Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Janis Joplin Reincarnate?

     Where to begin. This is usually what I say when I have no idea how to start things. Guess what? I have no idea how to start this. Mostly because I don't really have too much to talk about. Well, there is that dinner with an old friend thing, but I was hoping to save that as a kind of crescendo to the post.

     Oh, I know, I can tell you how I haven't filmed the new Remember When segment. Well, that isn't really news, but I do have an idea. I'm going to go around a film a few of them the next time I go out. That way, I can  put them each together and sprinkle them throughout the next few weeks for publishing. I have about 4 or 5 places that I have an idea of what I want to say and do for them. They are all pretty close by, so I could film all of them in an evening or morning. Put them together and set up their release dates. I should be able to get it done Saturday morning.

     It's been kind of a slow week. I don't have to do another PR until the 23rd, so it's been a long break between them. The latest video will go live on Thursday evening, with the blog post going live the next morning. It's a little weird having all this time between them. I finished that video two weeks ago, and I won't write the blog post until Thursday evening after the video goes live. I have my notes, and I remember well everything about the place we went, so I should have no trouble getting the write up done. Still, its just weird having all this time and not being rushed to get it done. I haven't decided if I like it or not. Maybe I work better under pressure. Let me know what you think when you see it all.

     Alright, let's get to what you've been waiting for. I met an old friend for dinner tonight. We decided that we probably hadn't seen each other for 8 years, but I kept thinking it was more. I'm not always good with timelines. This person is one of the three women that saved my live nearly 10 years ago now. She is someone who never needs to fear asking me for anything. She asks, I do. That goes for all of them, and I think they know it.

     I met her at my favorite place to eat, and they now have a new customer. It wasn't just that it is my favorite place and that is why we should go there, she actually had heard about it and wanted to give it a try. She loved it. We caught up, had a great meal, laughed, and reminisced. We both agreed that it had been far too long since we saw each other, but know that life has a way of getting in the way sometimes. She brought something up that I had heard before. It was her astonishment about how we just picked up where we had left off. I heard that when I visited one of the other three, after not seeing her for about 8 years. That is the thing with people that are really good friends. There isn't anything that gets in the way of just a good conversation. It just comes natural, and that's what tonight was.

     There are people that you hope will always be in your life, but then things change, and people slowly drift away, but sometimes, those people find their way back into your life. The three are some of those people. Even if I didn't have my time where I nearly ended my life, I believe that they would always find a way to drift back into my life, and I couldn't be happier about that. There are a few more that fit into that category, and I always greet them with open arms and a good conversation. I lost sight of that recently, that there are people that are going to be in my life. They may not be there now, but they will pop up again. I guess I've always had friends that were sort of transient. I don't ask for anything from anyone, so I shouldn't expect them to always just be there. I am thankful for all of them, and I hope they know who they are.

     Enough of the mushy stuff, it's time for Favorite Song of the Week. I had this big plan for FSOTW, but that got turned on it's heals when I watched America's Got Talent. I will save the song I had for this week for next week, and it's a good one. Anyway, back to AGT. This was the final act of the night, and it's a young girl, who I think is from Ireland, but the accent is just a little different, so it could be somewhere else in the UK. None of that matters though. I just watched the video, and it had what I was hoping it had. They don't put the little vignette in the videos they post on YouTube, so you won't get all that background stuff, but the important thing to see, is just how nervous she is going on stage. She said in the little video package, that her biggest fear was that she was going to get a red buzzer from one of the judges. That is all I'm going to say, until you've had a chance to watch the video. Here is Courtney Hadwin with her version of "Hard to Handle".

     Now that you've had a chance to see the video, you know that she was the golden buzzer winner. Here is the thing. I had a feeling she was going to be good. What I didn't know, was that she was going to explode into that personalty when she began singing. The music turned her into an entire different person. She was no longer a little girl that was shy and reserved, she was a 1970's Goliath of  rock. She sang in a way that you wouldn't expect from a 13 year old, not today. Her stage presence could have competed with Mick Jagger. She controlled it, and the entire auditorium. There was no one else in that room but her while she was singing. It was a marvel to see. This golden buzzer was well earned, and I for one can't wait to see what she does next. Since she is the golden buzzer, I will have to wait until they begin doing the live shows. Here is the other reason I am happy she got the pass through to the live shows. I don't know if she could have handled going through the audition elimination process. She might have got massive stage fright. I'm hoping she does some Rolling Stones, because I instantly thought of Mick Jagger when I saw her dancing around, but I think because of Howie's little story about Janis Joplin and Clive Davis, she will most likely do a Janis Joplin song, and there really couldn't be a better person to pull it off properly.

     I'm going to keep my eye on her, because she is something special. This is how I felt about Grace Vanderwaal, and she went on to win the whole thing. I think this young lady has that same potential.

     Looks like I had more to talk about than I thought I did, but I am not at an end. Peace in and goodnight.

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