Sunday, June 3, 2018

Morty At The End

    Work completely wore me out this weekend. So much so, that I really didn't do anything except rest. I did get in the PR which I mentioned last night, when I posted about not being able to do The Patchwork Knight. I took a nap after writing that, and was able to muster up the energy to get the latest video for the PR done. Sorry, I can't show it to you, because it isn't scheduled to be released until the 14th. I do have the video I did last Monday though. It went live this morning, and I have yet to check on whether or not anyone watched it yet, so I'l find out when I go get it to post it here. Here we go.

       Looks like no one has watched it yet, so you will be the first. It's another one in the Remember When Series. I promise the next video will be something different. I had hoped to have the energy to get out and ride and get something done this weekend, but as I said yesterday, I was obliterated. I will get out during the week and put something together for next Sunday. I don't have any plans for this weekend yet, so I may be able to get a little ahead, and put a couple of videos together for the next couple of weeks release. I did find some music yesterday when looking stuff up for the PR, that inspired a vision.

     That is how a lot of these videos start. I hear a piece of music and I begin to see the scenes that should accompany it, then it's all up to me to try and get those scenes from my head into a camera and then on the computer to edit. This is another one of those videos that's going to take some work, and finding the right location. I have confidence that I will find it, and get the scenes I need, and then I will show them to you right here.

     I go back to work tomorrow, and I'm not looking forward to it. It's going to be more of the same, and it will last for several weeks if not months, so I will have no time for my own break, and will be running around trying to keep up with other peoples breaks.

     Enough about work though, I forgot about something I ordered for the PR. There is going to be a change coming to the PR, and that is my clothing. I have been wearing the same shirt for each video, because it's the only shirt I have that's pizza related. Well, I ordered two new tank tops that are pizza related, and I can't wait to get them on camera. Why did I choose tank tops? For a couple of reasons. Summer is coming and it's going to be hot, so what better than a tank top to keep those temperatures moderate. The second reason is, that I can't hide in a tank top, and it's time to get busy and lose some weight.

     Over the past 4 or 5 months or so, I put back on a lot of the weight I lost last year. Not all of it, but enough that I'm not happy, so changes are coming in that area as well. I need to get it together, and if I'm wearing tank tops, I will have to get in better shape to be camera ready. These are pretty fun tank tops too. When they come in, I'll take some pictures of them so that you can see them here. I think they will be here on Tuesday, but it may take as long as Wednesday, so I may not get to post anything until the Thursday night post.

     I started watching the new season of Kimmy Schmidt, and I also finished watching the new season of Kimmy Schmidt. It was only 6 episodes, so I was a little bummed that it was over so fast. I'm hoping that they are splitting it up, so that there will have more episodes in a few months or so. they definitely left it wide open for more episodes, so I don't think this is it. Since that was over so fast, I did get to start the new season of Trollhunters as well, and it is great. I only watched two episodes last night. I think they shortened this season as well, and that there are only 8 episodes if I remember right. It's not like there are a whole bunch of other things in my queue, but I want more Trollhunters than just 8 episodes.

     I also watched the last episode of the new David Letterman show, that featured Howard Stern. it was fantastic, and fun. Those two are always great together, and you tend to wonder who is interviewing who. I learned a few things about Howard that he somehow managed to not talk about on his show, which is saying something, because he talks about everything that happens in his life on his radio show. He explains the mindset he had for many years when he was on the radio, and it tells a lot about him and where he was and where he has come. If you are looking for something interesting to watch, give that show a try. Dave did a really good job with all the interviews he did during the course of the 6 episodes that he had.

     I don't have much else for you, so I'll say my goodbyes with a picture of Morty, that I took in the yard yesterday. Peace in and goodnight.

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