Thursday, June 28, 2018

The Victims Of Maryland.

 Rob Hiaasen

Gerald Fischman

Wendi Winters

Rebecca Smith

John McNamara

     If you don't already know, those are the names of the fallen from today's mass shooting. As always, I find the names of those that fell to this violence and ignore the name of the vile that did the act. Their name does not deserve to be remembered, or spoken. Those names above are the names to remember. It's still early, but look up their stories, they have them and they deserve to be heard. 

     I've already seen the typical response of "thoughts and prayers" by politicians, who will say that for a few more days and then forget about these deaths as they have all the others. Just remember that the midterm election is coming up in a few months. If your representatives don't match your ideals, find someone that does. Don't vote for a letter, vote for a person. Do your research and learn what each candidate is about. Find out if they think like you or close to you. If you have a candidate that has more things differing from you then don't vote for them. Find that person that does. 

     We are becoming more and more separated by a letter as opposed to actual thought and dialogue. Those latter two don't exist anymore. You see a letter and you hate that letter. Listen to the content of a persons thoughts, then you will know the true person. If you take the time to listen you might learn something about someone. The person you think you hate, might think more like you than you know. Listen to what people have to say. If they really are terrible people, they will show you with formulated thoughts. It never fails. The old adage of give someone just enough rope to hang themselves will come true if you let it. 

     I had every intention of writing a fun little post tonight, sharing videos that went up on the CS yesterday, and the PR today, but then the shooting happened. I'm tired of having to find and write these names of victims from mass shootings, but until they somehow miraculously stop, I will keep doing it.

     I'm going to leave you with this. There has been a lot of talk about civility to one side or the other. Fine, be civil, but don't forget to question. People are calling the media the enemy of the country. The first amendment of the constitution protects the media as it does everyone. You should question what you hear from any source, but to deny it without question is not only irresponsible but reprehensible. To believe everything a member of government tells you is the same. Always question, so that you can find the true answers. Don't just follow, be involved. Questions lead to answers, and answers lead to changes. If you are uninformed you will simply be put in your place, and follow. This country was founded on the principles of question authority. That was the whole reason the first colonists left their countries of origin. There was dictators and monarchies that didn't allow the people to think for themselves. If you just follow and agree despite knowing something is wrong, that is what it will become again. Vote this fall for the person that best represents you and your thoughts. Peace in and goodnight.

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