aren't elaborate, but I promise those are coming, and I'm still going to keep them under the 5 minute mark. Speaking of those videos coming. I'm going to be scouting sites for one video tomorrow. This is going to be a drone specific video, and if I can pull it off like I hope, it should elicit some emotion. I can see it all in my head, I just need to find a location that is close to what I see, so that I can work some magic.

     While I'm out there, I'm going to try and get some pictures that will relate to The Patchwork Knight. Stories with images tend to get more attention then just a written story, so if I can get pictures of forest like areas, lakes, and even something that could resemble a mountainside (where are you going to find a mountain side in Florida), I can get maybe a new viewer to check out my writing. I need to do everything I can to try and make this dream work, so picture hunting I will go. There is the  added bonus that I get to walk through beautiful surroundings in sunny Florida. I think I will just have to suffer and do that work. Did I mention that I love this freedom of doing things that I really want to do?

     I did take most of the day off, to just sit back and collect my thoughts and plan things out. I will do that picture hunting and location scouting in the morning, and then I will get back to editing and scheduling new chapters of The Patchwork Knight on Medium. I really do plan to have everything up to where I am on here posted there by the end of the week. I have a lot of work ahead of me, but this is work that I want to do, instead of have to do. Plus, I get to go back and read my own story, and I have to say, it's not too bad. I rarely go back and read what I've written, so this is an odd experience for me. Remember the next chapter goes up tomorrow (Monday) morning. It's scheduled to release at 6am New York time. I post that link to my profile on there again right here The Patchwork Knight. I think this one has a picture with it. I can't remember if it's this chapter of the next one, but I did have a picture that kind of relates to it.

     I think I've written enough for you to read tonight, considering that you will have the second chapter of The Patchwork Knight tomorrow if you so choose. Peace in and goodnight.

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