Thursday, June 21, 2018

Took A Day Off

     I kind of took the day off today.  I've been working non stop on videos, writing, editing, and proofreading, since last Wednesday. A thought occurred to me, late yesterday, and it was how is all this proofreading and editing going to affect me when I write the next chapter of The Patchwork Knight. The honest answer is, I don't know. Because I've been going through all these chapters, my head is at the last one I read as opposed to the last one I had written. This could be bad, but it could give me a new perspective on it. I really don't know. I do have more than have of the chapters moved over to Medium. The next chapter is going to go live a little before the email for this goes out.

     That will be chapter 3 and the final free chapter, although I'm not completely sure of that. Although you will have to be a member of Medium to read all of them (that much I am sure of), I don't think they will keep all of them from public view. I think they allow you to read limited amount of monetized stories. I just don't know how many.

     Ok, I just looked it up, and non members have a limit of how many stories they can read a month, so conceivably, you can read the whole thing on there, but it will take time and patience. Since I'm doing two chapters a week, that would be an average of around 8 a month. If Medium only lets non members read say 5 stories a month, it will take you some time to get through the whole thing in it's polished version. So what I'm saying is, it is possible to read the entire thing without being a member. Got it? Good.

     Tomorrow I start back to work on all these projects. I still think I may take a little break from the proofreading so that my head is clear to write either tomorrow or Saturday. Instead I'm going to get started on something I should have done a while ago, and that is create the logo for the PR. I have a rough sketch that is very crude and simple, but sometimes simple works, and I think this will if I can pull off the idea I have. When I have it completed, I'll post it here. I will have to get the all clear from my partner before I will use it officially on the PR, but I think he will be all in if I can pull this off.

     The reason I keep saying "pull this off" is because it is going to take every ounce of talent I have in art and then some to do what I want to do. It will look simple in concept, but there is one very difficult feature to what I want to do, and it's going to be in an arena that I'm not very good at, and that is color.. I'm ok at black and white drawings, but black and white won't work for this. I need color, and I need to get realistic color. This is going to take me quite a bit of time. I can do the majority of it rather fast, but that realistic color part, is going to probably take days if I can even get close. Yes, I could go a simple route and just go for something flat and 2 dimensional, but I don't think that will pop as much as what I want to do. I know this all sounds vague and it is, but trust me, I need to keep some secrets, so that when I finally unveil it, it will have some kind of impact. Either it will be, "Oh that's nice that he tried, but he failed miserably." or,"Wow, I can't believe he did that." I'm hoping for the latter rather than the former, but I'll just have to take which ever it is.

      That is what I will be doing tomorrow, and maybe possibly writing the next chapter for The Patchwork Knight. That will depend on how much I get done with the logo though. I'm trying to leave Saturday somewhat open, because my plans may have to change somewhat. I have to do a tasting for the PR, but after that, I want to have that time open to help a friend if it is needed. I still haven't had any confirmation on that, so I'm pretty sure I'm going to be writing tomorrow night, and then posting on Saturday morning.

     On a slightly different subject, I do have a video going live on Sunday morning. I posted two different pictures to Instagram and on Facebook to give everyone an idea of what it will be about, and my hint must have been too good, because just about everyone figured it out. I'll put the best picture here without a hint and you can see if you can figure out where I was.

     Not a bad looking burger right? Anyway, the vide is all about that burger, so if you don't guess, you will find out on Sunday.

     I have one last thing to talk about. I forgot to mention this on Tuesday, but I noticed that my GoPro was having a problem with the view screen. It's going bad, and getting a weird tint on it. Everything looks like it is going through some weird filter that turns everything green and pink. Although I really didn't want to do it, I ordered a new GoPro Hero 5. The good news is, that if I was going to buy it at anytime, now is the time. I was planning on buying another one eventually, so that we would have A and B cameras for the PR, but this screed issue pushed me forward a little. GoPro had them on sale for $50 off and they were throwing in a 32 GB memory card and a gift bag for free. Those two things are about a $50 value in themselves, so I'm really getting a great deal. The new camera should be here tomorrow, and I can use it for the Saturday tasting. I doubt anyone will know that we will have 3 cameras going, but that is the whole idea. Have it, but don't make it look like you have it. The new camera will be the B camera and full time backup until my original one goes belly up. That way we won't lose any production from loss of equipment. What was it PT Barnum always said? "The show must go on." This way it will.

     I'm going to leave you with this final thing. This weekend find a way to make the world directly around you a better place. It doesn't have to be anything big, but maybe open a door for someone or buy a random person a cup of coffee. Your own mind is the only limitation on you for what you think you can do to make it so. Peace in and goodnight.

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